
Chapter 725

"Asshole! Is this still a human body? Could it be your alien race?!"

The Heavenly Sword Little Saint rolled in embarrassment in the void, like a donkey rolling, all demeanor was gone, while performing extremely ugly movements to avoid Luo Tian's attack, while yelling indistinctly.


As we all know, the Immortal World was originally under the joint control of the three major groups of Human Race, Demon Race, and Monster Race, but the size of the Immortal World is beyond anyone's imagination. over and over, let alone anyone else.Most of the areas with rich cultivation resources in the fairy world are jointly controlled by the three major ethnic groups, but the remaining areas that are not too rich in resources account for most of the fairy world.

Races other than the three major ethnic groups are all called alien races by the three major ethnic groups!

"Foreign race?" Luo Tian chuckled, "There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime! You can't even tell that Lao Tzu is an authentic human race. It's a waste of your title as Little Saint of Heavenly Sword! Keeping it is a waste of resources, let me send you into reincarnation!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian's arms were wide apart immediately, dancing out pieces of illusory light and shadow, after the light and shadow suddenly dissipated, sixteen Buddha pillars shining with misty brilliance suddenly appeared around Luo Tian, ​​the sixteen Buddha pillars The pillars kept intertwining and misaligning in the void, and finally a dark and deep vortex appeared, which was the channel of reincarnation.

"go with!"

Luo Tian just waved his hand, sixteen beams of light shot up into the sky, and the black vortex swung upwards, directly enveloping the Heavenly Sword Little Saint Immortal from top to top.

"You want to suppress me! Impossible!"

Then, the Heavenly Sword Little Saint roared crazily, and touched the center of his eyebrows with his backhand, and an extremely delicate and simple sword pattern appeared on the center of his eyebrows.A straight and huge sword light suddenly radiated from the ancient sword pattern, the sword light swept across, and the void exploded directly, no laws of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth could stop it.

"Ignorant boy! Knowing that this eye of the heavenly sword of this seat is the law of swords left by the ancient fairy king, you are worthy of letting this seat who possesses the law of the fairy king enter reincarnation? This is too much Make it bigger!"

Tianjian Little Saint Immortal smiled grinningly, revealing infinite arrogance.

"What! No wonder the Heavenly Sword Little Saint Immortal rose so quickly, it turned out to be the law of a sword that refined the ancient fairy king!"

"This is amazing big news!"

"I didn't expect him to be so blessed. That monstrous Xuanxian might be in danger."

"That's right, it's a pity that such a great material."

"Idiot! This is the battleground of geniuses. Do you think that enchanting Xuanxian will really fall? Pig brain!"

"That's right! It seems that regardless of whether that monstrous Xuanxian wins or loses, he will naturally find a chance to make friends after he goes out and form a small good relationship."

"Of course it should. Hehe, the little sword sage used his trump card that day. It seems that he was extremely angry, but he is also an idiot. He offended such a monstrous Xuanxian for a moment of enthusiasm. I dare to conclude that if this name It is not difficult at all for the evil Xuanxian to break through to the realm of the Daluo Jinxian, and to kill the Heavenly Sword Little Saint Immortal."


All of a sudden, countless strong men who were hiding aside started talking about it.

Then this group of people saw the most unforgettable scene in their lives!

"Will you be invincible in the world if you get a trace of the sword law left by the ancient fairy?"

Luo Tian shook his head lightly and smiled, then twisted his two fingers in the air, and a drop of black immortal power appeared in front of Luo Tian, ​​exuding a thick and amazing aura, like a point of indelible light, shining in the sky. in the void.

"The power of the fairy king! It turned out to be the power of the fairy king!"

"God! This monstrous Xuanxian is indeed a descendant of the Immortal Monarch, and he has so easily produced a drop of the Immortal Monarch's power!"

"It's all right now, the previous advantage of Heavenly Sword Little Saint Immortal is gone..."

"This mysterious fairy is really willing to use the power of the fairy king in such a battle, isn't it too wasteful?"

"It's more than a waste? It's extravagant to the extreme! This is a life-saving treasure, and it's so easily used up! It's a pity!"


In the void, a sluggish look appeared on the face of Tianjian Xiaosheng, and he murmured, "You, you actually have the power of a fairy king?! Well, I admit defeat, I am not your opponent."

"Admit defeat now, it's too late."

Luo Tian sighed softly, and then directly used the power of the fairy king, which turned into a beam of light and poured into the center of his eyebrows.

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

The next moment, the brilliant law chains directly derived from the void, like a wriggling long snake, directly locked the Heavenly Sword Little Saint Immortal, including the Primordial Spirit and Divine Consciousness, no matter how much the latter struggled, it would be futile.

"go in."

Luo Tian waved his hand expressionlessly, and Feng Xianyin took the Heavenly Sword Little Saint Immortal directly into the channel of reincarnation, and never appeared again.Even the sword law left by the fairy king on the little saint of Tianjian, in the hands of Luo Tian who had exerted the power of the fairy king, did not have any thoughts of resistance.

"Which fairy is behind this son? The power of this fairy is really too powerful!"

"I don't know. If the power of the Immortal Monarch is not personally received by the Immortal Monarch, no one will be able to recognize it!"

"It's so strong! I think the power of the immortal king brought out by this monstrous Xuanxian can last for at least a quarter of an hour! This quarter of an hour is enough for him to defeat the strong Taiyi Jinxian. It's a waste, it's just used to clean up a little saint."

"If people want it, can you control it?"


Sure enough, as Luo Tian expected, in the next quarter of an hour, not to mention anyone stepped forward to provoke him, not even a single one dared to speak out.As a result, Luo Tian naturally cast the Sky Swallowing Eye and then found a few strong men who were closest to him, and took them out.

"Brave God Han Yi, don't go too far!"

After a quarter of an hour, finally a hero stood up to fight the injustice!

"Hey, it's another little saint, what's the matter? Don't accept it and practice?"

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows and laughed teasingly.

"So what if you are strong? No matter how strong you are, you are only a Profound Immortal, not a Golden Immortal. You can defeat a hundred with one enemy? Fellow Daoists, please come out quickly to encircle and suppress this ruthless big devil, and eliminate harm to nature for the people." It is to abandon the morality of bullying the few!"


Countless clouds and mist surged around, and a lot of light shot out from them. It seemed that there were more than a hundred people densely packed.

Luo Tian curled his lips, almost laughing out of anger, this group of guys, gang fights are just gang fights, it's really disgusting to come up with such a high-sounding excuse, but it's okay, just use this group of guys to test Take a look at your true strength now!

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