
Chapter 794 Yuan Shi Xuan Gong

"Now it's finally safe."

The Qingguang King said to himself, then quietly raised his head and looked at the distant sky, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, King Qingguang sighed heavily, but without saying a word, he turned into a blue-red light and went away quickly.

After about another meal, Luo Tian finally shook his body and emerged from the void where he was, with his face flushed. The dangerous move just now really hurt him badly. If it wasn't for his own Guessing that there is an immortal soul protecting the body, even if Luo Tian was killed, he would not dare to take such a risk to steal the map.You must know that the primordial spirit is not to say that it is in the fairy world, even if it is in the hundreds of millions of interfaces below, it can be regarded as the core source of the immortal cultivator. , then the body and spirit will really disappear.

Otherwise, the Yuanshen Attack Immortal Treasure and the Yuanshen Defense Immortal Treasure are the top immortal treasures in the fairy world?

Almost all of the cultivation techniques for cultivating immortals have a back-up method to protect a trace of immortality in the heart. This method is reserved for life-saving at the most critical moment.

"Cough cough."

Luo Tian coughed violently a few times, then condensed the Tianshun Yuanli from the inner world, and began to restore the primordial spirit. If this Tianshenyuanli was used to repair the physical body, it would be unique. If it was used to restore the Yuanshen, the progress would be quite slow.

After recovering for a while, Luo Tian stretched out his hand and swiped at the void in front of him, and the space appeared directly, and several elixirs appeared from it glowing with colorful light.

Luo Tian opened his mouth to inhale without even looking at it, and swallowed it directly.

"This Yunshen Pill was originally intended to be left to Minghua in the future, but it seems that I have enjoyed it first. Is it true that a drink and a peck are the destiny of the world?" Luo Tian sighed softly and said with a wry smile. The law is the supreme and first law in the world, and it is mysterious and inexhaustible. Not to mention him, even a fairy can't escape the control of fate!

Next, Luo Tian naturally took out the jade slip that contained the map, and then lightly pasted it between his eyebrows, and began to read it.

"The situation in this Yunmeng Swamp is so complicated and mysterious, it is really unpredictable. The people of Qingyan Town will enter it to practice in a few days..."

Thinking of this, Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a little headache. According to what he learned from the Xuanguang mirror, even the three major races are sending peerless young men to come here.It is extremely difficult to stop the rules established by Qingyan Town since ancient times.

"The current strategy is to restore strength as soon as possible, otherwise the catastrophe will happen, and no one will be spared!"

Luo Tian's eyes burst into divine light, and then flew away into the sky.


"Uncle Han! Uncle Han!"

As soon as he returned to his residence, Li Minghua greeted him anxiously.


Luo Tian smiled faintly, "Could it be that something went wrong in cultivation?"

"That's not true." Li Minghua said with a naive smile, "I have been waiting with you for more than a day, but I didn't see you. I thought you, I thought you..."

"Why?" Luo Tian asked a little funny.

"I thought you had left Qingyan Town and would never come back." Li Minghua said with a sad face.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand and rubbed Li Minghua's head, and scolded with a smile, "Idiot! How could this old man leave without saying goodbye? Besides, this old man is not willing to leave until he sees that Xiao Minghua has become a strong one."

"Uncle Han!" Li Minghua was so moved that he rubbed his hands and didn't know what to say.

"Come in, old man, let's see how your cultivation has progressed recently?"

Luo Tian waved his hand and walked into the room first.


Luo Tian's primordial spirit swept Li Minghua's body for a moment, and frowned slightly, "Minghua, do you have any other exercises in Qingyan Town?"

"No!" Li Minghua replied without hesitation, "everyone in our Qingyan town has practiced the same kind of exercise, as long as they are in Qingyan town, everyone can practice it! Of course, You are also qualified to practice now!"

"Oh." Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, "Recite the formula and listen to it."


As Li Minghua recited the exercises that Qingyan Town had practiced for generations, Luo Tian finally began to feel overwhelmed.

With Luo Tian's current strength and vision, although Li Minghua's reciting of Xuan Gong is incomplete, Luo Tian noticed something unusual in it.

"Uncle Han, that's all."

After a while, Li Minghua finally stopped talking, and looked at Luo Tian innocently, "Is there something wrong?"

"What's the name of this exercise?" Luo Tian pondered for a long time and said slowly.

"Yuanshi Xuangong." Li Minghua quickly replied.


Luo Tian was neither sad nor happy, he kept shouting in his heart, this is by no means the real name of this kind of exercise, from the small to the big, although what Li Minghua practiced was only the superficial part of the exercise, Luo Tian could see the changes behind it at a glance Infinitely high and unpredictable, this kind of kung fu has been cultivated to the extreme, and its absolute power reaches the sky. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can open up the world!

"Wait! I remembered!"

Li Minghua suddenly shouted, "We have a secret place in Qingyan Town, but no one knows where this ancestral temple is located except the elder who is in charge of guarding it. And once I overheard the drunken elder say, Yuan Shi There are three volumes of Xuan Gong, and those of us are only practicing the first volume, and the Great Elder even shouted angrily, why has there been no genius who can practice the third volume in Qingyan Town for hundreds of generations!"

"Then what volume are you practicing now?" Luo Tian asked softly.

"The first volume." Li Minghua replied, "The first volume that everyone in Qingyan Town can study is in the courtyard of the ancestral hall opposite the residence of the Great Elder. Only when you break through the scope of the first volume can you become a The Great Elder's beginner disciple, so that he can practice the second volume of Yuanshi Xuangong's exercises."

"Is there any restriction?" Luo Tian was a little puzzled.

"Yes, only after breaking through to the Xuanxian realm can one practice the second volume of exercises."

Next, Luo Tian quickly corrected some shortcomings in Li Minghua's cultivation, and then left Li Minghua in the house and went out alone.

This small town is not as simple as it seems on the surface!

That's what Luo Tian thought in his heart. After a while, Luo Tian arrived outside the ancestral hall of Qingyan Town. Speaking of which, most of the people living in Qingyan Town were named Li, except for Luo Tian and Yao Lie, so there was only one Ancestral temple.

Slowly stepping into the ancestral hall, the ancestral hall is quite quiet at the moment. It is estimated that most people are practicing hard at this time, preparing for the Yunmeng Swamp in a few days.

Stepping into the backyard of the ancestral hall, Luo Tian saw at a glance that a huge cyan boulder standing four or five feet high stood in the center. On the top of the cyan boulder, there were densely carved Qingli scripts, which were exactly the same as the Yuanshixuan Kung Fu formula that Li Minghua said .

"This kind of cultivation technique is unparalleled in the world. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as it seems?" Luo Tian said to himself, as if he was speaking for himself or others.

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