
Chapter 717

"That's natural!"

The bandit fairy laughed proudly, "These bald men from the Buddhist sect have calculated everything, but you accidentally found half of the source of the passage of reincarnation. Your boy refined these sixteen Buddhist pillars. Naturally, you will be able to master the small reincarnation channel of the Buddhist sect, and at that time, all the strong below the golden immortal will be able to be reincarnated several times under your protection, and you yourself will have unlimited future possibilities!"

"Protect?" Luo Tian smiled wryly, and said, "Don't make fun of me, old man. With my current strength, I'm still barely qualified to protect myself, and protect others? It's almost as good as fooling others."

"Rotten wood can't be carved, and mud can't support the wall!" The Robber Immortal began to growl, "Controlling the small reincarnation is much better than you successfully practicing the supreme secret method of the Buddha School. Why do you always chase after the end?"

"Senior, I don't think so. I'm afraid of falling into the schemes of those bald heads. Otherwise, you old man will just accept this reincarnation channel. I have absolutely no dissatisfaction, really!"

"Are you a stupid pig?" The Robber Immortal directly made Luo Tian amused, "I am an Immortal, and I have already reached the state of mastering the absolute law. Except for my own original law, all other laws will be mastered by this deity." Unable to practice!"

Luo Tian gave a light oh, looked noncommittally at the Buddhist pillar in front of him, and fell silent.

"If you don't make a move yet, when will you wait!" The Robber Immortal roared again.

"Let's take the shot now, don't rush!" Luo Tian replied with a dry smile, and then helplessly absorbed the Buddha pillar in front of him into the inner world, and then the free swallowing law in the inner world immediately surged out When it came out, it turned into countless chains, tightly entwining the Buddha pillar.

"Next Buddhist pillar, go faster!"



Next, with the assistance of the Bandit Immortal Monarch, Luo Tian was like a fish in water. It didn't take long to collect the other nine Buddha pillars with ease.At this time, Luo Tian finally saw the last six Buddhist pillars floating quietly in the void in front of him.

"Isn't this too cruel? I quit, okay?"

Luo Tian stared at the grand portal transformed by the six Buddhist pillars in the void in front of him with some distress, feeling the aura revealed in it, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Are you trying to kill me, kid? Why did I take a fancy to you as a close disciple, shame on you!" The Robber Immortal began to roar, looking like he was eating people.

"Why don't you drive me out of the teacher's door..." Luo Tian's protective light began to tremble unceasingly, and even part of the protective light was still sucked into the grand portal composed of six Buddhist pillars, and strangled into nothingness.

Too dangerous!It is too dangerous!

Luo Tian couldn't stop howling in his heart, his intestines were turning green with regret, why was he so fooled by lard back then that he agreed to the bandit Xianjun, a cheap master?

"You, you are going to piss me off!" Robber Xianjun said in a gloomy tone, his words were extremely calm, like a pool of stagnant water.

"I'll go, I'll go now!" Luo Tian quickly expressed his thoughts, "I'm afraid I'm no match for the reincarnation channel formed by the last six Buddhist pillars. What should you do, old man?"

"The deity naturally has a way to hold it back, you just need to enter it to refine the core of the reincarnation passage - the Hundred World Stone, and that's it."


"Then hurry up and get out!"


Luo Tian swiftly used a drop of the power of the Immortal Monarch, then stretched his body to the limit, and finally displayed [-] times the combat power, and finally rushed to the grand portal - the channel of reincarnation.

"Everything in the world has a way to destroy it, let me loose it!"

Robber Xianjun stretched out his real palm again, but this time his entire arm was stretched out almost [-]% to [-]% before stopping, and then five fingers popped out one after another in the void, as dexterous and moving as a lute, which contains The incomparably mysterious trajectory of the law is hard to see through.

An inexplicable law of heaven and earth suddenly formed from mid-air, and then lightly enveloped the grand portal of the reincarnation passage, and finally the grand portal outside the reincarnation passage suddenly spread apart, revealing mottled potholes.

call out!

Luo Tian turned into a streamer in an instant, and flew into the grand portal in less than half a breath.

"Whether it's life or death, dragon or worm, it all depends on what happened."

The Robber Immortal sighed lightly, then slowly retracted his arm into the void, and disappeared.

Soon, a year passed.

Three years have passed.

Five years have passed.

Finally, at the beginning of the tenth year, the grand portal transformed from the channel of reincarnation trembled slightly, and then quickly returned to calm.

Finally, in the No. 16 years since Luotian entered the channel of reincarnation, the grand portal trembled and shook, like a mountain shaking and the ground shaking, the entire void was directly crushed by this grand portal and shattered for hundreds of miles Going out, the devout creatures around were crushed into fly ash, and most of the rest fled in fright.

No matter how pious you are, you will be afraid of death.

Who in the world can not die?Who can guarantee that they can survive the changing era again and again?

If you want to live forever, I am afraid that only the Immortal King has some qualifications.

Bang bang bang bang!


The six Buddhist pillars that formed the grand portal of the reincarnation channel fell apart at once, and were blown away one after another.

"Damn! I finally came out alive!"

A white light and shadow fell out of the void in embarrassment, and before he could breathe for a moment, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky, "Control the small reincarnation! Condensate into a channel!"

In the next moment, ten Buddhist pillars flew out of Luo Tian's body, suspended in mid-air.The six stunned Buddhist pillars also flew back from afar in an extremely obedient manner, and were directly connected to the ten Buddhist pillars.

The sixteen Buddhist pillars merged into one place in an instant, and driven by Luo Tian, ​​they actually condensed into a grand portal that was even bigger than before. Nine cold beams of light appeared faintly in the portal, entangled endlessly.

"Finally condensed into a small channel of reincarnation, and finally lived up to my painstaking efforts!" The voice of the bandit fairy came out of Luo Tian's mind.

"... "

Luo Tian rolled his eyes speechlessly. The old guy really knows how to speak cheaply, but he said it lightly. It took me and the ferocious Baishishi 16 years to subdue that guy. said.Most importantly, [-]% of the spirit veins in Lao Tzu's body have been exhausted!

At this moment, Luo Tian was not half-joyed that he had cultivated the supreme secret method of the Buddha sect to control the small reincarnation, but he was almost crying.That's the spiritual pulse that I saved for more than 400 years by saving money on food and expenses!

"What are you afraid of? With this small channel of reincarnation, it is not easy to earn spiritual veins. Now you, those little saints are probably not your three-in-one enemy. Even if you have a holy artifact, you won't survive it." Tea time, you can go and rob!"

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