
Chapter 753

"Kill a fart!"

The Bandit Immortal interrupted for no reason, "With your current strength, the monks in the Daluo Jinxian Realm are definitely not your opponents one-on-one, but there are three or four Xiaoshengxians who have powerful secrets and powerful fairy treasures. , It’s enough for you to drink a pot! Remember, unless there is a huge gap in strength, don’t do stupid things like one against a hundred, be careful, and you can live long enough!”

"That's good." Luo Tian pondered for a moment, "It's good to save some effort anyway. Besides, if the Sanxiao Pan wants to restore the second floor, it must collect the origins of various races in the fairy world. If the guy with open eyes dares to really attack Lao Tzu and draw his origin, although it is not much, it is still good!"

"Good idea."

After the bandit fairy finished speaking, he directly opened the fourth sky domain of the black lotus magic weapon, and layers of dark black energy poured out from the fourth sky domain, but when it came out of Luo Tian's inner world, these dark black elements However, Yuanli has disappeared without a trace, and it is difficult to spy on it anymore.

"This is?" Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, wondering.

Soon, the void in front of Luo Tian was like a flimsy cloth, and a smooth gap burst out at once. Once the gap was opened, the voice of the bandit fairy rang in Luo Tian's mind.

"What are you waiting for, go in!"

Luo Tian flew into the gap without hesitation, and after a sweep of Yuanshen's consciousness, he found that Chen Lin and the others were still concentrating on comprehending the ancient god Yubi, so he was relieved, and at the same time secretly shocked The supernatural power of the Bandit Immortal Monarch can easily break open the space of the White Tiger World so silently. You must know that he can only tear open a gap the size of a grain of rice with all his strength.

Whoosh whoosh!

The space channel was obviously opened up temporarily, but Luo Tian didn't feel any discomfort at all. Instead, a very comfortable feeling spread all over his body, which made Luo Tian even more amazed at Xianjun's methods.

Even today's Luo Tian temporarily opened a space passage in the normal fairyland, and shuttled through it, there must still be a lot of danger. If one is not careful, the passage may rupture, and he will be lost in the turbulent space. , can no longer get out.Not to mention being in the White Tiger World.

The space channel is very stable, and the stability is somewhat unrealistic, as if in an illusion.

Luo Tian's primordial spirit penetrated directly into the space channel, and wanted to study the construction of this space channel, but no matter what he did, it was useless, which made him even more depressed.

"Don't waste it." The Robber Immortal laughed and said, "This deity's method of opening up space passages, not to mention you, even half-step Immortal Monarchs must be powerless, and even some ordinary Immortal Monarchs cannot do it. "

With a dark face, Luo Tian withdrew his primordial spirit consciousness resentfully, communicating with this old guy would definitely piss people off.

After a while, a ray of light finally appeared at the end of the space passage, and then this ray of light expanded infinitely, and finally turned into a space portal that can allow ordinary people to enter and exit.

"Go out, this deity has already judged the specific position, you have to be careful, just now this deity has noticed that the consciousness of other immortals has swept over it, it seems that this group of guys threw the pure land of Tathagata in this battle of geniuses, I am afraid it is I don't have any good intentions, the deity suspects that these guys who are full and have nothing to do are doing it for the four holy beast worlds!"

"Every fairy wants to be promoted to the fairy king, and no one is exempt." Luo Tian sighed softly, and then stepped out of the door directly.

The moment he stepped out, Luo Tian directly cast the technique of Void Assassination.

"Senior, which world is this?" Luo Tian asked via voice transmission.

"The World of Suzaku." After a long time, the Robber Immortal replied, and added, "Also, if you have nothing to do, don't send me your voice, it will cause trouble."


Luo Tian muttered something, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and he flew forward in the void directly and carefully.

The world of Suzaku is much bigger than the world of White Tiger, and the ancient gods' jades are not gathered together, but scattered separately. When Luo Tian rushed to the first piece of ancient gods' jade that arrived, he was a little surprised Suddenly, I found that no one had enlightened me in front of this piece of ancient god jade.

"It seems that the little guys who entered the Suzaku world are about the same in strength, and the winner has not been decided yet, hurry up!" Immortal Robber immediately calculated the result and shouted hastily.

"it is good!"

Luo Tian directly opened the world in his body without delay, and then the primordial spirit and spiritual consciousness fired with all its strength, and crashed into the ancient jade jade in front of him.

This time, Luo Tian broke through the first three layers of film, and the fourth layer of film was broken in three nights, and then absorbed most of the original law in it at once.

"Why don't you absorb them all?" the robber fairy said angrily.

"Don't let people later notice the abnormality." Luo Tian said calmly.

"Hehe, you kid has finally awakened."


Luo Tian's figure was like lightning, and he flew out quickly.

It took Luo Tian just half an hour to get all the jade bis of the ancient gods in the Suzaku world, and the bandit Xianjun carefully explored for a long time before he broke the space and went directly to the Qinglong world.

Luo Tian's actions are completely clockwise, which can be regarded as conforming to the laws of heaven.

The situation in the Azure Dragon World is similar to that of the Suzaku World. Someone only entered after Luo Tian had absorbed the essence contained in the last piece of ancient god jade, and this time it was considered safe and secure.

"It's only the last Xuanwu world!"

Luo Tian gently grasped it with one hand. Although he has only absorbed the source of the law of the four holy beasts, because it contains a trace of the power of the law of the fairy king, the second layer of the Sanxiao plate has almost been repaired by [-]%. Luo Tian was very satisfied.

call out!

All of a sudden, Luo Tian, ​​whose physical body has grown, directly entered the last world of this trip, Xuanwu World!

Qinglong World and Xuanwu World have more understanding of the toughness of the physical body, so Luo Tian also benefited a lot from it.

But this time, Luo Tian was not so lucky, because there were already six people in the Azure Dragon World.

The ancient god jade bis of Azure Dragon World are also located in different positions, there are six in total, and each person occupies one.

This is what Luo Tian saw after walking around quietly.

"Start with the one with the weakest cultivation level." The Robber Xianjun said via voice transmission.

Luo Tian nodded, flew out without hesitation, directly and secretly used his primordial spirit and consciousness to investigate quickly, and finally determined the primary target, and walked over in the void.

Da Luo Jinxian late stage!Only one step away is the powerhouse of Xiao Shengxian who is still immersed in the feeling of selflessness, and has not noticed Luo Tian's approach.

Luo Tian couldn't help but let out a light breath, and then began to avoid the opponent's primordial spirit and consciousness, and walked towards the first layer of film.

ps: This chapter is coded in advance and sent out on a regular basis. You Tiao himself is in a meeting as a representative. If there is no Chapter 2 before nine o'clock, there will be only one update today.Feel sorry.

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