
Chapter 874 Depot, Hanging Arrow King

In the end, the Robber Xianjun couldn't bear Luo Tian's stalking in the end, and finally explained the origin of the Thunderbolt Extinguishing Spear carefully and helplessly.

According to the robber fairy, it turned out to be a treasure in the hands of this old guy, but after experiencing a mysterious battle, this treasure was left in the Lingtian Secret Realm .Moreover, this fairy treasure is a genuine Jiyuan fairy treasure!

"I see."

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and said with a chuckle, "Senior, do you think the Jiyuan Immortal Treasure or the Hunyuan Immortal Treasure is stronger?"

"It's hard to say." Robber Xianjun said lightly, "Let's put it this way, the immortal treasure of the era is the immortal treasure born during the change of the era, or the immortal treasure that survived the great shattering of time and space after several era changes. Calculated in terms of lifespan, it is not necessarily much smaller than the deity. The overall power of Jiyuan Xianbao is similar, and its power is extremely strong. At its peak, it is at least equivalent to the combat power of a fairy in the early stage. Hunyuan Xianbao is good and bad. Even now, most of the Hunyuan Immortal Treasures in the Immortal Realm are Saint Grade Immortal Treasures. Of course, the high-level Hunyuan Immortal Treasure has also been seen, and it is indistinguishable from the Jiyuan Immortal Treasure. And the top-level Hunyuan Immortal Treasure Bao, this deity has never seen it in this life."

Luo Tian listened with gusto, these hidden secrets really opened his eyes, and hurriedly said, "Senior, according to what you said, the Urgent Lightning Extinguisher Gun is an immortal treasure of the Jiyuan. With this fairy treasure, can you sweep away all the strong under the fairy king?"

"Beautiful idea!" The Robber Immortal laughed and scolded, "You really dare to think, if the Jiyuan Immortal Treasure is only at this level, wouldn't everyone be subdued?"

"Ah! Then you still want me to subdue the Thunderbolt Extinguishing Gun?" Luo Tian suddenly had a bitter face and said very depressedly.

"To tell you the truth, the Thunder Extinguisher Gun is a real treasure of the era, but if it is at its peak, let alone you, it would be very difficult for an ordinary fairy to subdue it, otherwise it would not be destroyed by this deity." Take a fancy to this fairy treasure. It was during that mysterious war that the spirits died and disappeared between the heavens and the earth. You just had the chance to subdue it. Otherwise, even if you forcibly subdue it and refine it, I am afraid It was refined into its human puppet."


Luo Tian gasped when he heard the words, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. If he was refined into a puppet by a fairy treasure, it would be better to die.


Luo Tian's figure was like a flashing lightning, and he flew towards the second floor of Lingtian Secret Realm without hesitation. The surrounding sea water couldn't penetrate three feet around his body at all, and he couldn't even reveal the slightest fluctuation. Heaven has an extremely terrifying understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, especially the laws of water attributes.

"Wrong, the direction is a little off."

Luo Tian, ​​one head and two older, said, "Senior, it's just a little bit off, so there's no need to correct it?"

"You know what a fart." The Robber Xianjun snorted coldly, "From the second floor of Lingtian Secret Realm, even if you take a step, you may fall into a situation of eternal doom, although it is impossible for the second floor to stop you. , I'm afraid that your kid will get used to it."

"Then let's correct it." Luo Tian said with a sneer, "My life is important."


Along the way, Luo Tian met some strong men, most of whom were Taiyi Jinxians. They came and went in a hurry, they didn't stop at all, and kept a certain distance from each other. Everyone is cautious, lest the other party make a sneak attack.

Luo Tian's figure disappeared quickly like a puff of smoke.

After a while, a light green beam of light shot out from a hidden corner on the first floor of Lingtian Secret Realm, and the surrounding precious light quickly converged, and a ten-foot-tall demon appeared, but seeing this The demons are no different from human beings, except that their appearance is extremely strange, and there is a faint green pattern between their eyebrows, with a few wisps of purple light flashing occasionally.

"Hey hey, this time the king is well prepared and won't fail again."

There was a smug smile on the face of this demon powerhouse, and then his body swayed, and he transformed into an arrow-like green swimming fish, swimming towards the depths of the second layer of Lingtian Secret Realm, at an extremely fast speed .

In the depths of the second layer of Lingtian Secret Realm.

Luo Tian finally put his feet on the ground, turned around in front of a small dirt bag, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it with a serious expression, a big blue light hand appeared out of thin air, and grabbed it firmly.

Ka Ka Ka!

There was a slight sound on the small soil bag, and finally, a secret passage leading to the ground appeared.

"The pressure here is so strong!"

Luo Tian now had to cheer up to deal with the pressure here, and immediately entered the secret passage under the instructions of the robber fairy, and then the entrance of the secret passage seemed to be piled up with countless invisible big hands, and quickly returned to its original state , can't see any clues.

The secret passage is rough and uneven, and occasionally there is the sound of water droplets, making it extremely quiet.

A lotus flower of black sword energy suddenly appeared all over Luo Tian's body. Being in it, Luo Tian just felt a little more relaxed in his heart.

After walking for less than half an hour, Luo Tian felt a moist wind blowing in front of him, and he was actually in an empty and towering mountainside.In addition to some broken stones in the mountainside, only the most central stone platform is the most conspicuous and abrupt.

The stone platform is not high, less than six feet, but there is a gray spear surrounded by thunder light obliquely inserted on the stone platform. The gray spear is about one foot long, and the spear head is two feet long. Layers of spikes soaring to the sky glow with a cold light, and the body is even more strange. It is not brilliance and delicate, but it is covered with fine and dense patterns. It looks like dragons, elephants, lions and tigers, as well as phoenixes and blue luan. Down, within a hundred feet is full of thunder.

"This is the Thunder Extinguishing Gun? Why is it inserted upside down?" Luo Tian wondered.

"I really care about a lot. Now I will teach you the formula to subdue the lightning and destroy the divine spear. Hurry up and refine it. Remember, don't use any magical powers, spells or fairy treasures to resist the thunder." Robber Fairy Jun said directly.

"Resist directly!" Luo Tian's eyes darkened, he almost fainted, and said with a mournful face, "Aren't you cheating, old man?"

"If you want to listen or not, you will be at your own peril. Get out of here!" The Bandit Xianjun once again added fuel to the flames, directly kicking Luo Tian into the Lightning Zone.

Chi Chi Chi!

Luo Tian really just forced it with his body!

Fortunately, Luo Tian's physical body has reached the level of a half-dao celestial treasure, otherwise, if he were an ordinary person, he might not die, and his physical body would be difficult to keep. Although there were not many thunder lights, they penetrated deeply into the body, which was comparable to the power of incense. almost.

Finally, Luo Tian, ​​who was smoking all over and with his hair standing on end, went to the front of Jilei Mie Shenqiang after all the hard work, and then he silently recited the formula, and a drop of primordial spirit blood flew out from between his brows.

High-grade celestial treasures all require the essence and blood of the primordial spirit to refine them. The same is true for the Xingchen Clothes, and the same is true for the Thunderbolt God Spear.

Luo Tian, ​​who possesses time acceleration, quickly almost refined the Thunderbolt Extinguishing Divine Spear, which almost consumed his three king-level spiritual veins. It can be seen that even if there is no weapon spirit in this era, the fairy treasure of this era is so powerful that it is shocking.

"Finally got it!" Luo Tian let out a long breath.

"Damn it! Which bastard dares to snatch the treasure of my Hanging Arrow King? Die for me!"

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