
Chapter 907 Thunder Abyss Cannon and Idol City

The battle between the two worlds is one of the biggest events in the northern and southern fairylands, and it lasted at least 3000 years, and even lasted for more than [-] years once.That time was also the time when the Southern Immortal Realm had the most hope of defeating the Northern Immortal Realm, but that time, two peerless evildoers in the Northern Immortal Realm were born out of nowhere, broke through the barrier of the Saint Immortal, and broke through to the realm of the Immortal King in the battle between the two realms, thus reversing the situation. The battle ended.

Those two people were given the nickname "Tiantian Twin Stars" by some troublemakers.

The four-person abnormal team headed by Luo Tian walked very slowly, almost like sightseeing. Every time they arrived at a planet, they would plunder the resources of that planet to the fullest.Occasionally, a strong man passed by. Seeing this scene, he wanted to reprimand Luo Tian and the others, but as soon as the primordial spirit spread out, he took it back at a faster speed, and then fled away in a desperate manner.

Damn it!Are these four guys still human?Don't be so shameless pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Are the two leaders trying to scare people to death?

All the powerhouses who were horrified by Luo Tian and the other four thought this way, and even a great figure who once sat at the end of the Southern Immortal Realm battlefield was so bored that he used his primordial spirit to scan the four of them, and he was shocked Jump.

There are currently only ten king commanders in total in the Southern Immortal Realm, and there are actually two king commanders in a four-person team, accounting for a full [-]% of them.If someone in the Northern Immortal Realm didn't know about this team, they would suffer a lot, and it would be a big pain and a big loss.

"Little lunatic, how long will it take you to become a saint?" Ling Ruochen asked on the ground.

On a snow-white planet, four blurred lights and shadows suddenly flew out, and they were the four of Luo Tian.

"I don't know, it always feels a little bit worse." Zheng Feng scratched his head and said angrily.

Chen Lin shrugged and frowned slightly, "Could it be that the primordial power of Chaos is not enough?"

"That's not the case." Luo Tian spoke out slowly, shaking his head and said, "It's because the little lunatic has very little actual combat experience, and his comprehension and application of the laws are still in an imperfect stage, otherwise, with his cultivation base, he will immediately attack the Holy Spirit!" Immortal, there is also an [-]% chance of success."

"Boss Luo, what do you think we should do?"

"Fight!" Luo Tian laughed, "This method is the fastest shortcut."


Next, the four of Luo Tian walked towards some areas that few people set foot in in a very low-key and wretched manner. Unexpectedly, in this way, the speed of walking was faster than those hordes of strong people from the Southern Immortal Realm Get ahead.

This is the case, the battle between the two worlds is such a dangerous and grand event, the two sides participating in the war are almost all the geniuses in the northern and southern fairylands, and even some evildoers who were originally indifferent could not help but come to participate.It is almost impossible for a small team to walk alone on the battlefield like the four of Luo Tian.Because no matter how powerful the four of you are, once you encounter a large enemy force, as long as you are trapped, you can die alive just by fighting with wheels, and no one under the immortal king will be spared.

The four of Luo Tian didn't seem to care about these at all, and continued to move forward according to the previously set route.

It took a full ten years for the four Luotians to slowly and leisurely reach the front line in the center of the North and South Immortal Worlds, Liuguang Xinghe.

The Streaming Galaxy, like a sharp blade of light, cut the vast battlefield into two areas. To the north of the area is the area of ​​the Northern Immortal Realm, and to the south of the area is the area of ​​the Southern Immortal Realm.

At this moment, with the flowing light and galaxy as the dividing line, countless strong men are flying, moving and fighting in the void. Almost every time they breathe, there are strong men from the northern and southern fairylands dying in battle.

"It's spectacular!" Ling Ruochen's eyes were filled with fiery light, and his fists were clenched tightly, with a fighting spirit.

Chen Lin clasped his hands on his shoulders and said calmly, "The guys who dare to fight in the Liuguang Galaxy group are almost all avatars, just throwing bricks to attract jade. The real strongest body is probably still watching the changes behind the battlefield."

Zheng Feng nodded, and said: "I'm afraid few people dare to use their body to attack the opponent's camp. This is completely courting death."

"I really regret it!" Luo Tian sighed, "Among the four of us, only Lao Tzu created a clone without refining it. It seems that we should seize the time to refine a clone in this battlefield."

In the battle between the two worlds, the reward for the winner is quite generous, but it depends on how many tokens you have in your hand, such as ordinary sergeant tokens, small captain tokens, large captain tokens, commander tokens, and grand commander tokens.From low to high, each token is equivalent to the previous 1000 yuan. Taking the sergeant's token as the benchmark, a small captain's token is equivalent to 1000 yuan for an ordinary sergeant's token, and a large captain's token is equivalent to 1000 yuan. Captain Token, and so on.

Some powerhouses have more clones, distributed in various teams and regions, and the more tokens they get.

The reason why Luo Tian was depressed was because of this.

"Fuck off!"

Chen Lin, Ling Ruochen, and Zheng Feng all rolled their eyes, and then said with disdain, "As the next Palace Master of Shura Mountain, you are so damn brave to compete with us for military merit? Shameless!"

Luo Tian yelled angrily, "Why don't we change it, so I don't care about the seat of the Palace Master of Shura Mountain."

The three of Chen Lin were speechless for a moment, they really didn't want to talk to this bastard who was in the blessing and didn't know the blessing.


On both banks of the Liuguang Xinghe River, every 100 million miles, there is a huge city guarding it. The city has an extremely powerful prohibition circle, and a top-level killing fairy treasure that can seriously injure a half-step fairy.

Thunder Abyss Cannon!

This Thunder Abyss Cannon was made by the great immortals of the Southern Immortal Realm. Although it was only randomly refined, it is also the peak of half-level immortal treasures. Once it is full of immortal energy, it can even kill half-step immortals with one shot. under the strong.

However, the bombardment distance of the Thunder Abyss Cannon does not exceed five thousand miles.

The city of the Southern Immortal Realm beside the Liuguang Xinghe River stands tall and majestic. The four of Luo Tian have deviated from the central area of ​​the Liuguang Xinghe River, but are already in the most eastern area. The four of them discussed at this moment and decided to go first. Go to the nearest Idol City to inquire about the news and see if there is a secret passage directly into the Northern Immortal Realm area.

Outside the Divine Elephant City, the figures of Luo Tian and the others slowly emerged from the end of the ground plane.

After a while, the four of Luo Tian arrived at the foot of the heavily guarded Idol City.

"Please show the token!"

The guardian of the God Elephant City is the law enforcement team of the Southern Immortal Realm, all of them are peerless geniuses with tyrannical cultivation, they are stern and selfless, and claim to never show favoritism.

The four of Luo Tian directly took out their respective tokens, and the captain of the law enforcement team suddenly looked dull, "Two, two king commanders? Please come in, please come in!"

Seeing the disappearance of Luo Tian's four people, the captain of the law enforcement team still kept his face full of shock, "A four-person team composed of two king commanders, one commander and one captain, this is going to change! "

All the strong in the battle between the two worlds, as long as they do not actively reveal the token information, unless they fight, or reveal the fluctuations of the immortal power and the law, they can be detected.

The four of Luo Tian shamelessly hid the token information...

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