
Chapter 773 Tianhe True Solution

Luo Tian's complexion changed instantly and his eyes rolled wildly, but his heart was full of unprecedented anger, the beauty of an adult?As long as Luo Tian casually turns a thought, it is enough to guess the other party's purpose.

Mufu raised her eyebrows vigorously, and then quickly formed the magic formula in her hand. The half-level immortal treasure of the soul-stirring silver cable spun on the top of her head, and as it kept spinning, countless crystal-like radiances turned into Circles of ripples of light scattered from the air, covering Mufu's entire body in it.Mu Fu is also a crystal clear person. What the black-clothed boy said just now, she guessed that this old and disrespectful old guy must be messing around.

In normal times, the black-clothed boy messes around with mandarin ducks. With Mufu's city and temperament, even if 1 people are not happy, it is very possible to act to the end, but the object at this moment is the white-clothed ugly that I hate to the extreme Male, Mufu is extremely hard to accept!

Therefore, she has a complete determination in her heart!

I would rather die than compromise, and cause and effect with that ugly boy in white!

Luo Tian looked on coldly, he was naturally extremely smart, he knew what Mufu was thinking without even thinking about it, but he was too lazy to pay much attention to a woman like Mufu.Counting the eight ladies from the Profound Sky Plane and Tang Yan from the Immortal Realm, Luo Tian now has nine ladies, and Tang Yan is pregnant, and Luo Tian himself is not a womanizer by nature. In Tian's heart, apart from his constant cultivation, only family affection and friendship can really move him. Luo Tian doesn't care about the rest, no matter how big or small.

In fact, in a sense, the stunning beauty at the moment is nothing more than the pink skull that Buddha Zong said in front of Luo Tian, ​​and there is no possibility that Luo Tian's mood will fluctuate in the slightest.

"Damn it! Since this little girl wants to fight me to the end, then let him be fulfilled!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he directly took out a drop of the power of the immortal monarch and ignited it directly. This drop of the power of the immortal monarch is quite pure, even in the cylinder of the power of the immortal monarch in Luo Tian's hands, it is also the best. The kind that is pure to the extreme, I am afraid that the saints will be envious when they see it!

"The power of the immortal king! This is, this is...impossible! It's him!..."

The originally smiling expression of the boy in black suddenly changed, and he immediately turned pale with shock. Unfortunately, it was already too late for him to regret it.The increasingly blurred figure of the black-clothed boy finally returned to the purest lawful energy, which melted into the void in an instant. It must be possible for the black-clothed boy to use a trace of his soul to activate some kind of secret technique. Naturally, he would have to pay A certain price.

Secret method? !

Luo Tian was stunned all of a sudden, damn it, isn't this a joke?Even if the other party is just a trace of the primordial spirit of a fairy, it is not something he can deal with now, let alone the secret method that the other party spends the primordial spirit to display.

"Don't be afraid, there is a deity here!"

At the critical moment, the Robber Immortal finally spoke out, "It seems that this kid may have recognized the origin of this deity, but fortunately, even if he wants to restore his peak strength, he may have to wait until the end of this era! "

"Then what should we do now?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, it's a small scene, the deity will cover you, this is a great opportunity for you kid..."

Luo Tian's eyes darkened, he was afraid of chances now, especially the chances that the old brigand Xianjun talked about, it was definitely not a good thing, it was a chance that could only be obtained after a narrow escape, Luo Tian really didn't want it...

Luo Tian secretly groaned in his heart, the old man Luo Yunluo and the robber Xianjun are simply two bastards, meeting them will definitely not be a good thing, this has almost formed an absolute law in Luo Tian's life.

But what made Luo Tian feel relieved was that what the Robber Immortal Lord promised was very trustworthy, so Luo Tian quietly watched from the sidelines, ready to adapt to the situation, anyway, there is no other good way at present.

Chi Chi Chi!

Next, Mu Fu did not attack Luo Tian recklessly at this sensitive moment, but after just ten breaths, a different aura suddenly appeared in the entire Tianlong Tomb .

"The power of the law of space!"

Luo Tian frowned slightly as he watched, the primordial spirit spread out quickly, covering the whole audience immediately, but he soon noticed that the primordial consciousness in a certain space under his feet was directly swallowed up.

"Don't be afraid, that's where your chance lies. You're right, don't struggle."

Bandit Xianjun finally spoke when Luo Tian was about to make a random move.

Luo Tian nodded, didn't say much, just waited and watched.

Mufu, on the other hand, was more impatient, and her complexion changed a little. It seemed that she, like Luo Tian, ​​had sensed the abnormality in the Tianlong Tomb and made the first move.

"Silver Light Promise!"

But seeing Mufutan spit out lightly, two snow-white jade hands slowly formed a hand formula, and then lightly pressed down to the void, and the wind suddenly surged below.

"Half-grade Immortal Treasure is really powerful."

Luo Tian watched in amazement in his heart, but his body sank, but a vortex seemed to be born under his feet to suck him in.

At the same time, Mufu also sank downwards, but layers of crystal brilliance that looked like flower petals suddenly emanated from Mufu's feet, continuously deriving and changing, and finally could withstand the space vortex under her feet. stopped the body.


Luo Tian pretended to be fussy on purpose, and his figure fell towards the space vortex below extremely quickly, just one or two breaths, Luo Tian just disappeared into the space vortex and disappeared .

Mu Fu was expressionless. After a long time, she noticed that the silver light under her feet was almost tempered into nothingness. When she was about to display her supernatural powers again, the space vortex under her feet suddenly stopped. The majestic breath, but the space vortex is not moving for half a minute.

"How is this going?"

Mufu's figure flashed, and she moved directly in front of the space where someone disappeared just now, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled imperceptibly, and a complex meaning finally appeared on her cold and beautiful face.


"What the hell is going on here?!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was almost on the verge of collapse. Ever since he entered the vortex of space, he kept dodging almost all the time. This unlucky space really left him speechless.

Fractured boulders, shattered feathers, trees and dead grass, pieces of chaotic space.

Luo Tian's heart is in pain, this place is really comparable to the most miserable and barren area.

"Boy, use some thought. In those chaotic little spaces, there are good things that others can't ask for!" The robber fairy left without saying a word.


Luo Tian thought for a while, and finally carefully penetrated the primordial spirit into those small spaces.

There are all kinds of strange things in the small space, including broken fairy treasures, jade slips, classics, etc., and even many elixir and miraculous medicines.

However, after Luo Tian made a move to break open a small space, he finally gained experience. To open this small space, it would take too much immortal energy, so Luo Tian could only pick some really useful small spaces to open and obtain The things in it, otherwise, if they opened up all the small spaces one by one, Luo Tian might use up all the spiritual veins in his body, and it would be difficult for him to collect all the things in it.

"Tianhe true solution!"

After a long time, Luo Tian unexpectedly found a fragmented ancient jade slip, but the content in the jade slip made Luo Tian ecstatic.

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