
Chapter 74 Blood Training in Cuilongtan, Team of 5

Bang bang!

Han Zheng had just rushed into the third cave when he saw the barriers on the platform tremble violently, continuously expanding and shrinking, and then a huge wave of heat surged out, and a naked snow-white body was embarrassed in the heat wave Fly out.

"Disciple pays homage to master!"

Luo Tian was ashamed. Originally, he had absorbed the spiritual energy of the earth fire to cultivate, and his cultivation was advancing rapidly. Seeing that he was about to break through to the Great Perfection of the Qi refining period in half a year, he only missed the door, and found that the spiritual energy of the earth fire he had absorbed could no longer be controlled. It became more and more tyrannical, and at the moment Han Zheng was furious again because of the death of a purple orchid that he cherished as his life, Luo Tian had to forcefully leave the customs.

Han Zheng glanced at Luo Tian coldly, a sparkle flashed in his eyes, and he said with a half-smile, "Not bad, you have made such great progress after half a year of retreat, you are worthy of the best spiritual roots of gold and fire. But even if you have a lot of money, boy , you don’t have to show off in front of your teacher all the time, right?”

Luo Tian turned red with embarrassment for the first time, and found that he was still naked, and immediately took out a shirt from the Qiankun bag and put it on his body, and said with a dry smile: "This disciple can achieve such achievements, thanks to the teaching of Master!"

"Hmph!" Han Zheng snorted coldly, "Stop flattering! You haven't taken care of the medicine garden for the past six months, and the purple orchid plant that was your teacher died, but you can't make up for it."

"..." Luo Tian wisely kept silent. He knew that no matter what he said now, he would be severely reprimanded by Han Zheng.

Looking at Luo Tian who stood respectfully and bowed his head aside, Han Zheng had a complicated look in his eyes, which seemed to be gratified, spoiled, and also mixed with a trace of worry.

"There is still half a month to go to the Cuilongtan Blood Training. According to the past practice, each peak of Xianxiamen must send at least two disciples. Since there were no disciples for the teacher before, there has been no quota. Now you are here Under my sect, this time is naturally unavoidable."

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words. Now he is not a kid who goes in and out of a thatched cottage. He learned from the jade slips read in the ground fire pool that the blood training in Cuilongtan is a joint organization of the four major sects of cultivating immortals in the Great Wu Kingdom. The trial of high-level disciples is usually attended by low-level monks who have cultivated below the foundation establishment stage.Ordinary people think that they can sit back and relax after entering the sect of cultivating immortals, and they can seek the way of immortality. In fact, this is not the case. The competition among cultivators is actually more intense and dangerous than ordinary people seeking fame and wealth. If you are not careful, you will end up in a bad shape The tragic end of the destruction of the gods.

"One way of cultivating immortals is the so-called crisis at every step." Han Zheng said to himself again, paused, and then his eyes fell on Luo Tian, ​​"But my apprentice, Han Zheng, can't be compared with the apprentices of those little guys! I was a teacher before. The Thunderbird boots given to you can keep you invincible, and there are still a few talismans here as a teacher, so don't go back to the medicine garden for a few days, and strengthen your realm here."

After finishing speaking, Han Zheng flicked his sleeves, and a stack of talismans landed in front of Luo Tian. He immediately took a deep look at his apprentice and left.

Luo Tian reached out to take the talisman after Han Zheng had left. After a closer look, he couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that among the talismans Han Zheng gave Luo Tian were more than [-] low-level five-element talismans, and more than a dozen that could hide and trap people. What surprised Luo Tian most about the mid-level talisman was that there was even a high-level talisman among them.

High-level talismans no longer belong to the general category of talismans, but are tempered by master monks above the Jindan stage and above. Unrivaled power.Therefore, high-level talismans are generally called "talisman treasures".

In a trance, Luo Tian couldn't help feeling a little grateful to Han Zhengsheng.

Afterwards, Luo Tian restrained his mind, crossed his legs into meditation, and began to consolidate his current cultivation level.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Luo Tian packed up everything, left the Dihuochi, descended the Lihuo Peak, and headed towards Lianyun Peak, the main peak where only the head of the Xianxia Sect can live.Along the way, Luo Tian didn't see a few figures, but felt that the twelve peaks of the Xianxiamen, with different scenery and environments, were indeed amazing creations.

On the huge jade square of Lian Yunfeng, monks in twos and threes are gathering together to chat in low voices, and there are quite a few monks who occasionally say hello to other monks.All of these people looked relaxed, as if the Cuilongtan blood training was really a gratifying thing for them.

A bunch of stupid pigs!

On the outer corner of the square, a fat man in gold robe sitting carelessly on the ground and drinking wine looked at the monks around him coldly, cursing inwardly, the peak masters of each peak will set some tasks for this Cuilongtan blood training. The disciples who participated in the blood training seemed to be very simple on the surface, but since they were called blood training, there would be no casualties.Even the disciples who have participated in the Cuilongtan blood refinement only dared to go to the area they had been to in an open and honest manner. If they were teleported to an inexplicable area, they would be in danger.

There are three other people beside the fat man in the golden robe, but they are an old man in gray clothes with half white beard and hair, and a pair of twin sisters who look exactly the same. Give way.

"Senior brother Zhu, all five members of the other teams have arrived, and it seems that only the junior brother Li Huofeng from our team is missing." A pretty and lovely woman among the twin sisters said with wide-eyed eyes, and kept coming from time to time. look around.

The gray-clothed old man known as Senior Brother Zhu smiled slightly, "That Junior Brother from Lihuo Peak is the only disciple of Master Han, and he will not miss the appointment. Junior sister Yuling, don't worry, you are also an old disciple, learn more from your sister." calm down."

"Brother Zhu!"

The woman stomped her feet in disbelief, and that cute and pitiful expression attracted countless eyes.

When the old man in gray saw the woman's expression, his heart couldn't help but calm down, and he turned his gaze to another place.

Seeing that the departure time was approaching, but the disciple from Lihuo Peak hadn't arrived yet, even the old man in gray frowned slightly, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

After a while, a somewhat thin cyan figure appeared in the eyes of several people, walking around without hurrying.

"Brother Luo!" The golden-robed fat man who had been sitting on the ground drinking fine wine jumped up straight away, and walked a few steps to greet him, "I didn't expect you to be worshiped by Master Han, you still owe me a meal!" meal!"

Luo Tian looked up, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Brother Wang is also there, you and I will talk about the past later."

The fat man in the golden robe is naturally Wang Jinbao, and he hugged Luo Tian's shoulders like two good brothers, and explained: "There is no need to look for your team, we happen to be in the same team, hahahahaha..."

The gray-clothed old man and the twin sisters saw that the fat man in the team who had been silent all this time suddenly crossed his shoulders with the handsome young man in Tsing-clothed clothes who had just arrived. There was something they didn't understand, and they stepped forward to introduce themselves.

After the gray-clothed old man finished introducing himself, he nodded and smiled without saying a word.Seeing Luo Tian's beautiful face, the twin sisters couldn't help but their eyes lit up. Among them, the cute and cute sister Huang Yuling's eyes were shining brightly, and she talked to Luo Tian repeatedly.Although her younger sister, Huang Yuyan, was not as enthusiastic as her sister Nai, she still secretly looked at Luo Tian.

Surrounded by the two sisters, Luo Tian was a little at a loss, while Fatty Wang was squeezed out of the circle, his mouth moved slightly, and he muttered something softly.

But as long as you listen carefully, you can still hear Fatty Wang's complaints.

"A vulgar woman knows that she likes a little boy! Connotation is the most important..."

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