
Chapter 859 Beating to Death, Rainbow Bridge

Luo Tian never thought in his heart that he could break through the knife-shaped lightning outside the eighth gazebo with three strokes of the Jinghong knife. It was absolutely impossible. He did this only to relieve Fu Muhan's pressure and let him escape. .

"Thank you." Between Fu Muhan's brows, the aurora cables he collected earlier flew out, and countless dazzling auroras turned into balls of light curtains to protect her, and escaped lightly.

This aurora cable also has a magical defensive effect?

Luo Tian kept looking at it, and smiled wryly in his heart.

"Thank you." Luo Tian waved his hand and said, "You and I are trading, don't worry, even if I am wrong in every way, I am not a sinister villain who does not speak integrity."

Fu Muhan's complexion finally slowed down a little.

"How long will it take you to recover?"

After less than half an hour, Luo Tian said with a slight frown.

Fu Muhan's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and a pair of cold peach blossom eyes fixedly stared at Luo Tian.

"Don't be a villain with my gentleman's belly!" Luo Tian rolled his eyes, "You and I are neither sworn enemies, there is no need for this old man to kill you, and we will continue to cooperate No? Besides, this old man has never had the habit of bullying women."

"Look down on women?" Fu Muhan's lips moved, and he finally said such a thing, which contained a bit of fighting spirit.

"That's not the case." Luo Tian suddenly looked a little lonely, "Except for a very few women who are born with vicious hearts, most of them are relatively weak. I also have women, so I can naturally understand some of your women's thoughts."

Fu Muhan opened his mouth, wanting to speak.

"Life is really lonely like a big avalanche!" But seeing someone with a wretched face suddenly sighed.

Fu Muhan suddenly wanted to laugh, this guy is quite different, he is narrow-minded, petty and stingy, but sometimes unexpectedly he has a bottom line and principles, it really makes people laugh and cry.

Luo Tian's pretentious posture was also to dispel the few traces of resentment in Fu Muhan's heart. If it weren't for the situation, he really didn't want to offend a woman, especially a woman with a strong cultivation base and an extraordinary background.Luo Tian doesn't have such lofty and great sentiments, he insists on making an enemy of the whole world.


At this time, suddenly there was a tremor in the distant void, and there were cracks and cracks in the void.

"No, someone found this place and is about to open the space channel!" Fu Muhan said with a slightly changed expression.

"How is your recovery?" Luo Tian's eyes fell on Fu Muhan.

"It's almost there." For some reason, Fu Muhan suddenly felt a little hot all over his body, and the other party's eyes were so hot that people dare not look directly at them.

"That's good." Luo Tian said with a stern expression, "There are only two big Luo Yu Ling here, you and I are just divided equally, if there are other people rushing over, I am afraid there will be a big battle, this is not the situation you want to see Bar?"

Fu Muhan nodded, and said coldly, "Then what do you mean?"


Luo Tian's tone was like the cold wind of the polar region, "To protect ourselves, we must kill those guys, otherwise more people will come after hearing the news, and I'm afraid you and I won't be able to resist it."

"En." Fu Muhan was not a hesitant person either, and nodded immediately upon hearing this.


The sword energy and lotus flowers all over Luo Tian suddenly condensed into substance, and his whole body instantly passed through the void like a lion fighting a rabbit, and landed directly on the other side of the stone platform.

He hasn't used his full strength yet!

Fu Muhan's pupils contracted violently, and she was shocked in her heart. She originally thought that the opponent's strength had been underestimated by herself, but she didn't expect that the opponent still had reservations, even more so.

"Black Sha Yin Thunder!"

The next moment, Fu Muhan's face froze, but he saw that Luo Tian had used his extremely powerful magical powers to condense dozens of black evil thunders of a rather high grade in one place, and directly smashed into that place like boiling water. within the void.

"Ah! This is Heishi Yinlei!"

It didn't take long for the two Taiyi Golden Immortals to arrive successfully, but what greeted them was dozens of black evil thunders that exploded in a row, stirring the void like a puddle of muddy water, rippling endlessly.

"One by one!"

The two Taiyi Golden Immortals who descended were not high in cultivation, one was an early Taiyi Golden Immortal and the other was a mid-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Luo Tian naturally found the strong man in the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he saw that the other party had just escaped from the explosion area of ​​the black evil thunder, and he looked disheveled, with an incomparably huge fist on his head.

"Not good! Someone!"

The strong man who was targeted by Luo Tian only felt that the sacred treasure in front of him was directly hit by several huge forces like raging waves and tsunami, shaking crazily, that is to say, it lasted for two breaths. The light dimmed and temporarily lost its function, and then Luo Tian approached the opponent's body, fists, palms, feet, elbows, fingers, messy martial arts cultivation came out through the body.

Just when the look of horror on the other side was revealed, Luo Tian kicked him in the face, causing his head to tilt violently.

Even if the physical body is injured, a Taiyi Golden Immortal will not be beheaded so easily.

"The five elements are reversed!"

Luo Tian snorted with a grin on his face, that Taiyi Golden Immortal was thrown out of his wits when he heard the words, and the five elements reversed?The other party is obviously also a Taiyi Golden Immortal, could it be that he is tired of life and wants to die with him?

Bang bang bang!

Next, relying on his tyrannical body, Luo Tian directly squeezed the opponent's hands, feet and body into a puddle of flesh, and finally blasted the opponent's head with one punch, directly engulfing the opponent's soul and devouring it for refining.

"Senior brother save me!"

At this time, the only remaining strong man with the cultivation base of Taiyi Jinxian looked back and was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

Fu Muhan glanced out of the corner of his eye and was extremely horrified. In just a few short breaths, a middle-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal expert was completely wiped out, and Li Yi hadn't used any immortal treasures yet, so he was full of Taoism. How tyrannical should the magical powers be?

"Quick battle and quick decision! Many strong men have already passed through the Eight Desolation Heavenly Xuan Formation!" Luo Tian said expressionlessly, just now he extracted information from the strong man's primordial spirit that had already been refined.


Fu Muhan opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke. Wherever the smoke passed, the void was wiped out like quicksand.

"Aurora cable!"

Fu Muhan let out a low cry, and directly restrained the opponent, including the human being and the fairy treasure, and was enveloped by the smoke she spewed out. The smoke immediately turned into a raging black flame, completely burning the opponent into ashes.

"It's too wasteful." Luo Tian said secretly in his heart, he might as well leave it to himself to devour.

What Luo Tian practiced was the way of swallowing the sky, even the heaven and the earth can be swallowed up, especially everything in the world.


Afterwards, Luo Tian and Fu Muhan looked at each other, and they went back outside the eighth gazebo together again. After a little discussion, they started to sharpen the knife-shaped lightning shield together.

an hour.

It took a full hour for Luo Tian and the two of them to refine the sword-shaped lightning shield, and then they each took a big Luo Yuling.

At this time, Luo Tian had already carefully searched around the gazebo, and in the end he was reluctant to grab a handful from the third empty stone platform.

Abrupt mutation!

An invisible and invisible force suddenly emerged from the third empty stone, and finally condensed into a colorful stone the size of a pebble, extremely smooth.

The colorful stones shot out in the void, Luo Tian and Fu Muhan both shot to intercept them, but they were all dissolved by the strange power born from the colorful stones.

The direction of the colorful stone lasing is the empty space outside the stone platform, but seeing it galloping in the empty space, it stopped suddenly, and then dissipated into colorful fluorescent light, which turned into a long colorful rainbow bridge on the ground. Among the eighth pavilion, the other end is an unknown area that spreads into the distance.

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