
Chapter 771 Mufu

The Five Elements family, in the Immortal World, especially the Northern Immortal World, is quite famous. This Five Elements family is not an ordinary five-element attribute of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, but the Five Elements family originated from the Five Elements that once dominated an era in the previous eras. holy mountain.The Five Elements Mountain is said to have a great background, and behind it was the shadow of a great figure at the level of an immortal king. As a result, in that era, even though there were mysterious and powerful ancient forces that were not weaker than the Five Elements Mountain, there were still few forces that dared to fight against the Five Elements Mountain. The Five Elements Sacred Mountain was the enemy, which led to the eyes of all the people who came out of the Five Elements Sacred Mountain, which led to a peerless battle in which several forces joined forces to fight the Five Elements Sacred Mountain. In that battle, the Five Elements Sacred Mountain was completely at a disadvantage. If it weren't for relying on the natural formation outside the Five Elements Sacred Mountain, I am afraid that the Five Elements Sacred Mountain would have suffered heavy losses at the beginning, but even so, the Five Elements Sacred Mountain was also severely damaged, and it was completely shrunk into the natural formation after it arrived, and never came out again.

To be able to have the strength and courage to dare to attack the well-deserved dominant force in the fairy world-the Five Elements Mountain, the natural background is also extremely strong. Looking at the entire fairy world, it is also a first-class top force. Even if it is one-on-one with the Five Elements Mountain, I am afraid It is also a situation where both sides do not show their final hole cards at all.

However, this time, the Five Elements Sacred Mountain, which was driven to a desperate situation, has been dragged on for half a year by relying on the natural formation outside the mountain gate. .

The end result was both unexpected and expected.As expected, the Five Elements Mountain, as the only dominant force in the fairy world, really played its final trump card.Unexpectedly, the trump card of the Five Elements Mountain is a Taoist fairy treasure that has transformed into a human form and has reached the half-king rank fairy treasure. This fairy treasure is called the Five Elements Flower Basket. They all call him Lord Wuxing, because his strength has almost reached the peak of the fairy king, half-step fairy king.In the fairy world, he is indeed a nearly invincible powerhouse.Next, the invited Lord Wuxing slaughtered most of the strong men who besieged the Wuxing Mountain this time, leaving only a few immortals who possessed high-level supernatural powers and secret methods to escape in embarrassment. life.

From then on, in the entire fairy world, no matter who they are or how powerful they are, no one dares to have the slightest idea of ​​the Five Elements Mountain, and no one will offend the supreme and lofty dominance of the Five Elements Mountain!

After this battle, what outsiders do not know is that reflection and self-examination began within the Five Elements Sacred Mountain. In the end, the opinions of several factions were different, which led to disagreements among the main forces in the Five Elements Sacred Mountain. Gradually, these few After countless years of separation, reunification and integration, the five elements finally formed the five major forces of the Five Elements Family, and the Five Elements Mountain was supported by the forces of the Five Elements Family.

Over time, I don't know how long it took, the entire fairy world also knew about these things that happened to the Five Elements Mountain, but at that time, the Five Elements Mountain was controlled by the Five Elements family, and the overall strength of the Five Elements family was extremely strong. Not many forces dared to provoke them. The entire fairy world knows that the Five Elements Mountain has a half-step Immortal King rank, and there will be no one who is full enough to provoke the people of the Five Elements Mountain.

After several epochs continued to change, the Five Elements Sacred Mountain completely disappeared in the long river of history, and it was divided into the Five Elements Families. These five big families are one group on the surface, but in fact they are constantly fighting in secret. Every 1000 million years, the five big families all It is necessary to send young elites from each other's clans to compete with each other, so as to select the elite disciples of the Five Elements family. On the one hand, it is to win glory for their respective families. When one person works together, not only the attack power and defense power are extremely terrifying, but also a secret method of transformation and fusion of the five elements can be derived from the cultivation to the extreme. He is born with a keen perception of some powerful fairy treasures and rare treasures of heaven and earth.Therefore, if the Five Elements family is combined, they will definitely have enviable harvests every year.But no matter how the era changes, few people in the fairy world dare to come to the idea of ​​the Wuxing family. After all, the Wuxing lord with the five elements flower basket as the body is a genuine half-step fairy king, almost the highest existence in the fairy world.

This time, the Five Elements family set off from the Northern Immortal Realm, and the five of them ran amok aimlessly, and finally found some opportunities, but they were far from achieving their purpose of this trip. Some clues were sensed outside the trial star, so the five elite disciples of the Five Elements family entered the trial star.

To the surprise of the five people, in this trial star, the five of them are like ducks in water, much more comfortable than ordinary strong people, and even the growth of their cultivation is very fast. It seems that the five elements of gravity here are really strong. It is very beneficial to them!

Soon, these five people harvested two middle-level holy treasures when they were on the fourth floor of the trial star, which can be regarded as a small gain.

Next, the five of them joined forces to cast magical powers and secret techniques, and finally sensed the extraordinary strong aura of the sixth floor again. They searched all the way, but the five of them didn't know that before them, Luo Tian and the woman in black had already quietly Go where they want to go, Dragon Mound.


"Do you want to be so ruthless?"

Soon, Luo Tian was a little annoyed to find that this woman in black seemed to have a strange treasure on her body to suppress her aura.

"Sure enough, there are two tricks, but you are still going to die today!"

The woman in black gritted her silver teeth and said coldly.

"I can't do it if I'm convinced!" Luo Tianyuan's spiritual cultivation base is strong, and he quickly sensed that there was a wonderful change in this Tianlong's tomb, but he was not completely sure, so he had to deal with it with a bitter face. The attack of the woman in black.


The woman in black smiled coldly, "You and I will decide the winner today!"

"Are you kidding me?"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, his speed increased sharply, and he rushed towards the colored barrier in front of him, unexpectedly trying to forcefully break through the barrier and get out.


Like a huge mountain range collapsing, the barrier in front of him only trembled slightly, but Luo Tian felt as if all the bones in his body were about to break. You must know that his body is as hard as a holy treasure, and his whole body Everything was replaced by Da Luo's law, so against the heavens, he still couldn't do anything about this colored barrier, which shows how powerful this Tianlong was during his lifetime.


Luo Tian endured the pain and fell to the ground with both feet, grinning his teeth in pain, secretly calculating in his heart that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to break through the colored barrier. followed.

"Before you fall, don't forget that it was my mufu who took your life."

The black-clothed woman scooped up her bare hands in the void, and a powerful and incomparable aura burst out, which even oppressed Luo Tian's actions.

"Half-grade Immortal Treasure!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank fiercely, and he was about to use the power of the immortal monarch to display thirty times the combat power!

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