
Chapter 814 Don't Wait Until Tomorrow...

"Ruzi can be taught, Ruzi can be taught!"

With his hands behind his back, Luo Tian looked into the distance with a proud posture, shook his head and sighed softly, "These little bastards, if they go on like this, they will soon get rid of all these unique skills that the old man puts at the bottom of the box!"

Chen Juxiong broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words, and fine beads of sweat could not help flowing down his forehead. Although he had never seen a guy like Li Yi in his life in terms of shamelessness and obscenity, it is undeniable that after pointing and In terms of supporting the younger generation, his attainments are extremely high, few people can match.Even the Taiyi Golden Immortal powerhouse that he had seen once from a distance, I am afraid he is not as good as him. If the Wuwu Sword Sect absorbs him, the Wuwo Sword Sect will be able to raise its overall strength to a big level within 10 years , at least it can reach the quasi-second-rate forces in the Northern Immortal Realm.

such a pity!

Chen Juxiong took a deep look at Luo Tian, ​​and sighed softly in his heart. It is impossible for such an amazingly talented leader to stop for the Wuwu Sword Sect. Although this guy looks like a braggart, but Judging from the strength he showed at the tip of the iceberg, he should have the strength no less than that of the Xuanxian powerhouse.

In the distance, Natu and Li Minghua, who had been really idle and panicked recently, didn't hold back this time and shot with all their strength. Those monsters of Xuanxian level were invincible under the strong suppression of the two of them!

"Damn it!"

"These two guys are hiding their true strength!"

"Damn, it's really fierce!"


The four Flying Immortal masters of the Wuwo Sword Sect who were subdued by Luo Tian's training couldn't help being stunned. It seemed that they were merciful before and allowed the four of them to be arrogant for a while.

Luo Tian withdrew his gaze, and his face was calm. In the true sense, he is indeed an authentic Southern Immortal Realm, but he has always ignored the secular etiquette and rebellious, never thought that the Southern Immortal Realm and the Northern Immortal Realm were What's the difference, everyone is from the Immortal Realm, and the Southern Immortal Realm doesn't necessarily have many good people, and there are also scumbags.And there are many good people in the Northern Immortal Realm, and there are many honest and honest people, which cannot be generalized at all.

"Grandma has a leg!"

Luo Tian scolded Sha Sheng's mantra in his heart, "What's the matter? If these guys find out that I am from the Southern Immortal Realm during the battle between the two worlds, will they vomit blood in depression?"

However, soon Luo Tian didn't bother to think about these things, and now it seems that he has to take one step at a time. The more troubles he thinks about, the more entanglements he will have.At present, I still have two goals that have not been fulfilled. One is to find my mother, and the other is to fulfill my promise to go to the Black Prison State to help the robber Xianjun fulfill his wish.

"I'm not a carefree person either."

Luo Tian had just finished sighing, but found that the battle between Li Minghua and the six of them was over.

"Damn it!"

Li Minghua abused the eagle-like monster captured alive by him with fists left and right, and shouted bitterly, "These turtles run so fast, I'm sure I won't be able to catch up, and I will do it next time I come up!" Disabled, let's see how they escape!"

"Just be content!" Natu next to him rolled his eyes with an envious look on his face, "Stop talking sarcastic, I'm not as good as you, at least you captured a mysterious beast alive, I don't even have hair! "

On one side, almost all of the four flying immortals of the Wuwo Sword Sect were crying. These two perverts, facing several Xuanxian monsters, turned out to be as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. The four of them have improved their strength these days To be able to win a stable victory over a Xuanxian monster, I thought this was already a remarkable achievement, but I didn't expect that there are mountains as high as mountains, and cultivation is really an endless chore.

Of course, these four guys are still secretly happy, because the four of them have also sealed the immortal power in their bodies at this moment, and they can deal with a mysterious fairy beast with their physical body and moves alone, and they are proud enough to say it.

"Sooner or later, it will surpass you two!"

The four looked at the figures of Li Minghua and Natu fanatically, swearing secretly in their hearts.


"Ah! You guys should kill me! Ahhhhh!..."

The poor white jade carving that was captured alive by Li Minghua was tied to the tree trunk. Under the most primitive torture of Li Minghua and others, he couldn't stop howling. He was not afraid of death, but his soul and immortal power were imprisoned. , There is no chance of death at all.


Li Minghua sat down panting, and said angrily, "Natu, it's your turn! You bastard, what a hero! I'm exhausted!"

Natu said with contempt expressionlessly, "Idiot, your punishment method is too common, it's up to you."

Then, Natu struck fiercely, torturing the white jade eagle in different ways, and the five members of the Wuwu Sword Sect, including Chen Juxiong, looked ashen-faced. They hadn't even heard of this kind of punishment method, let alone seen it before. Said.

"Barbarians, you'd better kill me!" Bai Yudiao shouted bullishly, with a face full of death.

"It seems that we have to castrate you and let you be an eunuch first." Natu shrugged, with the same expression as Luo Tian, ​​and said calmly.

"Ah?! What! You are going to castrate me, shit, you should kill me, if I frown, you gave birth to me!"

"Young master can't give birth to beasts." Natu raised the corner of his mouth, and punched straight out, aiming directly at Bai Yudiao's lower body.

"I said, I said!"

Bai Yudiao's psychological defense finally collapsed, and he quickly roared blankly, being a eunuch bird, even if it dies, it is really aggrieved.

The old god beside Luo Tian let out a sigh of relief, which was too slow.

"Yes... ah! You don't keep your word!..."

Just as Bai Yudiao opened his mouth, a trace of blood flashed across his face, and with a roar, his body slowly broke into pieces.

"Come out, since you dare to kill and silence, why do you have to be so sneaky?"

While Luo Tian was speaking, he patted a certain space with his palm from a distance, and that space was immediately surrounded by a terrifying tornado.

"Sure enough, I have some ability, no wonder I dare to go on a rampage all the way."


A flash of light flashed in the tornado, and then it transformed into the shapes of countless monsters and beasts, rushing towards the tornado wildly, and the tornado was washed away in just a few breaths.

"This, it seems to be..." Chen Juxiong's expression changed slightly.

"Another deal is coming to your door?"

Seeing this, the cold light in Li Minghua's pupils flashed away.

Natu, on the other hand, was smiling more and more, a typical young version of Luo Tian.

"Stay here!"

What stunned Chen Juxiong was that Li Minghua and Natu charged forward like outlaws.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the two people who appeared on the opposite side staggered in the void, and looked at everyone with resentment from behind.

"Hmph, how courageous you are. Dare to give your paws to our Ten Thousand Beasts Gate. I'm so impatient! Have the courage to wait until the arrival of senior brother tomorrow, and I guarantee that none of you will die if you want to!"

"It's just two half-step Xuanxians, there's a lot of nonsense, don't wait until tomorrow, you are going to die today."

Chen Juxiong turned around with a face full of horror.

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