
Chapter 701 Crazy Escape!


The life-chasing little saint didn't even have time to react, and the whole person flew upside down, destroying [-]% to [-]% of the chances of laws around him. If he didn't have a holy defensive fairy weapon on him, I'm afraid this blow would be enough to make him Drink a jug.

If so, the Little Saint Immortal Chasing Life kept retreating in the void. Wherever he passed, the void was broken inch by inch, like a long river of ice that was forcibly broken open.

"Damn it!"

The wild little saint was stunned, as if he was in a daze, and watched all this happen stupidly. After a while, he finally regained his senses and wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, I didn't force Han Yi to go crazy, otherwise The end is the same as chasing the little saint.


The life-chasing little saint froze with an ugly expression, and said with a cold snort, "Barbarian Han Yi, I have seen the video of your battle, and I know you are very strong, but I didn't expect you to be so strong. You are the second Xuanxian worthy of my all-out attack! Even if you die, it should be worth showing off!"


Luo Tian walked slowly from the void coldly, some kind of two black vortexes were like the two brightest obsidian, exuding a charming brilliance, "Showing off when you are dead, it seems that you still haven't had enough fun, It is necessary for me to beat you into a pig's head, and to be a mandarin duck with the same fate as that wild little saint!"

"I'm mad at me too!"

The three corpse gods with the fairy spirit of Chasing Little Saint jumped violently, and a phantom with twelve pairs of wings flew out from between the eyebrows of the whole person. As soon as this phantom flew out, it directly merged into the body of Little Chasing Saint. Inside the fairy's body, his entire body was immediately shrouded in a layer of clear milky white light.

"Yo, this life-chasing little saint has finally started to work hard." The wild little saint smiled, "But I still hope that Han Yi will beat him into a pig's head and be my companion. Let's see what he says when the time comes !"

Every unlucky fellow's only consolation is to hope that others are as unlucky as himself.


The life-chasing little saint flew past in the void, more than twice as fast as before.

"Thousand Army Seal!"

The wings of Zhitian behind Luotian flapped frantically, the spiritual meridian stored in the world inside his body ignited crazily, and he typed out thousands of magic formulas with his hands in an instant, so dazzled that the wild little saint couldn't see the slightest clue.

"Damn it!"

The most depressing thing at this time was the Little Saint Immortal Chaser. This guy finally inspired a powerful remnant soul sealed in his body, but he discovered that Luo Tian, ​​a shameless guy, had actually played Dao Fahai tactics!

Dao Fa Hai tactics, just sound good, but in fact, some strong people with bad backgrounds really can't get higher-level magic formulas and secret techniques, so they can only rely on quantitative Taoism to attack opponents, and use Taoism alive There is no way to bombard the opponent.

For a time, the entire sky was filled with thousands of square seals. These seals absorbed the laws of heaven and earth in the nearby thousands of miles of void almost instantly like a whale sucking water, leaving almost no half of them. .

The speed that the life-chasing little saint was so proud of was really restrained in front of Luo Tian, ​​almost exploding his lungs!

"Han Yi! If you're a man, fight me close! Come on!"

"Fulfill your wishes!"

Luo Tian responded lightly, and then Zhitian's wings moved, and his whole body turned into several afterimages in the void.

"It's not an afterimage! It seems to be the same as the main body's attack!"

The wild little saint became more and more shocked, turned his head and started to run, "No, if you don't run, I'm afraid that you will be the one who will suffer in a while. Chasing the little saint, you can ask for blessings!"

clap clap clap!

The next moment, those large square seals in the void exploded one by one, turning into swirls, hanging in the void in various colors, which is really beautiful.

At the same time, it also blocks the sight of any prying eyes.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian groaned in pain, feeling bleeding in his heart, spiritual veins, my spiritual veins are exhausted too fast!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Luo Tian turned into a ray of purple light and landed in front of the Little Saint Immortal Zhuiming, and he grabbed it with his hand.

"Crack the sky!"

A huge blood-colored palm print appeared from the void, directly grasped the little life-chasing fairy, and rubbed it fiercely, making heart-palpitating clicking sounds.

"It's impossible to beat me in close quarters!"


The Little Saint Immortal Chasing Life appeared from another void, holding tightly in his hands a short stick with countless milky white halos wrapped around it, and finally spurted out a mouthful of blood, and those halos immediately turned into countless milky white Thunder and lightning spread throughout the void.

"Tianyuan Holy Light!"

The life-chasing little saint roared frantically.

"Break it for me!"

Luo Tian also yelled, and instead of retreating, he went straight up to the sky, waving his hands as fast as electricity.

Every time Luo Tian swung it, a large gray-black square seal appeared in the air. These large square seals were quickly connected together to form a deep gray-black net, which went up directly from below.

Boom boom boom!

It was as if the sky was falling apart, and the entire void was bursting with deafening explosions.


The life-chasing little saint spit out another mouthful of blood, and then turned around and ran away without stopping.

"Damn! This barbarian Han Yi is really too powerful, and I am not even an opponent!"

It's not easy for Luo Tian to meet a real Da Luo Jinxian late stage powerhouse. Every time he uses [-] times the combat power, Luo Tian's body will be damaged to a certain extent. A lose-lose situation.

"The waiting is now!"

Soon, Luo Tian communicated with the spiritual veins in the inner world, and began to replenish the immortal energy in his body.Then Zhitian couldn't help flapping his wings, and chased in the direction where the chasing little saint was escaping.

"Damn it!"

The wild little saint who had been running away for a while was full of tears, because he found that he hadn't run out for a long time, and the life-chasing little saint chased him up from behind with a bruised nose and a swollen face, "Isn't this bastard going Chasing and killing Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu and him have no grievances in the past and have no hatred in the present..."

"You little savage saint, you run really fast! It's a pity that you're still not as fast as me! You're useless!" the little sage chasing life yelled with a grin on his face.

"Damn it, you're not trash, why are you running away?" The wild little saint retorted, "Aren't you going to kill that Han Yi? I'm naturally happy to see you stomp him under your feet!"

"Step on your mother, step on it!"

Little Saint Immortal Chasing Ming had a wry smile on his face, "Then Han Yi is simply not human! Absolutely not human, there is no reason and no humanity!"

"Damn it!"

As soon as the words were finished, the two felt the aura of Luo Tian chasing behind them.

"Run away!"

"Don't go in the same direction as me, okay?"

"I'm going to the Lost Light Pagoda, who is with you?"

"I'm going there too!"


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