
Chapter 915 God of War List, Encirclement and Suppression

Several days of wind and rain, lightning and thunder, strong wind and showers.

Luo Tian, ​​Chen Lin, Ling Ruochen and Wen Liang had already flown away from the big planet below them, and looked down with wry smiles on their faces.

"How did this guy come up with such a big battle? Could it be that he can be crowned king directly after breaking through to the Saint Immortal?" Ling Ruochen guessed with his chin resting.

Chen Lin said angrily, "You motherfucker, don't be jealous!"

"That's right." Luo Tian chuckled, "Ruochen, it's not difficult for you to improve your cultivation level now, but you need to change your temper, otherwise you'll have a lot of trouble in hitting the position of Xianjun in the future."

Wen Liang was taken aback.

Ling Ruochen was stunned for a moment, and shook his head with a wry smile, "You're right, it's similar to what my two masters said. Maybe I started a little too high at the beginning, and now I'm just unyielding or resentful. Don't worry, I will promptly Corrected."

"Since we are brothers, I won't say much." Luo Tian said lightly.

Chen Lin's heart was overwhelmed, but he knew some destiny. Ling Ruochen was a well-known evildoer in Tianwang Prefecture, and he had practiced for no more than 5 years.But he is still a little worse than Luo Tian. Luo Tian has been acquainted with him for less than ten thousand years. If he wants to hit the position of Xianjun in the future, it may be several times more difficult than the former.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the big planet suddenly began to explode layer by layer, and [-]% to [-]% of it was destroyed in just a few breaths.

The faces of Luo Tian and the others changed slightly.

Finally, when almost [-]% of the big planet was destroyed, the vision of catastrophe covering the planet dissipated in an instant, and then Zheng Feng, who was full of energy, flew out of it in a very chic way.

"Hey, I got the commander's token, now don't say that I'm slowing down!"

"Don't want to hold back." Ling Ruochen rolled his eyes, and nudged his mouth towards Chen Lin.

"Grass, Feng Wang Commander, Blood Order King!" Zheng Feng's eyes darkened.


"Wen Liang, do you know the God of War list?"

In the starry sky, Luo Tian suddenly asked his niece and son-in-law Wen Liang.

Wen Liang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled lightly, "Uncle, you are right to ask me about this matter. I think that when Xiaoru and I had not met, we participated in the battle between the two worlds in the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base. I have heard about this God of War list."

"Generally speaking, the God of War list requires at least a king to enter." Wen Liang sorted out his thoughts a little and continued, "The God of War list excludes immortals and big figures, but looking at every battle between the two worlds, God of War The number of strong people on the list can affect the final outcome of the battle between the two worlds. Of course, everyone should know that the king-level commander was relatively rare at the beginning of the war between the two worlds, but at the end of the war, the king-level commander was not How valuable it is. At that time, it should be said that it was the world of half-step immortals, and..."

"Continue." Luo Tian gave Wen Liang an encouraging look.

Wen Liang said with a wry smile, "Although you already have three kings in command and are extremely powerful, if you meet a powerful half-step fairy, I am afraid that you may not be able to get it right if you join hands. Back then, I saw Once a half-step fairy from the Northern Immortal Realm faced dozens of kings and commanders from the Southern Immortal Realm, he defeated them all in just a short meal, and even several kings and commanders fell."

"Half-step Immortal Sovereign is so strong?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Half-step immortals are at the level of a great commander, almost at the top of the battle between the two worlds." Ling Ruochen sighed softly, "Besides, half-step immortals are all ruthless people with a lot of background, and they have at least one in their hands. One piece of Dao Grade Immortal Treasure. Of course, if you really meet that kind of King Feng Da Commander, you may even have three complete Dao Grade Immortal Treasures on your body. "Three complete? "Chen Lin couldn't help taking a breath, "But Dao-rank body defense fairy treasure, Dao-rank primordial spirit defense fairy treasure, and Dao-rank attack fairy treasure?" "

Ling Ruochen nodded, "Exactly."

"Damn it, if we meet Commander Feng Wang now, I'm afraid we will have to run away!" Luo Tian couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.

"To be honest, being able to escape is quite good." Wen Liang sighed, "Fortunately, under normal circumstances, we won't encounter the Grand Commander or even the King Commander for the time being, but it's hard to say if we go deeper."


Boom boom boom!

The loud bang of war drums came from afar.

Luo Tian frowned and said, "Damn it, did these bastards in the Northern Immortal Realm take the wrong medicine? Why are they coming towards us so madly? We've already kept a low profile."

"It's the sixth wave." Chen Lin said solemnly, "It seems that our previous battle with the Undead King has attracted the attention of those half-step immortals and even the great immortals."

Ling Ruochen curled his lips, "This wave of guys actually have two kings in command, it's really enough to give us face."


Next, Luo Tian and the others directly entered a khaki planet, quietly waiting for the other party's arrival.

In the vast starry sky, suddenly a cloud of red light and black smoke came quickly, transforming into two middle-aged men, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin.

The short and fat middle-aged man's face was covered with totem patterns, and he held a small red war drum about the size of a foot in his right hand. Every time he struck it, waves of sound would spread out, distorting the starry sky into potholes.

The master middle-aged man is resisting a huge long knife that is three times bigger than his body. The long knife is dark green, and water mist drips from it, condensing into countless dark green water waves and sweeping around. , huffing and puffing, the space was immediately corroded and messy.

"On the planet in front, it seems quite sure, and they didn't escape."

After a while, the chunky middle-aged man laughed strangely.

The tall and thin middle-aged man's face was dull, and it took a long time before he uttered a hoarse voice, "They are too confident, and they don't understand the truth that rigidity is easy to break. They are just a bunch of stunned youths."

"Kill it, for the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure!"


The two quickly blocked and suppressed the khaki planet in front of them, and moved away.


Luo Tian's figure changed abruptly, becoming lighter and lighter, almost completely merging with the void.

"These two guys are handed over to Xiao Linzi and Ruochen. I'm going to deal with those guys who want to be followed by mantises, cicadas and orioles." A cold smile appeared on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, "Don't be merciful, Kill if you can!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian left the earthy yellow planet in an instant, and moved towards a certain void in the distance.

In the starry sky, Luo Tian was walking, step by step, and each step was tens of thousands of miles. After a while, Luo Tian's body stopped in the void, and said with a faint smile, "Guys, don't hide. Come out."

"Hahaha, you are indeed the King of Swallowing Heaven!"

In the starry sky, those sun, moon and stars are like illusions, and they become illusory in the blink of an eye.


Luo Tian stretched out his hand a little, and a dark lotus flower of sword energy immediately appeared above his head, and instantly communicated with the star clothes, and a vast starry sky faintly appeared on his body.

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