
Chapter 722

"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous!"

The group of golden fairies immediately burst into laughter, laughing so hard that they were about to burst into tears.

"Little Xuanxian, I thought you were so vulgar and wanted to punish him, but since you put so much effort into making everyone in this seat laugh, I have the right to reward you, get out of here!"

"Why..." Luo Tian walked step by step from the void, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and his tone was flat, "No one believes me every time I tell the truth, but everyone believes me when I tell lies.

"I'm so disappointed."

Luo Tian casually stretched out his hand to grab it, and there was an incomparable suction force in his palm, like a powerful magnet, immediately brought out countless tornadoes.


In the air, there was flying sand, stones, sun and moon, and countless tornadoes blended into each other, sending out bursts of roaring madness, adding a bit of power.

"Jumping Clown."

"You still dare to give us paws?"

"Yo, you are so courageous!"


The five golden fairies watched with cold eyes, looking down at Luo Tian condescendingly, with expressions of disdain all over their faces. It seems that the five of them didn't pay attention to Luo Tian's move at all. The radiant flames of the body surrounded the body, and he didn't even move a little bit.

In their view, a Xuanxian, even if it is a full-strength attack of Xuanxian's invincible state, is at most just scratching their feet, like a child playing house.

The next moment, the complexions of the five golden fairies changed drastically!

"how is this possible?!"

The bodies of the five people swayed unceasingly in the several tornadoes. As soon as the brilliance of the protective body came into contact with the tornado, [-]% to [-]% of it was directly wiped out by the tornado. It seemed that they still had two or three breaths at most. The protective Baoguang brilliance will be completely destroyed.

"It's no wonder that a little Xuanxian dared to challenge us. Sure enough, he has some strength, but these are not enough!"

One of the golden immortals yelled in a low voice, and immediately opened his mouth to spray, and a ray of light shot out from his mouth, like a flood dragon, sweeping towards the surrounding tornado with great pressure.

"Half-holy grade fairy treasure, it's still not satisfactory."

With his hands behind his back, Luo Tian walked slowly in the void, like an outsider.

The pure light cast by the golden fairy is a flying sword of a semi-holy grade fairy treasure. I can see countless dark blue light patterns floating behind the flying sword. These light patterns change thousands of times, sometimes turning into monsters , and then condensed into blue mountain peaks, every time they fly past, these changed things are like sharp knives cutting the void incompletely.

"The law of the wind element, there are still some ways."

The light in Luo Tian's eyes flashed away, but he still kept his palms facing the void and shot them again and again.

As a result, more tornadoes suddenly took shape, entangled towards the five golden immortals in an almost endless posture, and ignored the semi-holy treasure sacrificed by the strong golden immortal.

Now, after Luo Tian took charge of the small reincarnation channel, his physical body has been promoted again, and now he is comparable to the middle-level peak of a high-grade fairy weapon, and he is only a little short of reaching the late stage of a high-grade fairy weapon. He even has the mirror of life and death and the reincarnation channel on his body Two real holy treasures, how could one put a semi-sacred treasure in their eyes.

Sure enough, before the semi-holy artifact approached Luo Tian's body, it was directly resisted by Luo Tian's aura, and could no longer easily advance half a point.


Luo Tian let out a low shout, and gently pushed out with his empty left hand.

"The Seal of the Universe! The Infinity of the Universe!"

Now, Luo Tian has comprehended the Qiankun Seal to a point that can be called perfect, and every move after that can immediately turn decay into magic. If Luo Tian's projection at this moment enters the lower realm and is seen by others, he will be able to make a difference. Comprehend, and thus even be able to create the astounding technique of shattering the void.

After all, although Luo Tian's realm still stays in the Xuanxian realm, but if the foundation is strong and solid, it is difficult for anyone in the entire fairyland to surpass him.

As the saying goes, the greater the accumulation, the more difficult it is to break through.

Therefore, although Luo Tian has the strength to kill the Little Saint Immortal, he has not yet broken through to the realm of the Great Principle Golden Immortal. Based on his foundation, if he breaks through to the realm of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, it is very likely that he will directly leap to the Great Principle Golden Immortal Realm. In the later stage of Luo Jinxian, there is only one step away from the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, the little saint, and I am afraid that he will be able to compete with Taiyi Jinxian by then. Among the Da Luo Jinxians, no one can beat him!


The wind-attributed semi-saint fairy artifact was hit by Luo Tian's Qiankun seal, and flew out, whining incessantly in the void. It seemed that Luo Tian's blow was a semi-saint immortal The device can't bear it either.


Then, Luo Tian impatiently pressed his right hand down across the air, countless tornadoes descended from the sky, and fell on the heads of the five golden fairies at once, with an astonishing momentum.

"We are willing to hand over the Arhat Brick...Ah!"

One of the golden immortals immediately sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​but it was too late. Once Luo Tian made a move, he would not leave behind and cut the grass and roots, and would never bring any hidden dangers to himself.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian murmured silently in his heart, and then instantly strangled the five golden immortals to ashes. At the same time, he traced back to the origin and wiped out all the wisdom of the other party, turning the five golden immortals into idiots and lunatics.

"So many spiritual veins were wasted again!"

Feeling the world in the body, there are only more than three hundred second-order spiritual veins left, Luo Tian wants to cry but has no tears.

"Arhat Gold Brick!"

"This group of guys actually own four Arhat bricks!"

As soon as Luo Tian's divine thought moved, he directly took a piece of Arhat's gold brick from the sky, but the remaining three pieces of Arhat's gold brick didn't move, and they just waved his hands and threw them into the distance.

"Fellow daoists, if anyone needs it, just take it!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian didn't even look at it, so many strong men rushed out to fight for the three Arhat bricks, and flew towards the central area without hesitation.

"Golden bricks knock on the golden door, the golden door opens, Arhats come!"

Luo Tian opened the inner world, released the three of Chen Lin, and then the four of them looked at each other, and then each silently recited the formula on the Arhat Brick, and threw the Arhat Brick towards the mask in front of him.


Immediately, thousands of rays of rays of light shone from the mask, and the Arhat bricks gradually grew in size, and finally stopped when they swelled to the size of a portal, turning into a spatial portal.

Four space portals.

The four of Luo Tian looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped into the portal one after another.

"See you in the central area!"

After Luo Tian finished the sound transmission, he dodged in directly.

In the void, the four portals closed together and disappeared.

Farther away, countless strong men hiding in the dark finally began to stir up. Since someone entered first, they naturally don't need to wait any longer.

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