
Chapter 955 Retreating the enemy with a flick of a finger?

That's right, the two immortal masters Luo Tian saw were old friends.

Speaking of which, he was also an old friend, and Zhou Dongfei was not too surprised when he appeared in a foreign land, and he was relieved in the blink of an eye.And these two old friends in front of him were able to appear in the Nether Sea, which really surprised him. Moreover, these two guys have even achieved the status of Xianjun!

This is even more incredible!

Luo Tian's heart was a little overwhelmed, so he decided to scare the two guys who had startled him.

"You two, since you've come here, why do you need to be sneaky?" Luo Tian spoke out, his voice was full of majesty, his voice was so cold and indifferent that it could freeze people to death.

Those two people heard that Hao Xuan did not choke to death on their own saliva.

So bullying!

There is really no excuse for the crime you want to add!

The two were shocked and speechless, looked at each other, slowed down their speed very vigilantly, and stood quietly in the void, both were extremely speechless in their hearts, damn it, this guy must be finding fault on purpose!

With such an obvious aura of the two immortal monarchs, how could they not be aware of the strength of the other party not inferior to the two of them?This is sneaky?So what is fair and aboveboard?

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet a fellow Taoist from the same origin here. It's really a surprise!" A half-century old man was wrapped in the crimson streamer. He slapped Jishou and said, "Immortal Chiyang, I have met my fellow Taoist, and I am very polite here."

Immortal Chiyang is an old man, so he took this opportunity to directly report his name.

"Aren't you of a different race?" Luo Tian asked knowingly.

Immortal Chiyang seems to have eaten a fly, extremely depressed, and complaining in his heart, this mother must be finding fault!He didn't believe that with the opponent's cultivation level, he wouldn't be able to feel his aura!

"What is certain is that fellow Taoists must not be of different races." A young woman in white clothes stood safely in the glazed light, she was slightly blessed, and said calmly, "Both of us are from the Southern Immortal Realm, but we are newly promoted Daoist friends may not know about your immortal monarch."

With a faint smile on Luo Tian's face, he felt two extremely weak primordial spirits sweeping across his body, but they were swallowed and annihilated by his own sky-swallowing law.

This woman is still so smart!

"Hehe, fellow daoists don't need to be nervous, this deity is just a little confused." Luo Tian changed his expression and said with a smile, "We will talk about the true origins of the two fellow daoists after the deity makes calculations."

Immediately, the Chiyang Immortal Lord and the two rolled their eyes speechlessly. If the aura of the guy in front of them hadn't shown that Luo Tian was a real Immortal Lord, the two of them really had the idea of ​​killing this guy directly. Simply a lunatic idiot.

Calculate the origin of Xianjun?Do you think you are the fairy king?

Xianjun himself is a powerful existence who can condense his own Dao law to the extreme. He can barely escape the three realms of reincarnation and can open up a world.It is almost impossible for such characters to calculate their past origins.

"Huh?" Luo Tian shook his head and said authentically, "The two of you are actually from the Tianxuan plane of the lower realm. Immortal Chiyang's real name should be Yang Chiyi. As for the other fellow Taoist, it should be Nangong Liuli, right?"

The two Chiyang Immortals were immediately shocked!

Who is this guy?Perverted to such an extent?They actually calculated the origins of the two of them!

"Wait for the deity to calculate again." Luo Tian said with a smirk on his face, "The two of you have been promoted to the position of Xianjun after only more than [-] years of cultivation. I'm afraid they are the reincarnation of Xianjun?"

Chiyang Xianjun and the two were silent, their hearts were overwhelmed, this guy is too powerful, even if they are not all right, they are almost inseparable.

Who is he?

"I don't know what to call this female Taoist friend?" Luo Tian turned his head and asked.

Nangong Liuli was stunned for a moment. She naturally knew that the other party was asking about her fairy name, so she couldn't help frowning slightly and said, "I am Liuli Xianjun."

"Sure enough."

Luo Tian sighed in his heart, and then said, "Since you are friends from the same origin, then it's not too much of a formality, you two follow me."

Hearing this, Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli couldn't help but change their expressions. What does the other party mean by this?

"Hehe, I'm sorry, the two of us went to the Nether Sea this time to find someone, so we didn't go with fellow Taoists." After all, Immortal Chiyang was scheming, and immediately tactfully evaded.

"Oh, who are you two looking for?"

"I'm not afraid that fellow daoists will know if I say it, the two of us are looking for Tuntian Xianjun."

"Oh, the deity is also looking for him, and he has already calculated his position, so it happens to be together." Luo Tian said wretchedly.


In the void, the four alien immortals who were chasing Chiyang Immortal and Liuli Immortal did not leave. Instead, they set up a large formation in the outermost void of the Nether Sea with gloomy faces, preparing to block this void and let The opponent has nowhere to go.

"Haha, those two guys from the North and South Immortal Realms quit so quickly!"

"I guess I have seen the power of the Nether Sea!"

"Preparing to capture the two of you! He dared to go to our Confucian area to act wildly. He thought he was Tuntian Immortal, would he be a pervert?"

The four immortal monarchs of different races yelled at each other, very happy.

Of course, if Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli were here, they would be shocked, the four of them didn't even notice Luo Tian's existence!

"It seems that the two of you are in some trouble." Luo Tian said in a strange tone.

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli blushed.

"The three of us teamed up, and it's not a problem to leave here." Chiyang Xianjun was a little bit at the bottom of his heart at the moment. Even if the three immortals fought against the four immortals, even if they couldn't beat each other, it would be no problem to escape.

"Who said it was three people who made the move?" Luo Tian asked horizontally.

"... "

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli are really speechless. Why is this guy so unpredictable and moody? He is completely insane.

"What do you mean by fellow daoist?" Liuli Xianjun said in a rather unfriendly tone, with a faint hint of anger, if this guy didn't know the whereabouts of Tuntian Xianjun, she would leave immediately.

"Nothing interesting." Luo Tian stretched his waist, "Of course you two go first."

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli's expressions changed.

"Then it won't be too late if you are not your opponents." Luo Tian's voice came out again.

"... "

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli are going crazy, who do you think you are?How dare you brag about defeating the other four immortals with your own strength?

"Hey, don't make such an expression, both of you, and tell you secretly that this deity is very strong." Luo Tian smiled softly, "At least these four guys go together, and this deity can defeat them with a flick of a finger."

Defeat the four immortals with a snap of your fingers?

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli were stunned. You think you are a great master of the Great Perfection, even if you are, it is impossible to defeat the four immortals with a snap of your fingers, absolutely impossible.

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