Chapter 124
Seeing Li Ye's sinister smile, the female Nicole Okoye immediately struggled

"You mean bastard! You're framing us! Our vibranium is..."

But she stopped immediately in the middle of her speech. She almost slipped her mouth. It is absolutely forbidden for others to know that their country has Zhenjin veins.

"What is it?" Li Ye smiled badly, but the other party stopped talking

T'Chaka on the side also looked gloomy.

He knew that the guy in front of him absolutely knew that their country had vibration gold mines, and he was just framing himself
But with so many people around, he can't directly refute Li Ye's point of view by himself. This is Li Ye's strength. He is not a nasty disgusting person, he is a technological disgusting person

crumbs!But there are technical crumbs!This is called crumbs of crumbs!The crumbs of the world

He continued: "Oh, I originally tracked it all the way to Wakanda, thinking that those wicked people entered your country, so I came to help you get rid of these scourges. I thought the guards outside The shield and the like are all made by that villain, I didn't expect it to be you."

"You!!" T'Chaka was speechless, just lowered his head, regretting his actions, he regretted his decision to come to Li Ye

But what's the use if you don't come
Even though it is the middle of the night, Mold's plane is still transporting soldiers. This kind of investment regardless of consumption, they have no intention of stopping from the beginning.
Wakanda never had any chance of winning

Due to the high temperature, the battle armor on T'Chaka's body melted, dripped and piled up, becoming very bloated and ugly, and his whole body was also scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. If Marui didn't want to keep him alive, he might have burned at this time carbonized

At this moment, he has no expectations. He feels that the future is dark, and unless the black panther manifests, there is no chance of a comeback.

"Oh, stealing valuables and assassinating important ministers of the country. If you are released internationally, you will have to be imprisoned for a lifetime. Tell me, tell me, what have you done?"

T'Chaka closed his eyes in remorse, all he can do now is to pray to the Black Panther God
On the other side, the black stewed egg was still monitoring Li Ye, he could hear the voice inside Li Ye's tent clearly,
Including Extremis, including Zhenjin, including everything they said,
Of course, because there was no camera, the big hole in Li Ye's chest was not seen, they only knew that Li Ye was injured

Nick Fury slams the table to vent his anger
"Damn! Really damn! That guy definitely has a big secret! Zhenjin! Potion!"

The agent on the side picked up the notebook filled with writing and said to the black corned egg head
"Boss! According to the analysis, Li Huohua didn't show any pain at all after being attacked. Judging from the expressiveness, this officer definitely has a special ability, and the worst is weakening the pain."

That black stewed egg was so angry that his teeth were about to fall out. He made an order for Li Ye after he meowed so much that he could build a country.
But he doesn't really care about Wakanda, he only cares about their technology and gold

"Those vibrating gold cannot live without a part of us, we have to do something! The same goes for those technologies! They must be in our hands!"

"And his potion! It can effectively fight against Batman's armor! We have to hold it in our hands! We must send someone to his company to have a look!"

His one eye kept flashing, and he was thinking about how to fight against Li Ye, not how to protect Wakanda from Li Ye's murderous hands.
At this moment, the name of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau behind them is particularly ironic.

Just when his eyes flashed, the eyes of several agents behind also flashed
In the dark with a snake-like smile
America, S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters
top office

This is the office of Pierce, one of the top leaders of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Pierce, the boss of the black one-eyed corned egg man, the two of them are also friends for many years,
But this guy has another identity, he is one of the heads of Hydra
Thanks to his years of management, Hydra was able to fully infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., and today he received a message from one of his agents, which made his eyes shine

"Oh? Li cremation? Love injection? Zhenjin? Interesting!"

He obviously moved his mind, but it is obvious that Hydra is impossible to expose, they are still in the development stage, and considering Li Ye's demeanor and strength, he wrinkled his head
"That's a good plan."

There is a big difference between him and Black Braised Dan. Black Braised Dan thinks about how to go whoring for free, how to deduct money, and how to persecute others, but what he thinks about is how to cooperate.

Of course, the cooperation is also carried out under the premise that Hydra will not be exposed. He is not stupid. He spread the slogan of Long Live Hydra everywhere. That is not Hydra, that is a fool
Looking back to Wakanda, two days have passed
Even if the leader is captured and several generals are gone, Wakanda still persists,

Because of various factors including the terrain, Li Ye's army has not really entered the core area of ​​Wakanda.
Of course, their core area is underground, and Li Ye has almost finished the above-ground part.
Li Ye is sitting on a high place, knocking melon seeds, and now a large number of fighter jets are constantly flying in the air, providing air support

Of course, it was the banner that said "Come on" hanging on the back
I'm sure this will cheer up both the mold and the Wakandans
And beside him stands Private Marui
He has been following Li Ye ever since Li Ye injected him with the medicine that day, mainly because Li Ye told him that the medicine has side effects and will explode, so he has been following him to find a solution
Li Ye glanced at Ma Rui, and thought that although the guy in front of him was a little dumbfounded, he was very reliable and had a strong ability to execute. The most important thing was that this guy also liked to clean up evil, and he was very energetic.

"Ma De, follow me in the future, I am short of a complaint, you should be able to learn it"

Ma Rui looked at Li Ye, a little puzzled: "Sir, haven't I been doing things with you?"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I'm talking about not being a soldier anymore, just follow me."

Soldier Ma Rui seemed a little confused: "Sir, you..."

Li Ye shook his head, this guy is still a little silly, he is not good enough to be a joker, he can be used for running errands or something
"Tucao, it's so hard to find."

But at this moment, the soldier Ma Rui said to Li Ye as if he had realized something.

"Sir! I am willing to work with you!"

Li Ye looked at him and smiled slightly: "Okay! Private Mario, you are fine!"

But the next second, Private Mario began to undress,

Li Ye was a little puzzled: "What are you doing?"

The soldier Ma Rui was also a little dazed: "Sir, didn't you 'do'?"

Li Ye has black lines on his face, what kind of bird translates
(End of this chapter)

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