
Chapter 938 The Strongest Team

As if in a lifetime, a young man in white with a faint smile on his mouth, holding a gold-painted folding fan in his hand, sat on the top of a distant city wall, exuding an indescribable chicness all over his body.

The next moment, Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen, as well as Wen Liang and Zheng Feng who had already entered the Idol City, took big strides together, and finally walked faster and faster, and rushed towards the boy in white sitting on the wall in the distance. Stretching out his hands together, he dragged the boy in white down from the top of the city wall, and then punched him violently.

"Damn it, you're such a fucking idiot that you lied to my tears!"

"You bastard really didn't die!"

"I know you are such a scourge, you won't die, haha!"


The boy in white had hazy eyes. It was Luo Tian who broke into the core area of ​​the northern battlefield and was exiled by the fairy. Facing the old fists of the crowd, he still smiled all over his face, and he smiled and did not fight back or speak.

"Huh? Uncle, what happened to your cultivation?"

While typing, Wen Liang suddenly asked, and immediately reminded the other three.

"What's going on? I can't find out your true cultivation?" Ling Ruochen said dumbfounded.

Chen Lin also frowned slightly, and then quickly stretched it out, "Little emperor, have you entered the Great Consummation of the Holy Immortal?"

Zheng Feng and Wen Liangqi were stunned. Luo Tian was able to defeat the four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm by himself when he was a half-step immortal before reaching the Great Perfection of the Holy Immortal. Consummation, the only difference is to be able to become a fairy king. I am afraid that under the fairy king, no one is his opponent. Even if several strong people of the same level join forces, it is impossible to defeat him.

"At any rate, I also have a eating guy who has just been promoted to Wangpin Xianbao, hehehe." Luo Tian waved his hand and threw the gold-painted folding fan in his hand into the portable space, "Speaking of which, it is thanks to the fairy king of the Northern Immortal Realm who exiled me this time." , I will repay him mercilessly. Damn, you still beat me, little lunatic?!"

"I call you so perverted, you are going against the sky!" Zheng Feng clenched his teeth and swung his fists.

"Keep fighting!" Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin glanced at each other, then pulled Wen Liang together and started beating Luo Tianlai again.

This time, I'm going against the sky.Luo Tian laughed secretly in his heart.

Many experts from the Southern Immortal Realm at the nearby city wall stared at Ling Ruochen and the others in amazement.

"Hey, Boss Luo, what else did you not tell us? Are you hiding it deep enough?" Ling Ruochen asked with a smile.

Luo Tian blinked, "You actually know?"

"It's not just me, we all know, hahaha!" Ling Ruochen leaned back and forth with a smile.

"Little emperor." Chen Lin grabbed Luo Tian's shoulder and said sadly, "Just admit it!"

Luo Tian froze for a moment, and was about to speak with a wry smile.

"We've already met sister-in-law, she misses you so much!" Zheng Feng leaned over and said with a deep smile.

"Sister-in-law? Tang Yan secretly came to participate in the battle between the two worlds?" Luo Tian was a little shocked.

"Uncle, you still have to pretend to be like us!" Wen Liang said with grief and indignation, "It's not Aunt Tang Yan, it's another aunt from the Northern Immortal Realm!"

"Northern Immortal Realm? I haven't seen many women!" This time it was Luo Tian's turn to be speechless.

"How dare you say no?!" Now, even Chen Lin was a little upset, and said angrily, "Let me give you a hint, my surname is Li."

"Surnamed Li?" Luo Tian frowned tightly, thinking hard for a while, "I've never met a woman surnamed Li! What kind of mystery are you doing?"

"Hey, I really feel worthless for Li Mufu's sister-in-law. My sister-in-law has worked so hard to find you in the southern battlefield without fear of danger, but a loving woman meets a ruthless man. It's over, it's over!" Zheng Feng patted his forehead weakly, sighing again and again .

"Li Mufu? Wait!" A flash of light flashed in Luo Tian's mind, and he curled his lips and said, "It's that little girl Mufu! That's not the case. I just sacrificed my life to save her once in the trial star. As for her Did you come all this way to repay your favor?"

"It's not just the trial star." Ling Ruochen laughed, "According to my sister-in-law, you also met in Yunmeng Swamp. What was her alias at the time? Let me think about it, yes, it seems to be Fu Muhan Bar?"

Fu Muhan?

Luo Tian thought for a while, then smiled wryly, it really was her.Fu Muhan, Fu Mu, the reverse is Mufu, and Han is the homonym of Han.During the trial of Xing, Mu Fu knew that she was named Han Yi.

"Impossible." Luo Tian said with a wry smile, "That little girl Mu Fu has a face of ice all day long, how could she be interested in me?"

"If you have it, you have it!" Chen Lin took the lead and laughed, and the three of Ling Ruochen also laughed in unison.


The second year of the war between the two worlds passed quickly, and the next round was the final round of confrontation, and it was also the time for the final top king commanders, grand commanders, and king king commanders of the northern and southern immortal worlds to make their move.

"This third year is an extremely critical year. Judging from the previous situation, the immortals of both sides are generally evenly divided. No one wants to work hard on the battlefield of the two worlds. They have to enter the Hunyuan Realm, so they have to keep it. Strength." Chen Lin stood on the wall and analyzed.

Ling Ruochen curled his lips, "These celestial monarchs and old monsters are all extremely shrewd figures, Xiao Linzi is right to say so."

"Most of the great figures of the immortals sit in the battle between the two worlds, and they mostly play a supervisory role." Luo Tian said blankly, "But this time, let the immortals of the Northern Immortal Realm open their eyes."

"Haha, our team is enough to sweep any team in the Northern Immortal Realm, even if the opponent sends top-notch kings, it's useless!" Zheng Feng laughed.

The top kings generally refer to the outstanding ones among the great commanders of the kings. Most of these people have stepped into the realm of the great perfection of the saints, and they are the key forces that can determine the victory or defeat in the battlefield of the two worlds.

"I hope they know each other." Luo Tian smiled slightly, his eyes were deep, like two unclear stars in the sky.

The third round of confrontation began.

The five of Luo Tian gathered in one place, burst out from the Idol City, and flew towards Liuguang Xinghe.



Soon, with the Liuguang Galaxy as the boundary, the powerhouses of the northern and southern fairylands were all fighting each other in one place. The laws of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth on the Liuguang Galaxy suddenly became chaotic. The lowest level of cultivation is the command of the king, and most of them have Dao grade fairy treasures in their hands. The little restraint in Liuguang Galaxy can't have much influence on these strong people.

All of a sudden, Dao Grade Immortal Treasure Qi Qi descended out of thin air to suppress it, and countless supernatural channel arts flew everywhere.

Luo Tian's team was really invincible, and soon under Luo Tian's leadership, they directly killed five or six tyrannical teams of the opponent, and then encountered a team that had demons in addition to the ancestors of the Holy King. Another top king besides him is Biluo Shengwang.

The Holy King Biluo possessed three and a half king-grade immortal treasures, and his overall strength was much stronger than that of the Zhanzu Holy King, but seeing him alone killed the two tyrannical teams of the Southern Immortal Realm, he was truly unparalleled.

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