
Chapter 853 Jade Flame Golden Light Beast

It is said to be an incomplete stele, but in fact the text on the incomplete stele has become blurred in the years of grinding, and the pits and holes on it are all small stone holes.It was only the occasional traces of powerful power and vague ancient characters emanating from the incomplete stele that made Luo Tian see the words "Tian Dao Zong".

For Tiandao Sect, Luo Tian read some information about the ancient cave in Yunmeng Swamp from the elder of Qingyan Town before. It is quite detailed. It is also the four most powerful sects among the many ancient caves in Yunmeng Swamp. There are many ancient caves in Yunmeng Swamp, and the ancient cave opened this time is only one of the larger ones.

The Four Extreme Sects are the Heavenly Sword Sect, Luoshen Sect, Biyou Xiangong and Demon God Sect.Among them, Tiandao Sect and Luoshen Sect are the sects inherited from the human race, Biyou Xiangong is the sect inherited from the demon race, and Demon God Sect is the sect inherited from the demon race.In ancient times, many of the three major ethnic groups of humans, monsters and demons were separated from their respective gathering places, and they jointly studied the nature and the nature of the mutual exchange, presenting a thriving scene. This situation also aroused great repercussions in the northern and southern fairylands. It's just that I don't know why these powerful sects in Yunmeng Swamp experienced a war that no one knew clearly, and then quickly withered.

The fairyland is always so cruel, no matter how powerful your sect is, it will eventually decline in the long river of time without a powerful fairy king.Even if there are great figures in charge, it is useless if they cannot survive the catastrophe in the changing era.

One out of ten great immortals who can survive the catastrophe of the changing era.

With a movement of Luo Tian's figure, he directly landed on the incomplete stele, and then stomped his big foot lightly, and the incomplete stele fell like fine sand.

"What a fierce and domineering sword intent!"

Suddenly Luo Tian's eyes lit up, and with a big hand grabbing, he grabbed a few saber intents from the incomplete stone tablet, and those saber intents fell on Luo Tian's palm, still struggling and beating non-stop.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand to grasp it, and the law of swallowing the sky in the palm of his hand burst out immediately, immediately wrapped up the few saber intents, and slowly melted them away.

"I hope this trip will be worthwhile."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, and after thinking for a moment, he plundered directly into the distance.

In the distance, it is the place where the saber intent is most prosperous and tyrannical. Luo Tianyuanshen has a very high level of cultivation, so he can naturally perceive it.

Not long after Luo Tian left, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air over a certain dense forest a hundred miles away. Once this person appeared, the dense forest below him violently swayed from side to side like weeds in the wind, flying sand and rocks, making it a mess.

Fu Muhan, the woman in black.

Fu Muhan also chose the Heavenly Sword Sect. He didn't want to go on the same road with Ning Zhenzhen and Sima Xiang. Both of them are members of the monster clan. We can go together, but I am just making wedding dresses for others.In fact, besides the Heavenly Sword Sect, the Luoshen Sect is also a sect that is all about women's cultivation methods, but it is not suitable for her.The Demon God Sect is the inheritance of the Demon Race.Fu Muhan thought about it for a long time before he followed Luo Tian into the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"That thing must exist in the Heavenly Sword Sect, so we can't be too late."

Fu Muhan thought in his heart, and soon disappeared from the sky in a stream of light.


Broken rocks and dilapidated buildings can be seen everywhere along the way. Luo Tian flew fast in the sky, and soon he caught the scenery below, and couldn't help frowning. After all, the Heavenly Sword Sect once had a fairy in command What kind of level of fighting has made such a powerful sect what it is today?

"No air ban!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian, ​​who was flying high in the sky, suddenly felt a strong force of gravity on his body, as if several mountains were hanging, his body suddenly fell to the ground.

clap clap!

After Luo Tian landed, his figure twisted slightly for a moment before he got used to the restricted gravity field.

"This air ban is so powerful, at least it was arranged by a strong person at the level of a saint."

Luo Tian stared at the surrounding situation with sparkle in his eyes, and then continued to walk along the messy jade road.

Whoosh whoosh!

As we go forward, more and more substantial saber qi is gushing out. The saber qi has no distribution pattern at all, and it drifts between the heaven and the earth. Breathless, hard to guard against.

Luo Tian's bodyguard's precious light could not stretch and stretch, and resisted the saber energy from anywhere. These saber auras shot at random, and they didn't seem to be manipulated by humans at all, which made Luo Tian secretly heave a sigh of relief. If all the saber energy from all over the mountains and plains came towards him, I'm afraid he would really have some headaches.

"Damn it, it's no wonder that there are ruins everywhere here, and the relationship is not necessarily destroyed by a strong enemy, it is very likely that these sword qi are caused by themselves!"

Luo Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he felt bitter secretly.

"That is?"

After walking for a full two hours, Luo Tian finally saw in the distance that under the distant emptiness and blurry sky, dark clouds and hurricanes suddenly formed like long knives, making heart-palpitating buzzing sounds, and the momentum was unparalleled.

"This breath..."

Just as Luo Tian took a step forward, the protective light in front of him suddenly sank inward, swaying endlessly under the blowing of those saber auras.

"What a powerful field of sword intent! After so many years, it is still so fierce. I really don't know how strong the sword sect should be at its peak that day?"

The celestial energy in Luo Tian's body circulated rapidly, and the light of the protective body suddenly swelled, pushing back the powerful sword.

Next, every time Luo Tian advances by a hundred feet, the pressure around his body increases exponentially, and the scarred body that has been tempered by the precious light of his body is dimmed endlessly.In fact, Luo Tian controlled the celestial power to a frighteningly proficient level, and controlled the celestial power consumed by driving the protective body to such an extent that there was no more or no less.

In fact, Luo Tian is really stingy... Although he already has a lot of first-order spiritual veins, he still doesn't want to waste more.

One thousand feet.

Two thousand feet.

Three thousand feet.

With a distance of three thousand zhang, layers of gusts of wind were still blowing towards Luo Tian's body, and the pressure on his body had reached the point where it was extremely difficult for a little saint to support half a step of Taiyi.


After a while, there was an angry beast roar in front, and the sound resounded through the sky.At the same time, streaks of blue flames and golden lights shot up into the sky.

"Someone is taking the lead!"

Luo Tian's heart twitched, and then the precious light on his body suddenly expanded by tens of feet, and the whole person moved out in the void.

"This guy is really stingy!"

Soon, a black light and shadow slowly appeared behind Luo Tian, ​​with a half-smile on his face.

It was Fu Muhan.

"Damn it, this is simply awesome!" Luo Tian had just approached when he saw a mid-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal strongman fighting a giant beast with a body of thirty feet. The beast's head resembled a dragon, and its body Like a unicorn, roaring, the Taiyi Jinxian seemed to be unable to do anything to the other party for a while.

"Biyan Jinguang Beast, is this guy out of his mind? How dare he fight head-on with the mutated beast of the Qilin family?"

Luo Tian thought very depressed.

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