
Chapter 792

"Hehe, Uncle Han doesn't need these pills anymore."

Luo Tian shook his head lightly and smiled, and then faintly seeped out a trace of primordial spirit and consciousness.

"Half-step Profound Immortal!"

Li Minghua's eyes stared straight at once. The primordial spirit and divine consciousness that Luo Tian just exuded had suddenly reached the realm of half-step Xuanxian. With such a cultivation base, he could rank among the top three in Qingyan Town.

In fact, Qingyan Town has a Xuanxian sitting in the town. That Xuanxian is the Great Elder of Qingyan Town. He has lived for 8000 to [-] million years. He is a genuine old antique, but he is still trapped by Xuanxian. Mid-term peak but still unable to break through.Not surprisingly, Xuanxian's lifespan is only [-] million years old. If he can't break through to Daluo Jinxian when his lifespan is approaching, he must die.

And the previous strongman in Qingyan Town still had an outsider who was similar to Luo Tian, ​​and he was also the husband-in-law of Li Minghua's only sister, Yao Lie.This Yao Lie was almost the same as Luo Tian, ​​he was seriously injured and rescued by the people in Qingyan Town, and later settled down here, and married Li Minghua's biological sister, who is now a half-step Xuanxian.

"Hehe, do you know now, kid? Uncle Han personally refined these two types of medicine for you. However, due to the shortage of medicinal materials, only three were refined. If you enter Yunmeng Swamp in the future, the old man will find them If you have the opportunity to gather more elixir, you can refine some more." Luo Tian smiled lightly, this is not a lie, the medicinal materials in the first sky domain of Luotian Black Lotus Space have reached a very high level. Level, even if it is refined casually, it is impossible to refine mid-to-low-level elixir such as Butian Pill and Xiaohaohua Pill, at least it is a mid-level elixir.But in this way, Luo Tian was afraid that someone with a heart would notice if he took it out for a long time.Secondly, Luo Tian has lost most of his memory now, and he doesn't remember the refining formulas of those elixir at all.

Of course, Luo Tian learned from Li Minghua that there are countless treasures of heaven and earth in Yunmeng Swamp, and it may not be certain that there may be reincarnation fruits in legends that can remind people of past and present lives.Therefore, Luo Tian would follow Li Minghua and others into the Yunmeng Swamp.

"Hey, thank you very much, Uncle Han." Li Minghua fought with heaven and man for a while, and finally smiled with relief, and then carefully took three elixir from Luo Tian's hands, and was about to put them into the Naxu ring.

"Submit it on the spot."

Luo Tian said with a half-smile, directly exposing Li Minghua's tricks in his heart. This guy is so simple and honest that he even wanted to leave him a qin.

"Uncle Han, I don't want to part with it." Li Minghua blushed and argued.

Luo Tian couldn't help but give this guy a slap, "Hurry up and take it, you can hide your little thoughts from me, don't worry, when you come back from Yunmeng Swamp, your Qin'er share will be indispensable."

"Thank you Uncle Han, thank you Uncle Han!" Li Minghua exclaimed with great joy, then sat cross-legged and swallowed the Butian Pill first.

Seeing this, Luo Tian waved his hand and shot out a burst of immortal energy, which was directly injected into Li Minghua's body, but Li Minghua trembled slightly, and immediately stabilized his body.

That is to say, after an hour, the effect of the Butian Pill was fully exerted, and all the magazines in Li Minghua's body were excreted. You must know that the Butian Pill was refined by Luo Tian himself, and it already contained a trace of swallowing the sky. The breath of law, its effectiveness has already surpassed the scope of Butian Pill, if it is taken outside, it will really be snatched away by the crowd.

"It's not bad." Luo Tian nodded lightly, quite satisfied. Li Minghua's aptitude is average, and it's not easy to be able to do what he is now.

Next, Li Minghua took two small fortune pills. These small fortune pills were used to improve his cultivation, and Luo Tian even infiltrated a trace of the power of the immortal soul, which was also great for the cultivation of the soul. helpful.

It can be seen how much Luo Tian's love for Li Minghua has reached.

Three elixir, three hours.

Li Minghua stood up, felt the surging power in his body, and said pleasantly: "Uncle Han, I feel, I feel that I am only one step away from reaching the mid-stage cultivation of Feixian. Your elixir is really powerful!"

"Hehe." Luo Tian stretched out his palm, swept several celestial powers across Li Minghua's body, completely stabilized Li Minghua's current state, and said with a faint smile, "Next, the old man will teach you two exercises, one is It is specially used to hide your own realm aura, and one is specially designed to enhance your combat power..."

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles!"


For an immortal like Luo Tian, ​​the days passed by extremely quickly, as if a few days had passed in the blink of an eye.

During these days, besides practicing assiduously every day in order to restore his cultivation as soon as possible, Luo Tian also had an extra pleasure, which was to give advice on Li Minghua's cultivation every day.Of course, Luo Tian worriedly attached a trace of primordial consciousness to Li Minghua. This guy is too honest and honest. If someone with a heart finds out that he is unusual, he may easily reveal the secret between the two of them.

"Ordinary, it seems good."

On this day, Li Minghua asked for leave to accompany his sister Qin'er. After Luo Tian finished training, he stood tall, his figure flashed, and he galloped towards Yunmeng Swamp.

Knowing that there are countless treasures and monsters in Yunmeng Swamp, Luo Tian said that he has never been there, which is too inconceivable.

In fact, Luo Tian has entered Yunmeng Swamp several times, but it is extremely easy to get lost in Yunmeng Swamp. It seems that there is a natural and powerful formation in it, so Luo Tian does not dare to rush into it. Wandering, at most go deep into the central region, but don't dare to stay too much.


Luo Tian flew with his hands behind his back, and punched out in the air. A monster with a height of several tens of feet in the distance turned into a cloud of blood mist before it could even let out a miserable howl. Swallowed into the body.

Pitiful that the second day domain of the Black Lotus Space was squandered by Luo Tian at the beginning, but now most of it has been exhausted, Luo Tian is not willing to use it, otherwise, how can his recovery speed be comparable to what it is today?

In this way, Luo Tian walked all the way, killing fairly powerful monsters and beasts all the way, and his cultivation base increased at a rather unsatisfactory speed.

"Huh? Where is it?"

Soon, Luo Tian frowned slightly, "This breath seems to be a spiritual vein!"


Luo Tian directly concealed his aura, used the void assassination technique, and shot towards the distance.

That is, in two or three breaths, Luo Tian appeared from the void, as if he had completely merged into the void, unable to see, hear, or perceive.

The middle stage of Xuanxian!

Luo Tian finally once again successfully stepped into the mid-term cultivation base of Xuanxian!

"The transformation this time is equivalent to starting from scratch, but the degree of concentration of the immortal power in the body is several times stronger than before. If you fully restore the cultivation base at the peak, I am afraid that the strength will also increase several times!"

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