
Chapter 920 Stripping the Void, Absolute Exile

The [-] small worlds that have been gradually built in Luo Tian's body were almost crushed and shattered. Just now, he used all his strength to display the seal of the heavens, but he was still deprived by the opponent's blow. This deprivation of the Holy King is really extremely powerful !

"Boss Luo, let us go out and fight him!"

"That's right, if you don't believe us brothers, we can't beat him!"

"Shut up, both of you!" Chen Lin stared fiercely at Ling Ruochen and Zheng Feng, who couldn't stop shouting, "Don't you know how to use your brains? The little emperor is stronger than us, and he was forced to look like this , the two of you going out will either send you to your death or hold you back, it will not help the little emperor at all!"

Ling Ruochen and Zheng Feng fell silent at once. Chen Lin was right. This deprivation of the Holy King is a real commander of the king. If it is an ordinary commander, relying on the trump cards on everyone's hands, he may not be able to fight. For a powerful existence like Deprivation Saint King who possesses all three Dao grades and immortal treasures, even if they can help, it may be a waste of help, and Luo Tian may be asked to help them in turn.

"Don't worry, I can handle it for the time being."

After Luo Tian transmitted the sound to Chen Lin and the others, he directly burned the spiritual veins in the world inside his body again. Countless first-order spiritual veins disappeared one after another, and then condensed into vast rivers and poured into Luo Tian's body.

"I see how many times you can deprive me!"

Luo Tian shouted wildly, thinking silently in his heart.

"Sixty times the combat power!"

"The Seal of the Heavens!"

Luo Tian crazily continued to use the seals of the heavens, and now his physical body has been promoted to the level of Dao Grade Immortal Treasure. Although the seals of the heavens will consume a lot of damage to the body after casting, Luo Tian can still persist for several times now.

Moreover, Luo Tian had already opened the Sky Swallowing Eyes during the battle, and he had already memorized all the actions and trajectories of the Deprivation Saint King just now. The seal of the heavens was paid for by the loss of a drop of primordial spirit blood!

Let me see how many drops of primordial spirit blood you have that you can consume with me!

Luo Tianniu's temper suddenly flared up, and then he crazily burned the spiritual veins in his body. Anyway, he still has a lot of royal veins and top-level royal veins, which can be consumed.

Boom boom boom!

Countless powerful and domineering attacks came from the void, and they all went towards the deprivation of the Holy King.

Deprivation Saint King still stood quietly in the same place, frowned slightly when he saw this, and said indifferently, "Okay, everyone said that King Tuntian is a heaven-defying evildoer, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation! I will keep you no matter what. Down!"





The deprivation of the holy king continued to drink lightly, and his fingers kept rushing out in the void. Circles of ripples spread around him, and the endless laws of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth were annihilated in it, as if formed in an instant. An empty black hole.


Luo Tian continued to unleash the strongest attacks one after another, which caused too much damage to himself, and gradually became powerless.

"It's now!"

The corner of the Holy King's lips curled up slightly, and he grabbed Luo Tian with his big hand, "Deprivation of Destiny!"

Chi Chi Chi!

Three drops of primordial spirit blood flew out from between the eyebrows of the Deprivation Saint King, and soon condensed into a huge colorful palm, falling from the sky, quickly sealing and suppressing the space around Luo Tian, ​​leaving him nowhere escape!

"The power of the immortal king! Sixty times the combat power! The magic blood secret method!"

When Luo Tian saw this, he screamed again and again, and with a pale face, he turned back his hand between his eyebrows, and two drops of primordial spirit blood flew out of it, and quickly gathered in front of his head.

"Urgent Thunder Extinguishing God!"

Then Luo Tian grabbed the Thunder-killing Divine Spear with his backhand, directly piercing through the void, passing through the essence and blood of the primordial spirit, which directly merged into it, and with an indomitable aura, he greeted the invisible suction around him. up.

Next, Luo Tian felt that the Thunder Extinguishing Divine Spear in his hand seemed to be pressed by countless mountains, it was extremely dignified, and it was extremely difficult to even move it.

But the situation has reached a stalemate!

Seeing the situation, the Holy King of Deprivation finally changed his face, and with a backhand grab, he grabbed a magic weapon.

The entire body of this magic weapon is covered by dense dao patterns. It is a bronze lantern with a round top and a pointed bottom. But seeing the Deprivation Holy King quickly turn left and right three times, a bean-sized drop of flame burst out from the bronze lantern. Then blow out in one breath.

In an instant.

Endless milky white sky fires gathered all over the sky and would transform into various wonderful regular shapes, covering Luo Tian's whole body with three inner and outer layers.

After the light chi chi chi sound, Luo Tian's attack was quickly weakened by the milky white sky fire.

Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, "Tao Pin Immortal Treasure!"

"Deprivation of destiny!"

The deprivation of the Holy King gave a low drink with a sneer, and another drop of primordial spirit blood flew out from between his brows, and shot directly into the void.


Luo Tian only felt as if he had fallen into a huge quagmire from which he could not escape, and the irresistible huge suction seemed to tear his flesh into powder.Even Luo Tian's physical body began to break.

Luo Tian hurriedly communicated with Tuntian Yuanqi to quickly repair the body, but what shocked him was that the speed of repair was far slower than the speed of destruction!

"Under the law of deprivation, no one can resist if it is less than half a step of the fairy king!" A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the deprivation saint king, "Now I am very interested in your supernatural power, if you are willing to surrender to me If you hand over the secret technique, you can save your life."

"Fool, get out!"

Luo Tian shouted angrily, at the moment when his body collapsed rapidly, he felt a part of his body being pulled out, and then quickly strangled into nothingness in the void.

Void beast!

Luo Tian's complexion also changed slightly when he saw this, he didn't expect that it was the Void Beast who stood up for him at the critical moment.

"Void Beast? It seems that you have colluded with a foreign race, and you must be taken back!" The King of Deprivation laughed, and his figure flashed, and he passed through countless voids in an instant, and landed directly around Luo Tian. "I want to see, you can still resist the deprivation of destiny a few times!"

"A small world!"

Luo Tian saw that the other party stepped into the space around him grandly, and immediately cast a small world, directly enveloping the King of Deprivation.

"How is it possible? I can't even use any supernatural powers?!" Deprivation of the Holy King suddenly turned pale with shock.

"How dare you play close to me?"

Luo Tian chuckled, let out a long whistle, and spit out the aggrieved resentment in his heart, and went straight to the deprivation of the Holy King, punching and kicking.

"I beat you to death, you bastard!"

Luo Tian rushed forward and fought with the King of Deprivation at close range, but he was disappointed immediately.

Even though Deprivation of the Holy King is unable to resist the suppression of a small world, Luo Tian has not yet reached the point where he can use a small world to suppress the opponent to death.This is like a rabbit trapping an elephant, but no matter how hard it tries, it is impossible to kill the elephant.What's more, depriving the Holy King of the three Dao Grade Immortal Treasures, Luo Tian would have nothing to do with him.

"This kind of supernatural power! This kind of supernatural power! Almost all of them are comparable to Xianjun! I don't plan to keep you now, I want to banish you to the real void and dark world, and let you die in it!"

The Deprivation King finally felt fear for the first time in his life. Seeing this, he shouted loudly, then stretched his arms slightly, and said word by word, "Burning essence and blood, burning life essence, absolutely exiled!"

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