
Chapter 834 Shameless, hurry up!

Clouds and mist were shrouded in the sky, and a bunch of demon golden immortals were whispering among them.

"This group of human races also have some tricks. The three of them survived the catastrophe together. It's amazing!"

"Don't mention it! Unlucky, I have been waiting with Qiang Han for seventeen days, no, I will give at least [-]% to that guy when he gets something!"

"That's right! Let's take it as compensation from that guy Qiang Han!"


When the six-member team exchanged glances with each other, the leader of the demon clan withdrew his consciousness and said with a faint smile, "What's the hurry, I took the risk of using my consciousness to investigate just now, and found that all but the three people who survived the catastrophe Humans, and the other four humans, these are enough to compensate us."

"Then Qianghan?" Soon, a Demon Race who was at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian in the middle period asked doubtfully.

"Hahaha, it goes without saying that if Qiang Han loses, I can naturally ask Qiang Han to give me some benefits when I make a move."

"I see! Hahaha, the captain is wise!"

"Look, that guy Qiang Han is impatient to make a move!"

"Huh? What's going on? Why did several prohibition circles suddenly appear on this island without a sound? Could it be that those seven humans discovered Qianghan? Damn it, this guy is more than successful than failure!"

"It doesn't matter." The leader of the demon clan smiled lightly, "The highest cultivation among these seven humans is the peak of Luo Jinxian, not my opponent."

As everyone knows, this strong demon is not the last person to be found on the island after investigating with confidence.

Luo Tian, ​​who has reached Taiyi Gold Fairyland!

This time's greed and mistakes are enough to make this demon team fall into a situation beyond redemption.

But he said that the demon Qianghan who made a sneak attack had waited for a long time, and finally waited until the other party survived the Daluo Jinxian's catastrophe, and he secretly felt ruthless in his heart, mother, it only took less than one month for the other party to see it like this. If the opponent grows up, he will definitely not be an opponent.You must know that it took Qiang Han three full years to cross the Great Luo Jinxian Heavenly Tribulation, and his cultivation base grew very slowly after that, otherwise he would not have come out to do this no-cost business.

But Qiang Han thought about it, fortunately, the opponent had just passed through the catastrophe, and it was the weakest time, so he could easily take down the opponent with all his strength. Thinking about it this way, Qiang Han showed up with unbearable excitement in his heart, It shot towards the island at an extremely fast speed.

With Qiang Han's cultivation level, it only takes a blink of an eye to land on the island and kill the three opponents.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred!

"what happened?"

Qiang Han suddenly looked dumbfounded at the dense fog that suddenly appeared in front of him, with a dumbfounded look. According to his experience of squatting for seventeen days, even though there were four other people on the other side, it was impossible for those four people to notice him. Because he is the superior demon clan among the demon clan, the Tianyin demon clan, who is best at the technique of concealment, unless the other party has a powerful late Daluo Jinxian sitting in the fortress, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to detect his whereabouts.

"Hiding for so long? Finally willing to come out?"

Suddenly, a voice rang in Qiang Han's ears, and then he turned around in shock, opened his mouth and blasted out a mace.

Qiang Han's reaction was not unpleasant, but the speed of the opponent's movement was beyond his imagination, and the next moment Qiang Han felt a strong wind coming from the left side of his body!


Qiang Han's not-so-weak physical body was blasted through the defense all at once, and his whole body shook, but before he could react, that strange aura appeared behind him, another blow!

It was as if a thunderbolt sounded in the void, the sound was loud, but it did not spread beyond the restraining circle.

At this moment, Luo Tian was standing quietly on the spot, with Chen Juxiong, Natu, and Qi Jie standing in front of him, and the scene of Li Minghua fighting against each other was reflected on a mirror of Yuanli flickering with mysterious light.

Totally one-sided.

Now that Li Minghua has been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, his physical body has become even more tyrannical, and he has reached the peak of the holy treasure. If there is an adventure, he can break through to the realm of the holy treasure.It is no problem to use the refining stake to deal with the demon clan who has been cultivated in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

"Uncle, since there is a prohibition circle arranged by you, let me and Qi Jie bring in the rest of the devils to solve it, right?" Natu gently stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Nephew Natu, what you said is completely wrong!" Chen Juxiong exclaimed very depressed, "Why don't you count me as one?"

"It's the duty of us juniors to solve problems for our uncle." Qi Jie said with a deadpan expression, very serious.

"...You, you little bastard..." Chen Juxiong was so angry that he could barely speak.

"Let's do this, leave the devil boy with the highest cultivation level to Chen Daoyou, and leave the rest to these three little guys." In the end, Luo Tian made the final decision and said, "Remember to fight quickly, those who have just survived the catastrophe Leave the three little guys to me."

"Hehehe, Li Daoyou is still interesting! You are indeed a good brother!" Chen Juxiong smiled flatteringly.


It was Luo Tian who kicked Chen Juxiong into the air, and scolded with a smile, "You are still a late-stage Da Luo Jinxian strongman, and you often compete with these juniors, which really embarrasses the old man."

"Hey, it's a pity that the three of us have just survived the Great Luo Jinxian's catastrophe, otherwise it would be the uncle's turn to make a move!"

Behind Luo Tian, ​​the three weak guys who had just survived the catastrophe of Da Luo Jinxian shouted with grief and indignation.

Luo Tian was speechless.

"Shameless! You shameless human beings are too shameless! Come out! Come out and fight this seat openly!"

Not long after, the demon team that finally entered the forbidden circle collapsed. How did they know that they encountered such a group of shameless humans, hiding in the forbidden circle from time to time and making sneak attacks, but their strength was not weak , just don't fight you head-on.

"Damn it, let me in if you have the guts!" Chen Juxiong laughed loudly, "See how I deal with you!"

The demon who fought against Chen Juxiong was the one with the highest cultivation level in the entire team, but even if he used the half-level fairy treasure in his hand, he still couldn't break through the magic circle in front of him in a short time. .

"Didn't I say that I want a quick fight?"

Soon, Luo Tian was amused by these wretched guys, and immediately shouted through sound transmission.


After half a year.

Several lights and shadows shot out from the void, and the leader, Chen Juxiong, stood proudly in the sky, looking down at a demon camp standing quietly below.

"Later, you guys will break down one by one according to what I said, did you hear?" Chen Juxiong suddenly turned his head helplessly and urged.

Luo Tian smiled and remained silent. The demon camp in front of him was the No. 13 that was killed in the past six months.Anyway, if he hadn't encountered an extremely tyrannical guy, he would have saved himself a shot, and let Chen Juxiong and others torment him.

Whoosh whoosh!

Unexpectedly, before Chen Juxiong could finish his sentence, Li Minghua and the others behind him rushed out, their speed was extremely fast.

"Kill it! Otherwise, if you move slowly, you will be robbed by old man Chen!"

"Extremely! Master uncle has become more and more shameless recently!"

"Hurry up!"

Chen Juxiong immediately looked dull.

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