
Chapter 904 The first person of the younger generation!

"Sixty levels!"

"That guy who was living outside actually broke through sixty levels, and it only took less than a day for his mother!"


"No matter what, this guy has already broken the record of entering the Qingxuan Valley. You must know that even the real monsters of the Luo family have only passed level 75. An outsider is so tyrannical!"

"If he can really break through the seventy levels, I will really agree with him!"

"Tch! I agree with him now!"

"That's right, a descendant of the Luo family living outside, without any family resources, was able to grow up to where he is now, even those few real monsters are nothing more than that."


When Luo Tian swept all the way through the sixty levels, the disciples of the Luo family, who were watching his every move either openly or secretly, started discussing one after another.

After a while.

Luo Tian has already broken through No.60 eight levels like a bamboo shoot.

"Sure enough, the No. 60 five-level powerhouse was able to make me use thirteen moves before I was defeated. It seems that the latter is interesting." Luo Tian smiled faintly, stretched his figure, and arrived after a few ups and downs. The next checkpoint is in front of the cable bridge.

Slightly narrowing his eyes, Luo Tian waved his right hand, flicking his fingers repeatedly, and five sword qis swept out like roaring blue dragons, all attacking a certain void.

clap clap!

Soon, the void trembled slightly, and a figure changed thousands of times in it. In an instant, it made hundreds of attacks, with different shapes and postures, and finally dissolved Luo Tian's five sword qi in one breath. in the invisible.

"Swallowing King, really deserves his reputation!"

A misty light and shadow slowly converged, condensed into substance, and a young man in yellow clothes with half black and half white hair appeared. The long hair of the young man in yellow clothes was randomly bound by a straw rope, and he clapped his palms and laughed loudly. , there is an indescribable wildness.

Luo Tian raised his brows lightly, and said with a faint smile, "The disciples of the Luo family are worthy of their reputation. This journey has really opened my eyes. I didn't expect that there would be such an infinite method based on sword intent alone. It's because my previous experience was superficial. "

"In terms of real cultivation, I am far from being the match of the ancestor." The young man in yellow sighed majestically, and his eyes shot brightly, "But in this Qingxuan Valley, I am not afraid of anyone under the immortal king .”

After finishing speaking, the young man in yellow seemed to be lifting a huge mountain with one hand, and slowly rose. Two sword qi, one black and one white, suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand, spinning endlessly, and finally condensed into a looming real sword qi Come.

"The law of yin and yang can be comprehended to such an extent that your sword intent might be at least fifteen times more powerful." Luo Tian still stood with his hands behind his back, full of admiration, "With your current comprehension of the law, at least you are qualified to guard the sword." At level No.70 five."

The eyelids of the young man in yellow twitched, and he immediately regained his composure. Without saying a word, sword energy boiled all over his body, and several clouds of air mist rose above his head, turning into a black and white sword array.

"Take the move, Patriarch!"

The young man in yellow suddenly let out a low cry, then pushed out his hands extremely slowly, and the black and white sword intent in front of him disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Luo Tian's body stood still, and he gently pinched the black and white sword intent with the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, allowing the black and white sword intent to wreak havoc around his body, even the black and white sword intent was less than a foot away from the center of his eyebrows.

A moment later, Luo Tian grasped the emptiness with his right hand, and the black and white sword intent dissipated out of thin air.

Next, Luo Tian even waved his sleeves, and the black and white sword array above the head of the young man in yellow fell apart immediately, and he stepped back hundreds of steps one after another.

Luo Tian continued to move forward, and said softly, "The law of yin and yang is only one step away from perfection. I will give you a favor today, remember!"

"Walking around the world, I have calm clouds and light winds, I am calm and calm, I am as stable as a rock, and I am unmoved by eight winds."

After speaking, Luo Tian disappeared into the thick fog.

The young man in yellow was frightened, "This ancestor's comprehension of the law is too terrifying!"

The young man in yellow is the most astonishingly talented and charming evildoer among the No. 20 second-generation descendants of the Luo family, Luo Guxun!

Suddenly, the young man in yellow remembered Luo Tian's previous words, his face changed drastically, and he immediately sat down cross-legged, and began to study and practice without distraction.

"Even Luo Guxun was defeated."

"This ancestor is amazing!"

"I don't know where this old ancestor can go, I'm really looking forward to it!"


In a trance, Luo Tian seemed a little impatient, and then his momentum couldn't help rising, and with a long roar, he even passed seven levels in a row, and directly met No.70 six levels.

"Monsters, utter monsters!"

"If he successfully passed the No.70 six levels, then he is really the No.1 in the history of the Luo family!"

"Are you kidding? Starting from No. 70, the six levels are guarded by half-step immortals, and the No. 80 level is guarded by an ancestor of the Luo family. It's difficult!"

"It's really difficult!"


"Half-step Immortal?"

At this moment, Luo Tian looked at the old man in black sitting cross-legged with closed eyes without sadness or joy, his pupils shrank tightly.

"According to your seniority, I should call you grandfather, but in Qingxuan Valley, seniority is useless." The old man in black suddenly opened his eyes, which were as clear as jade, "Grandfather, please enlighten me!"

After finishing speaking, the old man in black didn't move, he made an extremely strange formula with his hands, and then gave a low drink.

"Crazy Sword Intent!"

Suddenly, the sky above Qingxuan Valley stirred endlessly, and the sun and moon changed color.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian stood with his hands behind his back. This black-clothed old man had two skills. He knew that it would be difficult to surpass him in the comprehension of laws, so he was going to oppress him with a safe cultivation base.

"not enough."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said slyly, "31 times combat power!"


The old man in black fell directly from midair, his face full of disbelief.

The straw that broke the camel's back.

The limit of the black-clothed old man's combat power was thirty times that of him. Although Luo Tian was only twice as powerful as him, that was enough to win.

Luo Tian continued to move forward, but he didn't know that at this moment, the entire Qingxuan Valley was full of jaws and eyeballs.

Soon, at the No. 70 nine-level stage, Luo Tian barely won with 55 times his fighting power.

Level No. 80, according to seniority, is a grandson of Luo Tian, ​​dressed in sackcloth, with a calm expression on his face.

"Sixty times the combat power!"

The old man in sackcloth sipped softly, and shot in a split second without showing any mercy. Luo Tian's performance today had severely embarrassed the group of old guys, and he couldn't hold back.

"A strong man who broke through to the rank of Xianjun just a little bit away."

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he also displayed sixty times the combat power, and then he didn't stop, and slowly called out solemnly, "The seal of the heavens!"

For a moment, the entire Qingxuan Valley almost trembled.

"This guy, this guy is really..." Luo Yun was almost shocked and didn't know what to say.

At some point, a young man in white clothes suddenly appeared behind Luo Tian, ​​and let out a heavy sigh, "This boy is probably the No. 1 of the younger generation in the Southern Immortal Realm."

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