
Chapter 891 Dissatisfaction, Immortal King's Feast

"You dare to kill!"

Helian Manyue's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. He had seen unscrupulous and arrogant people, but this was the first time he had encountered such lawless and perverted characters.


Helian Manyue's long hair flew high, and an ancient picture scroll full of blood and slaughter appeared behind him, and he opened his mouth and let out a low drink.

"The picture of killing!"

Luo Tian instinctively felt Helian Manyue's tyranny, even he felt a little powerless, the opponent's killing aura was too powerful, it was obviously extremely difficult for him to take the opponent's blow.

"Forty times the combat power!"

The aura on Luo Tian's body rose suddenly, extremely fast, and soon accumulated to an unprecedented height, and his physical body had almost completely transformed into a half-dao grade fairy treasure.

"Killing Field!"

A sneer appeared on Helian Manyue's face. Killing such an evildoer with his own hands should have quite an impact on his state of mind. It will be extremely difficult to advance to the rank of Saint Immortal in the future.

Helian Manyue finally displayed the divine form!

"Qiankun Seal!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

"Yin Yang seal!"

The other party had murderous intentions in mind, so Luo Tian naturally wouldn't sit still, and immediately cast the Heaven Swallowing Seal, the four seals merged into one, and suddenly condensed into a huge square seal to meet him without fear.


Then, the gorgeous courtyard was finally torn apart and burst into ashes, and Luo Tian was forced back tens of thousands of feet in the void, with a trail of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Helian Manyue didn't seem to be any better, he also retreated tens of thousands of feet, but his face was pale, and he was panting heavily.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being a barbarian! Take another blow from me!" Helian Manyue laughed angrily, and she no longer looked calm.

At the same time, the powerhouses in the entire sixth region were shocked.

The barbarian Han Yi really dared to kill someone on the spot?

This guy is too perverted, he is only a little inferior to Helian Manyue, and he is only half a step of the cultivation base of a saint!

Interesting, indeed interesting.


Although the sixth area lost its voice due to Luo Tian's sudden murder, the strongest in the sixth area are still as stable as Mount Tai, and they are much more tyrannical than Helian Manyue.The reason why he didn't make a move was that he didn't want to offend both parties, and it was because of the warning from the big man behind him.


"I knew that this kid wouldn't keep the old man clean for too long."

In the distant time and space, Luo Yun said to himself with a wry smile on his face, and his eyes lit up immediately, "But the old man really likes this kid more and more, and he dared to kill people in the six regions of the original secret realm, which is unprecedented Such a feat, it is worthy of being the peerless person that the Lord saw with his own eyes."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yun moved directly into the void, heading towards the original secret realm.

"This kid is really lawless." In a certain starry sky, a middle-aged man in white clothes smiled lightly, "As expected of a rising star that the boss is optimistic about, what do you think, old man?"

Next to him, an old man in gray looked around viciously, and said absent-mindedly, "I don't have any opinions, this old man looks pleasing to the eye and is comfortable. Let alone in the Southern Immortal Realm, even in the Northern Immortal Realm, anyone who dares to touch him will do his best!" .”

"Let's go then."

"it is good!"

Another two great figures.

Of course, at this moment in the Lingtian Secret Realm of the Northern Immortal Realm, a young man in black directly crossed the Ling Tian Secret Realm, suspended in the sky, and said with a smile, "This guy is even more insane than I was back then. He is indeed my good apprentice!" !"

The youth in black is naturally the Destroyer Immortal.


"Han Yi! How dare you kill people in the six regions of the Primordial Secret Realm!"


At the moment when Helian Manyue was about to make a move, countless thunderclaps were densely intertwined in one place above the six regions of the Primordial Secret Realm, and soon condensed into a huge human face, from which came an extremely magnificent voice.

"This deity wants to kill you directly, are you convinced?" Lei Guang's big face was full of endless majesty.

Luo Tianren was in the air, and was directly pressed to the ground by this coercion, and it was extremely difficult to even get up.


The fairy king has come!

"It's Lei Punishment Immortal Lord!" Ling Ruochen's complexion was ashen, and he immediately opened his mouth to spit out a drop of primordial spirit blood, and then used his hands to cast spells one after another, directly outlining a strange pattern and disappearing.

At the same time, just like Ling Ruochen, Chen Lin sprayed out the blood of the primordial spirit to outline an ancient pattern.

"I don't accept it!" Luo Tian's body was almost [-]% broken, but he still stood up against the overwhelming pressure and said proudly.

"Eternal annihilation!" The expressionless Lei Guang's big face in the sky spat out four words, announcing Luo Tian's death sentence.

Then Han Yi is finished!

At this moment, Qi Qi, the powerhouses in the six regions of the Primordial Secret Realm, thought inwardly that he dared to blatantly contradict Lord Xianjun. Isn't this courting death or what?

Luo Tian felt that his whole body was immobilized by an invisible force of law, no matter how hard he exerted himself, he couldn't move.


A white sky thunder as thick as an arm appeared directly from the void, and instantly landed on the top of Luo Tian's head.

"Lei Punishment Immortal Monarch, if I don't die today, you will die when I become an Immortal Monarch!" Luo Tian laughed like thunder, resounding throughout the sixth area.

All the powerhouses were shocked at once!

Is this guy too fierce?Don't openly contradict a lord Xianjun, how dare you say that you killed the lord Xianjun?


It was very strange, the white thunder of Lei Punishment Immortal Lord was about to hit Luo Tian, ​​when it was three inches away from the top of Luo Tian's head, a cloud-white sword light suddenly emerged and wrapped Luo Tian in it, Offset the white sky thunder bit by bit.

"Immortal Cloud Sword! How dare you break the rules of the original secret realm?!" The voice of Immortal Lei Punishment immediately resounded in the void.

Then, an old man in sackcloth appeared leisurely in the void. It was Luo Yun, but seeing Luo Yun's playful smile, he said, "Lei Punishment, don't be sloppy with me. I, Luo Yun, have secured this little guy today. What do you want?"

"Immortal Yunjian, you have surpassed this move, so you are not afraid that your Luo family will be crusaded?" After a while, Immortal Lei Punishment did not speak, but an immortal sitting on the green stone throne appeared and said .

"Afraid of a ball!"

At this time, a teasing voice came from the void, and then a middle-aged man in white and an old man in gray appeared together, but the old man in gray laughed and said, "The Luo family has a big business, and it has always been You are an unreasonable master, and you are afraid of crusade?"

"Old man Huo Luo, why are you here?" Luo Yun's expression became a little serious, but when he saw the other middle-aged man in white, he was surprised, "Immortal Shura! You have even appeared?"

The middle-aged man in white smiled lightly, "Of course I'm here to protect the little guy."

"You, Immortal Asura!"

As soon as this remark came out, Immortal Lei Punishment and Immortal Chaos immediately changed their expressions, and immediately shouted with a slightly ugly expression, "You two, when do you not show up?"

"Hehe, it's quite lively."

In the void, after a burst of ripples, two immortals suddenly walked out, one in gold robes and the other in silver robes.

"Hehe, I didn't expect two of the three giants from the Heavenly Court of the Southern Immortal Realm to come." Luo Yun watched coldly from the sidelines, with a sneer all over his face.

"Luo Yun, the rules cannot be broken, even if your ancestor of the Luo family comes here." The one wearing the golden robe is naturally Immortal Time, one of the three giants in the heaven of the Southern Immortal Realm, and he frowned slightly.

The one wearing the silver robe is naturally the Immortal Lord of Space.Counting Immortal Fate, they are the three giants of the Southern Immortal Realm.

But in fact, there are four giants in the Southern Immortal Realm.

"Time Immortal, don't put money on your face. If my ancestor of the Luo family came here in person, would you dare to accept the move?" Luo Yun snorted coldly, "But now it seems that even my ancestor of the Luo family If you don’t come, you don’t dare to touch that little guy anymore, haha.”

"Really?" Time Immortal said lightly.

"The deity said yes, it is."

In the void, a dark vortex suddenly rolled, and then a person slowly walked out of it.

"Destroy the Immortal Monarch!"

Everyone changed color.

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