
Chapter 756 Strong Enemy! , Lost Light Tower?

With that blow just now, Luo Tian has fully aroused the strongest power of the mirror of life and death. If it is an ordinary little saint who does not have the body of the holy treasure, I am afraid that as long as he takes this blow hard, he will at least be a bitter one. He ended up seriously injured, but the opponent only used the 'natal magic weapon' hexagonal box, but was forced back without any damage, and Luo Tian believed that the opponent was far from displaying the strongest attack.

Of course, all of this was calculated by Luo Tian with a flash of inspiration, and it was basically the same.

"The other party's small hexagonal box is the second talisman, and its power is only just taking shape." The voice of the robber fairy sounded quietly in Luo Tian's heart again, "You boy, be careful, it's best to take the opportunity to escape after repelling it. In the area that connects with the White Tiger World, the Xuanjin Little Saint Immortal in front of him also has the aura of an Immortal Monarch on his body, this deity can’t make a move, everything can only depend on you. Remember!”

After finishing speaking, Immortal Robber fell into boundless silence again.

A specific image suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's mind, and that image was naturally the intersection area of ​​the Xuanwu World and the White Tiger World reflected by the Bandit Immortal Monarch.

The laws are different in two different worlds, so the natural scene presented is like this.

Luo Tian didn't think much about it at the moment. The strong enemy was in front of him, and he couldn't allow him to think about it. He collected his mind and prepared to attack with all his strength.

"It's just that Da Luo Jinxian's initial cultivation base has such amazing combat power. I haven't heard of your name in Tianwang State. I don't know which state you are from?" The young man in yellow suffered a little loss , didn't show a look of embarrassment, but still had a tepid expression, and smiled lightly.

"Jinzhou." Since the other party had such an extraordinary bearing, Luo Tian naturally wouldn't act stingy, and replied in the same gentle manner.

"Your Excellency is enough to rank among the top three in Jinzhou in this talent competition." The pale golden light circles slowly appeared in the eyes of the young man in yellow, and he raised his right hand lightly, making a mysterious and incomprehensible gesture.

"I'm so humble, I'm ashamed." After Luo Tian finished speaking, dark gray vortexes slowly emerged under his feet, all of which were condensed by the law of swallowing the sky, as if they could evolve into endless heaven and earth in an instant.

"In order to express my respect to the strong, I will use my full strength this time." The young man in yellow smiled lightly, and then condescendingly tapped Luo Tian lightly, and a ball of brilliance the size of a grain of rice suddenly appeared from the void , and then infinitely magnified, like a round of tomorrow, quickly diffused countless pale golden light, wherever the light passed, all the laws of space were immediately interrupted, disrupted, and scattered!

It's a mess!

"Laws of Chaos!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank fiercely again. This Xuanjin little saint was born with a vajra body, but he is also proficient in the law of chaos, one of the ten laws of the heavens. Although this law of chaos ranks seventh among thousands of laws, Laws are powerful!

"Qiankun Seal!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

"Yin Yang seal!"

Luo Tian didn't dare to take it lightly, this Xuanjin little saint is not an ordinary little saint, even the Lihuo little saint is worse than him, definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, if he can't handle it well this time, I'm afraid Luo Tian will capsize in the gutter and end in tragedy.

Boom boom boom!

The collision of the two laws is naturally earth-shattering, and the tough space shakes rapidly, just like a sudden gust of wind on the calm and vast sea, causing great waves to rise!

"The law of yin and yang?" Xuanjin Xiaosheng frowned slightly, shook his head slightly, and said firmly, "No, the other party is definitely not practicing the law of yin and yang! I didn't expect that the other party would still hide his strength at this point. When will Jinzhou come out?" Such a monster?"

"The law of chaos is really powerful. It seems that the person behind this Xuanjin little saint should be the emperor of chaos! I have also heard of this emperor of chaos. He has always been indifferent to world affairs. Veteran Immortal Monarch, why did he send his disciples and grandchildren to the battlefield of the Genius War? Shameless, right?..."

Luo Tian thought very depressed in his heart, and then shouted loudly, "Little Saint Xuanjin, I heard that your physical body is stronger than that of the monster race. I wonder if you dare to compare yourself with me?"

Xuanjin Xiaosheng smiled heartily, "Why not? I just want to see the Five Elements Eucharist that was so powerful in the Immortal World in the ancient times!"


A light golden streamer flew out of the space, sweeping towards Luo Tian brazenly, the momentum was unstoppable like a rainbow!

Luo Tian twisted his whole body, and the [-] pores in his body suddenly started to work. In each pore, a gray-black lotus flower appeared, which was transformed by the law of swallowing the sky.

"Pick me up!"

Luo Tian suddenly let out a low cry, and threw a punch at the Xuanjin Little Saint Immortal flying down without moving. With this punch, the entire void seemed to tremble.


As soon as the two touched each other, they flew upside down.

Xuanjin Xiaosheng flew hundreds of feet upside down, and Luo Tian flew upside down thousands of feet.

"The Vajra Divine Physique is really powerful!"

Luo Tian's whole body was faintly numb. This time, just relying on the physical contact, although the Xuanjin Little Saint Immortal got some advantage from top to bottom, the power of the Vajra Divine Body is really extraordinary!

At this moment, what shocked Luo Tian the most was that since the other party was known as the Little Sacred Immortal of Xuanjin, it was impossible for him to just possess the Vajra Divine Body and the Law of Chaos. The most powerful trump card might still be related to the word Xuanjin!

"Can't delay any longer!"

Luo Tian thought decisively, and then opened his mouth to spray out a long river. He immediately hid himself in the long river and flew out again.

"The power of the immortal king!"

Luo Tian didn't hesitate to use a drop of the power of the immortal king, and his whole body was immediately wrapped in deep black, and the aura of his whole body rose steadily, almost reaching the limit that his current physical body can bear before stopping!

"The power of the fairy king! This seat also has it!"

Xuanjin Xiaosheng laughed, and popped out a drop of pale golden fairy power with his fingers, and came towards Luotian without showing any weakness.

"This guy just practiced the law of chaos, I'm afraid he doesn't have any deep relationship with the chaos fairy!"

Luo Tian finally realized suddenly, "This guy finally revealed his true self!"

"Thirty times the combat power!"

At that moment, Luo Tian displayed thirty times his combat power, and his aura could not be seen from the surface at all, but the moment when he and Xuanjin Xiaoshengxian were about to meet, Xuanjin Xiaoshengxian noticed the clue.

"This is?!" The Xuanjin little saint immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then a pale golden light shot out from between his eyebrows, swallowing up the blood, and finally turned into a golden pagoda that fell from midair.

"This is the Lost Light Tower! Don't fight him hard!"

At the critical moment, when Luo Tian almost went berserk, the Robber Xianjun said something abruptly.

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