
Chapter 949 Negotiation Breakdown, Battle Gemini

Kuangshu Xianjun was surrounded by many Xianjun powerhouses, and he was not flustered at all, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, Xianjun Wenqu raised his brows, and snorted coldly, "Could it be that you are the only ones in the northern and southern fairylands who have come? Hehe, this month's spirit boots appeared in our Confucian territory! The boundaries of the clan!"

"You must not forget!"

Although Xianjun Wenqu's voice was not loud, the self-confidence in his words burst out, which directly echoed in the ears of many strong people in the northern and southern fairylands.That incomparably strong self-confidence is intimidating.

"well said."


In the void, streams of upright Confucianism descended, and there were more than twenty immortals.

The one who made the sound was a long-bearded middle-aged man headed by the Confucian clan, but he was wearing a black robe and a high golden crown on his head. There was a burst of orchid fragrance from his whole body, which directly diffused into the void.

Righteousness and fragrance!

At this time, the hearts of many great figures in the northern and southern fairylands suddenly jumped. With this level of cultivation, I am afraid that they will be able to step into the realm of great perfection at any time.Once the opponent enters the Great Perfection of the Immortal Monarch, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the strong in the Northern and Southern Immortal Realms to be able to compete.

Besides, even if there are no great masters of the Great Perfection among the Confucian clan, the twenty or so immortal kings who came here alone are enough to check and balance the many powerhouses in the northern and southern immortal worlds who seem to be in harmony with each other.

After all, the number of Confucian strongmen is almost equivalent to the sum of the northern and southern fairylands here.

"Immortal Zhengxuan, see you in the past, don't you come here without any harm?" Immortal Yunjian Luo Yun is the most active mind and the most extensive in communication. When he was in the Nether Sea, he had met with Immortal Zhengxuan several times. edge.

"You are, Luo Yun?" Xianjun Zhengxuan, headed by the Confucian clan, laughed loudly, "It is a great joy in life that an old friend from two epochs ago is still alive."

Even if you are a fairy, you may not be able to survive the catastrophe of the destruction of the era.

Immortal Lord Zhengxuan has survived the catastrophe of destruction for two eras, while Luo Yun is stronger and has survived three eras.

Of course, Luo Yun was able to survive the catastrophe of three eras with a half-step immortal monarch's cultivation base, and he became an immortal monarch in this era thanks to a powerful king-grade immortal treasure, Yunjian Temple, on his body.

The Yunjian Temple can be attacked and defended, but the most commendable thing is the defense against the sky that can withstand the destruction of most of the era.

Don't look at Immortal Yunjian's superficial appearance, but in fact, he has already developed a great fear of Luo Yun in his heart.As long as you don't reach the Great Perfection of Xianjun, it may not be easy to even hurt Luo Yun.

Not to mention that Immortal Lord Zhengxuan and Luo Yun have met several times, they can be regarded as ordinary friends, even if they are life and death brothers, in terms of the interests of the entire ethnic group, they should be abandoned.

None of the powerful immortals from the three parties spoke, but looked at Immortal Zhengxuan talking with Luo Yun with different expressions.

The strong in the Northern Immortal Realm naturally hope that the negotiations will break down. If the Southern Immortal Realm joins forces with other races, he really has no chance in the Northern Immortal Realm.

"Then these moon spirit boots?" Finally, Luo Yun and Immortal Zhengxuan asked with a smile after a few more polite words.

Immortal Zhengxuan's expression did not change at all, "Naturally it belongs to our Confucian lineage."

"Oh, that's good." Luo Yun looked natural, he had already guessed the result, and said lightly, "Then let's fight."

"Bingxue, Zhenlong, you and I will join forces this time, and then we will distribute the Moon Spirit Boots."

At the same time, Luo Yun's voice reached the ears of the two great immortals headed by the Northern Immortal Realm.

"it is good!"

The two great immortals of the Northern Immortal Realm naturally agreed. If they did not join forces, neither the Northern Immortal Realm nor the Southern Immortal Realm had any hope of getting the Moon Spirit Boots.

"Alright." Immortal Lord Zhengxuan smiled slightly, speaking in a calm and authentic manner, as natural as a breeze blowing on his face, without any fluctuations in his words, and even in line with some strange laws of heaven and earth.

This kind of law is not within the Three Thousand Ways.

Luo Tian admired secretly from the side, "This Immortal Zhengxuan's ambition is as majestic as mountains, he is truly a formidable person, I am afraid that even if I use my Sanxiao Pan to attack with all my strength, I can't seriously injure him, this person is too terrifying."

Previously, Luo Tian had only felt such aura from the bodies of a few people such as Destroyer Immortal and Karma Immortal. It can be seen how powerful Zhengxuan Immortal is.


Immediately, many immortals from the northern and southern fairylands joined forces, and their aura soared to the sky, and they all locked on the many powerful immortals of other races headed by Immortal Zhengxuan.

"Good come!"

Immortal Zhengxuan's eyes shot out suddenly, he smiled proudly, and immediately waved his sleeves, a ruler entwined with jade light appeared in his hand, about three feet long, when it fell lightly in the void, it distorted and split the void open.

"Measuring ruler!"

"The real ruler of Wang Pinxian's treasure!"

"One of the top ten fairy treasures of the alien race!"

Many immortals in the northern and southern fairylands exclaimed in unison. They are naturally familiar with this measuring ruler. You must know that this measuring ruler was one of the most important treasures that appeared in the Nether Sea. It is really powerful. This fairy Once Bao makes a move, he can even measure the sky, which shows how powerful it is!

Luo Yun chuckled, and a palace suddenly appeared above his head. The palace was not too big or small, only tens of thousands of miles in radius.

Cloud Sword Temple!

It is a supreme treasure obtained by Luo Yun from the Hunyuan Domain, and it is also a king-grade fairy treasure, which is invincible in defense.

Seeing this, the alien Gemini was about to go towards the Moon Spirit Boots, but saw a three-color optical disk falling down together, rebounding the two of them directly, and they could no longer move forward, even the void became illusory. Once the two of them move, they will definitely be transferred to other space worlds by Sanxiaopan.

"What a Swallowing Immortal Lord!"


Xianjun Kuangshu and Xianjun Wenqu are well-known up-and-comers of the Confucian clan, but at the moment they were aroused by Luo Tian with a strong fighting spirit, and they even joined forces to fight Luo Tian.

"So what about one against two?"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, and then the world inside his body opened up, and the Heaven Swallowing Tower flew out with endless devouring aura, and it was about to suppress and seal the void.

"Jiuxuan Taiqing Yin!"

The Kuangshu Xianjun laughed wildly, and immediately opened his mouth to spew out a white jade seal filled with water vapor, but seeing the jade seal rolling in the void, it forced Luotian's Swallowing Tower back.

The Nine Profound Taiqing Seal is another King Grade Immortal Treasure!

Xianjun Wenqu became enlightened by the Dharma, and he does not have Wangpin Xianbao, but his supernatural powers are also extremely powerful.

Purple Qi divine light!

One of the supreme supernatural powers of the alien race, it is extremely difficult to cultivate to great success.

In an instant, the alien Gemini and Luo Tian fought together.

Luo Tian only felt the pressure all over his body was extremely great. Fortunately, he was now promoted to the rank of Xianjun, and he almost didn't need to burn his spiritual veins. He only needed to directly draw a square of heaven and earth energy to supplement it. This is also the unique supernatural power of Xianjun. Absorb the power of heaven and earth!

The three of them are all immortals, infinitely magnifying the small space around them. In fact, the range of the three of them fighting is tens of millions of miles.

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