
Chapter 714

Om Mani Padme Hum!

Just as Luo Tian turned into a shooting star and flew towards the nearest Buddhist pillars, a strange sound came out from the six Buddhist pillars among the sixteen Buddhist pillars. The six Buddhist pillars then spun continuously, flying in the air, and finally formed a light curtain, and a hazy grand portal appeared faintly in the light curtain.

"The door of all beings! The channel of reincarnation!"

In the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space, the Immortal Bandit sat cross-legged in the air, his eyes suddenly opened, and two rays of light directly pierced through the void, and saw the unknown distance directly.

The Gate of All Beings is the highest state that the entire Buddhist sect has been pursuing since its establishment. Among them, those who are eligible to enter it are those earth-shattering Buddha powers of the Buddhist sect, and they are all superpowers among the three pure lands of the Buddhist sect.And the three pure lands are each in charge of the three major passages. The Tathagata Pure Land is in charge of the reincarnation passage and the six reincarnations of the creatures under the Buddhist sect, which can be described as a high position.

"It's not easy." The bandit fairy sighed slowly, "The gate of all beings is a microcosm, the gate of all beings, the gate of all beings, those bald people think beautifully, and they want to use the gate of all beings to escape countless epochs. I still haven't given up on the ridiculous idea of ​​seeking immortality, it's really ridiculous, ridiculous! But the reincarnation channel doesn't look like a fake, I'll wait for my deity to calculate it, so as not to lead to the three-day Arhat who doesn't know where he is hiding to come back again. born!"

Immediately, the Bandit Immortal blocked the entire Fourth Heaven Territory, and began to calculate with all his strength. It seemed that he had come to an astonishing conclusion from the clues in front of him.

"Your grandma's!"

At this moment, Luo Tian struggled to communicate with the fourth heaven domain of the Black Lotus Space, but the Robber Xianjun didn't respond at all, which made him curse in his heart. This old guy always pushes himself into the fire pit every time. Let me solve everything by myself, this old guy is born to be a villain!

Fortunately, Luo Tian is now in the body of a cancer, so what he did just attracted the glaring glances of those creatures. If the human race showed itself, he might be thrown directly at him by these extremely devout creatures.

Luo Tian is a fierce man, he can even defeat the Little Saint Immortal, and even, after paying a certain price, he can kill the Little Saint Immortal.However, the creatures here seem to be densely packed with hundreds of thousands or millions of them, and all of them are powerful Xuanxians. , I am afraid that he will be consumed alive!

"With such power, even if the Taiyi Golden Immortal came in person, he would not be able to please him. If you want to retreat completely, you must at least be a Holy Immortal!"

Luo Tian thought to himself, at this time, he has not noticed the changes in the six central Buddhist pillars among the sixteen Buddhist pillars, but is just thinking about his current situation, "But how should this Buddhist pillar forcibly refine the robber fairy?" You didn't say anything, what should I do?"

"Damn, don't worry about it, go and absorb the power of this Buddhist vow first, and then you can't return empty-handed!"

After thinking about it, Luo Tian appeared in front of the first Buddha pillar forcefully, opened his mouth and sucked it, a huge suction force was born out of thin air, like a long whale sucking water, he directly sucked the Buddhist vow power emanating from the Buddha pillar into his body.

As soon as the Buddhist wish power entered Luotian's inner world, it immediately rushed around, as if it was extremely difficult to adapt to the sky-swallowing law of Luotian's inner world.

"Make it for me!"

With a low growl in Luo Tian's heart, the Heaven Swallowing Law of the world within his body took effect immediately, immobilizing those Buddhist vows out of thin air, and then began to gradually separate and refine them.Even he didn't expect that the power of this Buddhist vow would be so difficult to subdue.

"Those creatures were so brainwashed."

Soon, Luo Tian noticed that those Buddhist vows seemed to be able to integrate into Luo Tian's internal world through the shackles of the law of swallowing the sky, changing the essence of Luo Tian's primordial spirit and immortal power. The law of heaven devours everything and refines everything, and those fish that slipped through the net were finally devoured and refined by Luo Tian's law of swallowing heaven, and replenished into the inner world.

Now Luo Tian's internal body world has expanded to tens of thousands of miles, and has become a small world of its own. Only when Luo Tian breaks through to the Da Luo Jinxian industry status can he further improve the internal body world.

Obviously, compared to those creatures who have fully converted to Buddhism, Luo Tian, ​​an outsider, absorbs the power of the Buddhist vows at a much slower speed.This made Luo Tian feel a little helpless, and he didn't dare to rashly use thirty times his combat power. If something happened, it would be even more useless.

"With this speed, I'm afraid it will last 10 years. You can barely absorb the Buddhist vows on this Buddhist pillar, which is not bad."

Not long after, the voice of the Robber Xianjun rang out from Luo Tian's mind again.


Luo Tian exclaimed with joy, he had never been so looking forward to the appearance of the "sound of nature" of the Bandit Immortal Monarch.

"Don't shout so excitedly." The robber fairy said lightly, "Do you want to forcibly refine these sixteen Buddhist pillars?"

Luo Tian rolled his eyes and said, "At this point, do I have any other options? If I don't want to refine these sixteen Buddhist pillars, I'm a fool!"

"Well, then you can act recklessly!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. This deity is saying that you can use the secret method that increases your combat power by dozens of times. Also, you can also use time acceleration. This deity will strongly assist you."

"Here, there won't be any problems in the middle, right?"

The Robber Xianjun asked angrily, "What do you mean, kid?"

"I don't mean anything, I'm just afraid of being fooled by your old man again." Luo Tian became ruthless, and simply opened the skylight to speak frankly.

"Get out! Do you think the deity is such a person with no integrity? Huh?"

"It's always been..." Luo Tian whispered.

"Hurry up and collect these ten Buddha pillars quickly for me!!!" The Robber Immortal roared wildly, the voice was so loud that the shaking Luo Tian's inner world trembled crazily, and he seemed a little angry.

"Isn't it sixteen?" Luo Tian whispered again.

"Listen to me! Take ten first!" The Robber Immortal roared.

"Oh, I see, don't be so angry, senior..."

"Not yet!!!"

"Let's go now, let's go now..." Luo Tian laughed dryly before suddenly taking a deep breath, communicating with the spiritual veins of the world in his body with all his strength, displaying thirty times the combat power.


What made Luo Tian's complexion slightly changed was that just after he unleashed [-] times his combat power, the Buddhist pillars in front of him sent out lightning bolts of Buddha's radiance, which kept striking down on Luo Tian.

"The group of bald heads in the Fozong really kept their backs!"

Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, the mirror of life and death appeared directly in the Tianling Gai, once the mirror of life and death appeared, a red and white light curtain spread out, which could withstand the offensive of those Buddha light god thunders.

"Get out of the way!"

Luo Tian sacrificed the Jinghong Saber, transformed into Yuanli, grabbed the Jinghong Dao with his big hand, and drew several shocking sword lights, sweeping towards the Buddha Light and Divine Thunder.

"This kid's personality is indeed related to the gate of sentient beings and the channel of reincarnation! There is nothing wrong with this deity's guess!"

In the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space, the Bandit Immortal said to himself expressionlessly.

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