
Chapter 885 Invincible!

In fact, except for a few people who are very close to Luo Tian, ​​no one has ever seen Luo Tian really go berserk.Strictly speaking, I am afraid that only Luo Yun, who has recently become a fairy king, has really seen Luo Tian run amok.

Once Luo Tian ran away, he would be as crazy as a demon god, and blood would flow like a river wherever he passed!

"Go away!"

In Luo Tian's hand, the Thunder-Extinguishing Divine Spear outlined countless mysterious trajectories in an instant, and within a radius of thousands of miles, they were enveloped in the shroud of thunder and light. Shot straight, and directly shook Yuan Bupo!

"Damn it, Immortal Destroyer is nothing, I have Immortal Destroyer and Immortal Cloud Sword behind me!" Luo Tian sneered in his heart, "Old man Luo said, let me do my best in the original secret realm, and he will wipe my ass !"

Luo Tian has also heard of the Immortal Monarch Shattering. He is a lucky person who was lucky enough to achieve the position of Immortal Monarch at the beginning of this era. Old man Luo Yun once commented that with his current strength, he can definitely defeat the Immortal Monarch Shattering!

If that's the case, then be afraid!


Yuan Bupo vomited lightly, and slowly pushed out his hands with a serious expression. The endless thunder and light rays that Luo Tian displayed immediately seemed to encounter an invisible barrier, and they scattered from above, which did not affect Yuan Bupo at all. a cent.

"It's a little tricky."

With a backhand throw, Luo Tian threw the Lightning Extinguishing Spear above his head, and then said flatly, "Since you don't use immortal treasures to fight against the enemy, I won't take advantage of you!"

Yuan Bupo's pupils constricted violently. The reason why he didn't use the immortal treasure in his hand was because of destroying the lineage of the immortal monarch. Only empty hands can exert the greatest power. The opponent's move is to defeat the enemy's strength with his own strength?

"Qiankun Seal!"

Afterwards, Yuan Bupo frowned slightly, but seeing the space around him shrink infinitely, the other party quickly came to him.


Melee with me?

Yuan Bupo almost laughed out loud, is this person crazy?Lao Tzu is already a half-step saint, even ordinary saints dare not fight me easily, and the person in front of him is also a half-step saint, is he looking for death?

"Void Assassination Technique!"

Luo Tian quickly disappeared into the void, and then appeared from the void in the blink of an eye.

"Ten times the combat power!"

"The art of void assassination! Are you the descendant of Lord Huo Luo Xianjun?!"

Yuan Bupo's complexion finally changed drastically, and then his hands moved more slowly, instantly outlining a void light and shadow in front of him. There was nothing in the light and shadow, only a series of broken pictures. After the pictures collapsed, they overlapped again and again Disillusioned.

Break the law!

The Way of Destruction!

Then, a scene appeared that almost scared Yuan Bupo out of his wits.

I saw two palms passing through the light and shadow in front of Yuan Bupo without hindrance, and lightly imprinted on his body.


Yuan Bupo felt as if he had been hit by countless mountains, and his whole body flew thousands of miles upside down in the void, shattering the space and shattering his physical body.

"Extreme destruction, rebirth!"

Yuan Bupo sipped softly, and soon his physical body returned to its original state.


At this time, everyone could see that the light on the water god boat full of middle-level holy treasures dimmed, and finally disappeared without a trace. After that, the entire giant ship was torn apart, and the six strong men on it opened their eyes wide. Seeing a figure like a demon god approaching, their oppressed bodies were damaged and their primordial spirits were injured by their breath alone!


Luo Tian stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and a shocking sword energy swept out, killing the six people alive, and none of the primordial spirit escaped.

To the astonishment of Yuan Bupo and the strong man from Tuling Mountain who was hiding in secret, the six of them obviously sacrificed the immortal treasures of protection at the last moment, all of which were sacred treasures of defense, but without exception, they did not block the terrifying white-clothed boy. attack.

With one blow, the holy treasure is annihilated. What kind of method is this?

Who is this person?

Judging by its strength, at least it can steadily enter the top [-] in the sixth region where the overall strength is already terrifying!

"The person I want to kill must die!"

Luo Tian turned around slowly, swallowing the heaven-swallowing laws all over his body, sucking all the laws of heaven and earth and the energy of heaven and earth into the world within his body.

"Isn't your Excellency's move a little too much?"


A gate made of white jade appeared in the void, and then a figure in white clothes slowly stepped out of it, but seeing the light of this figure in white shrinking away, it was a girl in white with a clear face.

Yuan Bupo and the strong man from the Earth Spirit Mountain hidden in the void couldn't help but wonder, why is this master here?

If the previous strongman from Earth Spirit Mountain could be ranked in the top [-] in the first region, Yuan Bupo could be ranked in the top [-] in the first region, and the woman in white in front of him can definitely be ranked in the top [-].

"Who are you? Want to play?" Luo Tian raised his brows, and the beautiful woman in white who appeared in front of him was a genuine early-stage Saint Immortal, and it seemed that he was at most a second-turn Golden Immortal at the early stage.

The holy immortal is also called the nine-turn golden immortal, and before the third-turn golden immortal, they are all strong in the early stage of the holy immortal.Four-turn Golden Immortal to Six-turn Golden Immortal is a strong middle-stage Saint Immortal.Seventh-turn Golden Immortal to Nine-turn Golden Immortal is the strongest in the late stage of Saint Immortal.Every time a breakthrough is made, both the physical body and the cultivation base will multiply, and if the breakthrough is not possible, it will be wiped out.

The so-called failure to benevolence is the realm that is being said.

Seeing Luo Tian speaking arrogantly and rudely, the beauty in white couldn't help but frowned slightly, but said indifferently, "I, Shangguan Nishang, was born in Yugong Mountain in Yuzhou."

"Oh, it turns out that you are one of the three giants in Yuzhou, Fellow Daoist of Yugong Mountain, please be polite here." Luo Tian said politely, and then changed his tone, "If your Excellency wants to make a move, come as soon as possible, I still have important matters in the body."

"As long as you take the three arrows from this seat, this seat will not bother with today's affairs." Shangguan Nishang said slowly, and the divine and mysterious figure behind him slowly emerged, which was a beautiful ancient jade bow.

Shangguan Nishang grabbed it with his backhand, and the divine and mysterious figure was caught directly in his hand, locking on to Luo Tian from afar.

"Jade Bow Mountain can be regarded as a way to refine the attack of the primordial spirit, but I don't know what is so strange about it."

Luo Tian's complexion did not change at all, the other party made a three-shot agreement, presumably because he didn't want to bully himself, a real half-step saint.

"Don't say three arrows, thirty arrows can be caught."

Luo Tian chuckled and said proudly.

Yuan Bupo and the strong man of Tuling Mountain hiding in the dark couldn't help shaking their heads together. This guy is really boasting. Is he looking for death?Even ordinary saints would not dare to say that they can catch the arrow of Aunt Shangguan Nishang, unless you have the treasure of Yuanshen Defense Immortal in your body, and you can hold it for a while.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three arrows.

As if passing through time and space, the three arrows that were not within time and space shot straight towards Luo Tian, ​​silently, without any fluctuations in the primordial force of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth in the void.

But seeing Luo Tian swaggeringly standing there, looking like a treasure who didn't know that the disaster was coming, Yuan Bupo smiled wryly and shook his head.

In the blink of an eye, three light arrows hit Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian still didn't know anything about it.

After a long time, Luo Tian finally frowned.

It’s over.

Yuan Bupo secretly slapped his forehead, this guy will at least be seriously injured.

"Hahaha, the three arrows of Fellow Daoist Shangguan are really powerful, and I almost can't hold it!"

His jaw dropped in shock, Luo Tian laughed out loud angrily.


Shangguan Nishang's complexion changed slightly, and then he turned around and wanted to return to the white jade gate.

"It's not indecent to come and go, Shangguan Taoist friend, pick me up!"

Luo Tian suddenly let out a low cry, then bent his fingers, and a white jade-like arrow suddenly formed in the void.

"Look at the power of my Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, my little lady." Luo Tian smiled faintly.


Just like the three arrows shot by Shangguan Nishang, the white jade arrows fired by Luo Tian were also silent, but when they were about to approach Shangguan Nishang, the white jade arrows suddenly turned into a ball of white jade light and poured into the opponent's body middle.

Ding Ding Deng!

Shangguan Nishang was shaken back thousands of miles in the void, and just now he came to a stop, the white dress on his body was already torn to pieces, and a stream of red blood gushed out of his mouth.

"So strong!"

Yuan Bupo and the strong man from Tuling Mountain were instantly overwhelmed.

"Let's go." Shangguan Nishang said with a wry smile with a pale face, "Your Excellency is so strong, I am afraid that even those evildoers in my first area will be able to keep you. I don't know your surname Gao, It’s better to let this seat lose clearly.”

"Han Yi."

Shangguan Nishang, Yuan Bupo, and the strong man from the Earth Spirit Mountain hidden in the void all shook, "The No.7 strong man in the sixth battlefield of the Genius War, the wild god Han Yi who has disappeared for 600 years?!"

ps: Today is the third update, and this chapter is nearly [-], interesting enough, right?Recommended votes come!

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