
Chapter 929

The Great Commander of the King from the Demon Race naturally thought that Luo Tian's words were not true. As far as he himself was concerned, he already possessed a Dao-grade attacking fairy treasure and a Yuanshen Dao-grade defensive fairy treasure, and he was only short of a physical body. Dao grade defense fairy treasure, and he was born in the Xuanjia royal family known for defense, even with his physical body, it can't compare with the toughness of Dao grade Xianbao, and it is definitely the toughness of half Dao grade Xianbao.

So he has no fear.

"Human beings, remember, it's my Xuanjia Holy King Wulai who will send you on your way!" The leader of the demon clan laughed loudly, "Thinking of the famous Heaven Swallowing Holy King falling into my hands, there is a An uncontrollable pleasure! Wahaha..."

Chi Chi!

dong dong!

Xuanjia Saint King Wulai was laughing wildly, but Luo Tian had already connected his fingers, and several dark golden sword lights came leisurely, directly attacking Wulai's protective light.

In an instant, Wulai's dark purple protective light surged, and then the two Buddha Sect Heart Swords broke the protective light, and hit Wulai's body for real, sending Wulai flying It's hundreds of feet.

"Human, you actually made a sneak attack, I will definitely let you die in endless pain!"

With a flash, Wulai flashed out of thin air again, seemingly unharmed.

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised in his heart, logically speaking, he had still exerted himself to the extreme with the few Buddhist Sect Heart Swords just now, and Wu Lai, the Xuanjia Saint King, was not injured. Could it be that he has all the three Dao Grade Immortal Treasures on him?


Luo Tian's complexion changed, but he found a dark purple spear directly in front of his eyes, which instantly broke through his protective light, and directly pierced the admiralty mask.

The admiralty mask was directly hit by the deep purple spear, and it shook violently like a veil, and soon cracks appeared one after another.

"Sure enough, there are some doorways!"

Although Luo Tian was not flustered in shock, he folded his palms together and recited softly, "Namo Amitabha."

Suddenly, a dazzling circle of light appeared behind Luo Tian, ​​and as he rapidly circulated the celestial power in his body, the circle of light behind him appeared one after another.

A full five rounds of aperture appeared.

The five-round aperture is divided into five colors, and it reveals a magnificent Buddhist aura. The deep purple spear was shrouded in the Buddhist aura, and soon it was tempered. Tang Poxue also melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is…"

Wulai's face was startled, and he quickly waved his hand, and retracted the dark purple spear, "Even my Xuanjia Holy Spear is deeply affected, this is the supreme supernatural power of the Buddha Sect!"

"Tathagata divine light!"

But seeing Luo Tian separated his hands, his left hand was hanging in front of his chest, and his right hand showed a smiley expression, and waved it a few times at Wulai, the Xuanjia Holy King.

Puff puff!

Five awe-inspiring light beams burst out from the five-round aperture behind Luo Tian, ​​like a slap in the face, and fell on the top of Wu Lai's head with precision.

Immediately, Wulai felt as if he had fallen into a swamp with a huge suction force, making it difficult for him to move forward. If this continued, he might have lost before he could restrain the opponent.

"Xuanjia holy spear tearing the sky!"

Wu Lai let out a roar, and the Xuanjia holy spear in his hand drew a series of mysterious trajectories, which directly disrupted the space around him, and the five beams of light fluctuated in the void.Next, tall demon god lights and shadows appeared from the Xuanjia holy spear, and endless demon god hands were derived, which quickly fell on the five beams of light.

Luo Tian smiled faintly, the posture of holding the flower with his right hand suddenly changed, changed into a palm, and pushed out flatly.

"Great Brahma Buddha Palm!"

A huge golden palm fell from the endless void, and the five beams of light that were almost polished by the Xuanjia Holy Spear disappeared immediately.However, this huge golden palm became very important, and it was slapped down fiercely, involving the endless light and shadow of the demon god, refining it into ashes.


The Xuanjia Holy Spear finally couldn't hold on anymore, and was directly hit back in front of Xuanjia Holy King Wulai by the Dafan Buddha Palm, trembling and whimpering softly.

It wasn't that Luo Tian's blow was too powerful, but that the Buddha's will in this blow was too restrained against the Xuanjia Holy Spear!

"Destroy the past, destroy the present, and seize the future." Luo Tian couldn't stop chanting, "There is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness, but when you turn back to the shore, the bitter fruit of Xu Tuo!"

Wu Lai, the Xuanjia Holy King who was originally determined by Luo Tian, ​​changed his mind suddenly when he saw this, and wanted to move away. He alone might not be able to restrain the Heaven-swallowing Holy King in front of him, so he had to seek help before him. Come and kill this man.

However, soon, drops of crystal-clear fruits appeared from the void, and once they appeared, they quickly turned into vigorous Buddha fire, immediately enveloping the Xuanjia Sage King in it.

This time, no matter how the Xuanjia Holy King Wulai drives the Xuanjia Holy Spear, it will not be very effective. Those Buddha fires penetrated into the surface of his body like tarsal maggots, burning his tough flesh, emitting bursts of black smoke .

"Ah! Sacred King Swallowing the Heavens, I have the body guarded by the Primordial Spirit Dao Grade Defense Immortal Treasure, you can't kill me!"

"There is only one primordial spirit left, so what's the use?" Luo Tian smiled and waved his hand again, and the endless Buddha flame immediately enveloped the Xuanjia Sage King, burning and refining it continuously.

Xuanjia Saint King Wulai has no physical body to defend against immortal treasures, how can he resist the bitter fruit of Suduo, the supreme supernatural power of the Buddhist sect?

After wailing for half an hour, the body of Wulai, the holy king of Xuanjia, was refined into nothingness, and then Luo Tian directly opened the world in his body, taking Wulai's primordial spirit together with the Taoist immortal Bao went in directly, but was suppressed by Tuntian Pagoda and Sanxiao Pan.

"Even if I can't help you now, I can completely refine you in the long river of time!"

Luo Tian sneered, and then waved his big sleeves, and the area tens of thousands of miles away was immediately covered by golden petals floating down from the sky.

"Come out!"

"Sacred King Swallowing Heaven, you have such a great reputation!"

"Everyone, you and I will join forces to kill this person!"

"it is good!"

In the depths of the sky, there are six streaks of purple light falling straight down again, and the demonic light around him is extremely powerful, and they are all strong at the level of the king of the demon clan who is not weaker than the holy king of Xuanjia!

"Good come!"

Luo Tian laughed wildly, and went forward without fear. Thousands of arms suddenly appeared in the five Buddha light circles behind him, and each arm held the Buddha Sect Immortal Treasure.

"Don't you think that I only have these means? Change again!"

Luo Tian let out a low shout, and the five circles of Buddha light behind him immediately increased again, directly increasing to nine.

The Nine Paths of Buddhist Aura symbolizes the ultimate level of Buddhism, which can only be achieved by a small number of Buddhist masters.

"Ah, this guy just hid his strength!"

"This son is too insidious, if you don't kill him today, tomorrow will be our doomsday!"

"Before this son breaks through to the Immortal Monarch, he must be killed, otherwise our saint clan will be in danger!"


Luo Tian brazenly confronts the king and commander of the six major demon clans. Regardless of victory or defeat, his fame will surely move the world!

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