Infinite Heavens: Getting Started with the Steve Panel

Chapter 171 1 Everything is Shi Chen's Fault

Chapter 171 Everything Is Shichen's Fault

Several people discuss in full swing
Emiya Kiritsugu spoke first

"It should be so, he designed to take away the holy relic that my wife summoned King Arthur"

This guy didn't mention the fact that Li Ye was rescued by his wife. If it wasn't for Li Ye, his wife would have been crushed into Iris Fell sauce by the sea monster. This is what Li Ye said about false justice

Li Ye saved his wife, and he still wants to take the lead in messing with himself. To be honest, he is a wolf. Don’t forget, he doesn’t know the real function of Li Ye’s taking away the scabbard. He only knows that it can heal the body and summon Artoria. Isn't it worth exchanging his wife's life for something?

But that's the guy who claims to be true justice
Li Ye expressed his incomprehension. He really only looks at the big level and not the small level. It may be that Li Ye's level is not up to his level.
After hearing Emiya Kiritsugu's speech of approval, Kenneth also crossed his hands, put his hands on the table, looked at several people, and spoke slowly

"Then, these people we cooperate with must show some sincerity."

His eyes took one look at Wade, then at these guys

Tohsaka Tokichen asked: "Then what kind of sincerity do you want?"

Kenneth smiled: "My Heroic Spirit is Diarmuid, the job agent is Lancer, and his ability is"

Tohsaka Shichen was stunned. From the beginning to now, only his heroic spirit has preserved its strength the best. Until now, others only know that they can project weapons, and they are kings, and Li Ye has not named them.

And Kenneth's Diarmuid and Emiya Kiritsugu's Artoria have been exposed by Li Ye, not to mention Iskandar who blew his name when he came up

Tohsaka Tokichen's eyes gradually deepened: "It's difficult for us to deal with you like this."

Kenneth's smile gradually subsided: "It's difficult! If it's difficult, don't do it!"

Tosaka Shichen looked into his eyes and fell into deep thought. Indeed, only the name of his heroic spirit was not exposed. Although there was a little bit of strength exposed, the things exposed with other heroic spirits after that battle were not at all. no match

If the other heroic spirits unite and exclude him alone, it will be quite uncomfortable
"My Heroic Spirit is Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, Archer job description"

He looked at Kenneth with deep eyes, and continued: "Then, can we continue talking now?"

Kenneth smiled: "Of course..."

Once you know the characters, you will have a countermeasure. Emiya Kiritsugu on the other side also stared at the stars.

Tohsaka Tokichen thought about it and continued to speak: "Then, let's cooperate on the issue of berserkers!"

The discussion inside is in full swing, but the outside is not calm

Templar church
Most of the executors died here, but a small part remained, at least let people know that this is the Holy Church
Kotomine Kirei is the part that was kept
He still hides his identity according to the original plan
Neither his teacher Tosaka Toki, nor himself, had pinned his desire to finally win the Holy Grail on himself.
From the beginning to the end, they regard themselves as a tool man
But he himself didn't feel anything, he was a guy who couldn't feel joy, and his heart couldn't be the same as ordinary people, seeing beautiful things as happiness.Kirei's devotion to the church also hopes that God can answer his inner confusion
But at this moment, a voice came into his ears
"They are really hateful~"

Kotomine Kirei followed the sound and saw his teacher's follower, Gilgamesh, he bowed his head humbly

"You are here, king"

Gilgamesh was floating in the sky, looking at Kotomine Kirei with a playful face

"Everyone who participates in the Holy Grail War has their own wish, so what is your wish?"

Kotomine Kirei lowered his head, still expressionless: "Sorry, I don't have a wish, king"

Gilgamesh laughed loudly: "No, you have a wish, and your wish is not ordinary."

He slowly floated behind Kotomine Kirei: "Pursue pleasure, don't you?"

Kotomine Kirei didn't raise his lowered head: "Sorry, Wang, I'm not a joyful person"

Gilgamesh smiled unabated: "Kirei, you are wrong, how could you not be happy? You just didn't find the right way"

Kotomine Kirei didn't want to speak, turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Gilgamesh

"Pursue for your own ideas. This is the right way of entertainment. Then entertainment will bring you joy, and joy will guide you in the direction of happiness. Do what you want, Kirei!"

In Kotomine Kirei's mind, the scene of his wife dying in front of him flashed through
It was a quiet time when his wife committed suicide in front of him just to prove that he could love and be worth living
Because his teachings do not allow suicide, he even changed the way of his wife's death to be murdered by robbers.

"What do you really want to do?"

Gilgamesh projected a long sword and placed it in his hand

"Pursue pleasure! Kirei!"

In front of Kotomine Kirei, the scene of his wife's death was constantly being played out, and he couldn't help shaking his hands as he took the sword.

"So, what should I do"

He raised his head blankly and looked at Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh smiled: "It's very simple, kill your teacher, Tohsaka Toki, try it, you will get infinite pleasure,"


Gilgamesh continued to bewitch: "Pursue your essence! Kotomine Kirei!"

Why didn't Gilgamesh do it himself, because there is still a command spell in Tohsaka Tokichen's hand, which is enough for the heroic spirit to complete actions such as "suicide"

So Gilgamesh found Kotomine Kirei

On the other hand, the meeting is over

The final result is quite satisfactory. On the day after tomorrow, which is the fourth day of the Holy Grail War, everyone will go up to the golden tree and attack Li Ye
"The Bunch of Nasty Guys"

Tohsaka Shichen looked at the sun that was about to be born, with a ruthless expression on his face

The main reason is that the only one who paid the price in this meeting was himself, only he revealed the name of his heroic spirit

And Kenneth reunited with his student Wade, forming a closer combination.
As for Emiya Kiritsugu, there is nothing to lose. To be honest, if Li Ye hadn't shown a stronger strength, he would probably be the one who will be punished now.

At this moment, Kotomine Kirei slowly approached behind him
"Teacher, how was the outcome of the meeting?"

Tohsaka Tokichen sighed: "It's not very good, but at first..."

He just turned his head, and found that Kotomine Kirei was already less than half a meter away from him.


In an instant, Kotomine Kirei drew out the sword Gilgamesh had given him, and cut it obliquely
Tohsaka Shichen hurriedly retreated and blocked it with his arm, but the sharpness of this sword is not ordinary

The arm was severed like running water
Tosaka Shichen Kobe was not a good stump, he hurriedly shouted: "In the name of Command Spells! Come to me! My servant!"

but nothing happened
Only then did he notice that what Kotomine Kirei cut off just now was his hand with the Command Seal
"Kirei! Why!!!"

Kotomine Kirei looked at the severed arm, the bones and flesh stuck together, the muscles seemed to have not noticed that they had been severed, and were still twisting and convulsing.
His originally expressionless face gradually became crazy

"Sure enough, it's really fun!"

He looked at his teacher, and shouted with that gradually crazy smile: "Teacher! Teacher! I have found joy!"

Tohsaka Tokichen's eyes were fixed on him, and the remaining hand reached for his pocket

There are a lot of gems in that pocket, which can allow him to quickly cast the Tohsaka family's secret method, gem magic, which is the unique skill of the current second magician Gem Weng, which was passed down to his family's ancestors back then, and its power is not to be underestimated. watch for
"What's wrong with you! Kirei!"

Tohsaka Shichen's eyes gradually turned into concern, but it wasn't because he didn't want to do anything anymore, it was just that his hand had already touched the gemstone.
It's called distraction
Kotomine Kirei also dropped the long sword in his hand, and looked at the sky with regret and incomprehension: "Oh! What did I do, my God! What did I do to my teacher! It must be that damned berserker What a mess!"

Tohsaka Shichen was stunned, and the movement of his hands also stopped, forgetting to hold the gemstone tightly.

In the next second, Kotomine Kirei jumped up violently, his hands moved continuously, and he also displayed his family's unique skill, Bajiquan
This is an ancient martial art inherited from an ancient oriental country. There was a man named Li Shuwen who carried it forward, and even gave him the powerful title of "Wu Er Da". It can be said to be extremely powerful

Although what Mine Kirei displayed was a little immature, it wasn't something a guy with a broken arm like Tohsaka Toki could stop

"I'm sorry~ Teacher, you should die"

In just a few seconds, Tohsaka Tokichen's body was hit countless times,

And the gem that he didn't take out, he will never take out
Looking at Kotomine Kirei, Tohsaka Toki who fell on the ground asked in a hoarse voice,

"Kirei...why are you!!" As he said, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth
Kotomine Kirei smiled: "Ah~ my teacher~ of course it's for~ pleasure!!!"

At this moment, the figure of Gilgamesh appeared behind him, still floating in mid-air, taller than the two of them,
"Shichen, you did a lot of things wrong."

Tohsaka Toki looked at Gilgamesh, his eyes were full of shock and incomprehension, and he looked at his broken arm, which still had a command spell on it, but he would never use it


Then he closed his eyes and no longer had that puzzled expression.
"Goodbye~ my teacher"

Kotomine Kirei picked up the Noble Phantasm long sword on the ground, and with one stroke of the sword, Tosaka Tokoto's head fell off

Blood spurted out from that neck, with some bone fragments, probably from the punch just now, these things splashed on Kotomine Kirei's body, dyeing his face the color of blood

"Aha... ahahaha"

Looking at all this, Kotomine Kirei felt as happy as if he was about to orgasm

Gilgamesh looked at him and said with a slight smile, "Then, do you still dare to sign a contract with me? Kirei"

Gilgamesh's ability to act independently is very high, which allows him to maintain his magic for a long time without his master. As long as he finds a new master who can offer him magic during this period, he can continue survive
"Of course, my lord, you made me feel happy, didn't you?"

Kotomine Kirei looked at him, and stretched out his hand, which already contained Hassan's Command Seal, but different Command Seals cannot control the same heroic spirit, after all, it was not issued by the Holy Church Adaptive Command Spells
Gilgamesh smiled and signed the contract directly

And the half of the arm on the ground just stayed there, and with the dissipation of Tohsaka Time, the Command Seal also disappeared.

Gilgamesh is free, there is no command spell to limit himself, and there is no annoying master
Kotomine Kirei knew what joy is, and has since become a monster of joy, living happily
Tohsaka Toki also mentioned a copy of the urn presented by Kotomine Kirei, and happily entered the underground life

everyone is happy

Only Tosaka Toki's daughter Tosaka Rin and his wife Tosaka Aoi lost their relatives
All in all, it's all time's fault

(End of this chapter)

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