
Chapter 727 Blood Order Little Saint Immortal

"Little Saint Sanli, please come and fight!"

Luo Tian majesticly rushed left and right in the void, running like a demon god. With every shot he made, he would harvest one or two lives. According to this speed, after a while, the little saint Sanli tried his best to call for help. , Almost all of them were lost in Luo Tian's hands.

"The Promise Slash!"

Sanli Xiaosheng's complexion was cloudy and uncertain for a short moment, then he rubbed his hands slightly, a raging storm suddenly formed in the void, and then the storm quickly transformed into a huge wind blade in the shape of a half moon, facing Luo Luo in the void The sky cuts out.

"Han Yi, how dare you take this blow from me!"

Sanli Xiaosheng roared wildly.

Many powerhouses who were hiding in the dark sighed leisurely, this Sanli Little Saint Immortal has lost his mind?How can you say that your fucking Promise Slash is also a high-level supernatural power in the laws of the wind system. It is said that it can even temporarily cut through the laws of time and space when it is cultivated to the extreme. You let others hard-wire it?Others are not stupid pigs, okay?

The next scene almost caught everyone's attention.

But when Luo Tian smiled coldly, an incomparably powerful aura suddenly emerged from his body, and his hands kept drawing circles of laws one after another in front of him. Like a gorgeous vortex.

"The power of the immortal king! Thirty times the combat power! Wan Dao Seal!"

Under everyone's stunned, Luo Tianhe rushed directly in front of Wuji Zhan's trajectory, and the circle vortex in front of him suddenly surged up, like a radiant candle, shocking everyone's mind.


Luo Tian stretched out his hands, gently pushed forward like a dragon out of the sea, and immediately exhaled and made a sound.

A billowing white smoke spewed straight out of Luo Tian's mouth, piercing through the limitation of time and space in an instant, directly covering a small half of the void.Then, Luo Tian's crystal-like jade hands were surrounded by countless densely-packed Heaven Swallowing Laws, which collided with Wuji Zhan.

Ka Ka Ka!

The white smoke lasted for a long time, and after it dissipated completely, an ugly man in white clothes stood straight in the center of the white smoke. Although his face was ugly, the aura exuding from his body was really heartbreaking.

Luo Tian's right hand was lifted up, as if holding an invisible rope in his hand, the Promise Slash performed by the little saint of Sanli was like a bird with bound wings, slowly floating in the void, constantly moving towards Crazy injection into Luo Tian's body!

"What! This Han Yi is so daring that he directly absorbed the refining Wuju Zhan!"

"Pervert! He can do such unreasonable things. What kind of supernatural power does he cultivate?"

"The power is so strong, but the power of Wuju Zhan is getting weaker and weaker!"

"Now, that Sanli Little Sacred Immortal has suffered a great loss. Not only did the supernatural powers displayed did not hurt the opponent, but it also made up for the opponent a lot!"

"Is it possible that Han Yi is practicing the law of devouring? But the power of the law of devouring is obviously not so powerful?"


The strong men who had been hiding in the dark started talking again.

"Damn it!"

In the void in the distance, the wild little saint and the life-chasing little saint looked at each other and yelled in unison.

"This Han Yi seems to be getting more and more fierce..." The wild little saint sighed bitterly, "Now if I face him again, I'm afraid I will be killed by him if I can't hold on for ten breaths. Where did you come from? It seems that I have never heard of such a number one person in Jinzhou!"

"Idiot!" Zhuiming Xiaosheng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear, and cursed, "The fairyland is so big that even the emperor dare not say that he will be able to set foot on all the land in the fairyland in his life. There will be one or two evil geniuses." Isn't that too much?"

"Excessive fart!" The Wild Little Saint Immortal spat directly, "Damn it, don't forget, our young generation in Tianwang Prefecture has ten strong men, and all of them can defeat the little one from the realm of the Profound Immortal!" The abnormality of the saint, do you know how these guys cultivated, and they are so abnormal to the point of no reason!"

"Stiffness is easy to break." Little Saint Zhuiming said mysteriously, "Okay, we can go."

"Let's go? Why?" The wild little saint was stunned, "It's not easy to see such a good show on weekdays!"

"It's really stupid!" Zhuiming Xiaoshengxian rolled his eyes, "You think we are so far away from Han Yi that he can't detect us? After a while those idiots are finished, he will definitely come to the two of us to talk about the past, Would you like to accompany him?"

"I don't want to! I don't want to!..." The wild little saint's complexion changed, and after waving his hands again and again, he immediately tore through the void and left.



Luo Tian kicked directly on Sanli Xiaoshengxian's face, kicking him thousands of feet away, and then followed him like a shadow, with his big hand slightly opened in the void, and directly grabbed it, that Sanli Xiaoshengxian Like a persimmon that has been scratched, the body is constantly cracking, and blood flows out.

"Han Yi! After you go out, I will definitely not spare you!" Sanli Xiaoshengxian yelled bitterly after being insulted in front of everyone.

"But now I can't spare you."

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he kicked Sanli Xiaoshengxian's face again, kicking his face until half of it collapsed.

Sanli Xiaoshengxian suddenly changed his face, like a fierce ghost with teeth and claws, but under Luo Tian's hands, he still had no power to resist. Under Luo Tian, ​​who used the power of the fairy king, his combat power increased by thirty times. Don't worry. Speaking of Little Saint Immortal, even if an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal came, he would not be able to please him!

Suddenly, Luo Tian stretched out his hand and directly patted the extremely tough Sanli Little Saint Immortal into a meat paste, then turned around slowly, his complexion became extremely cold.

"Let him go!"

Luo Tian really got really angry now.

It turned out that there were actually two little saints taking advantage of the battle between Luo Tian and Sanli little saint, and sneaked directly behind Luo Tian, ​​and restrained Huang Jin and Zheng Feng. It seemed that they were still unable to break through Chen Lin's surroundings for the time being. Defense, Luo Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the killing intent in his heart is skyrocketing!

If you dare to touch my brother, you will have to pay the price of your life!I do not care who you are!

"Brother, leave this one to me."


A familiar voice appeared in Luo Tian's mind.

"Xiao Linzi..." Luo Tian raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you really have a rich background, you have just broken through to the Golden Immortal and you have directly entered the Little Saint Immortal Realm, what a treat!"

"Small, look at mine next."

Oh oh oh!

In an instant, countless boundless blood-colored clouds formed in the void, and then countless lightning thunder snakes shot out of them, depicting a series of gloomy pictures in the void.


After a while, the countless blood-colored clouds suddenly changed into the shape of a token, swallowing those lightning thunder snakes.

"Someone survived the Golden Immortal Tribulation!"

"This person is so strong, and he survived the Golden Immortal Tribulation so quickly. It seems that his background is so powerful that it cannot be added!"

"Just after passing through the Golden Immortal Tribulation, this breath actually..."


While speaking, the blood-colored token in the void suddenly spun, shooting out countless bloody lights, and fell towards the two little saints holding Jin Jin and Zheng Feng as hoods at an extremely fast speed.

"My Blood Order Little Saint, anyone who dares to hurt my brother today will be killed without mercy!"

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