Chapter 261 The Black King
Underneath the North Pole is where the Black King's body lies!This is in the original work!Li Ye also visited that place, but Li Ye didn't find anything about that place.
Li Ye took out the piece of flesh and blood from his robe, the piece of flesh and blood of the Black King.

Now everything is connected in series. When Chu Tianjiao was unconscious, it was not Odin who completely suppressed his consciousness.
A remaining Odin soul basically can't do this

The original work of Quansheng failed to completely suppress Chu Tianjiao's consciousness, not to mention that this guy was cut off by Li Ye
Chu Tianjiao lost consciousness because Odin himself lost consciousness
And the reason is because of this piece of meat, because Odin's spiritual power and soul were cut by Li Ye, and the flesh and blood of the black king, Odin did not survive,

And Odin chose to eat this thing at that time, it must be because he himself would not live long

Thinking about it, the North Pole is separated by Kuimen, and even if Odin is the Dragon King, it is impossible for Odin's soul to drift so far.
Then this guy lost his mind and walked back to this place with his own subconscious

Looking at his haggard appearance, it is probably due to lack of energy, so he came here to replenish energy
And what this guy did during this time was what Li Ye was most worried about.

He may have released the ultimate in this world, which is the Black King

Li Ye didn't know why he had such an idea, but he had this idea in his subconscious mind
He looked at Chu Tianjiao and walked out. Now he is going to find someone who understands this.
The space was constantly torn, and his figure went directly through the numerous space barriers to Xia Mi's Nibelungen, but he was stunned as soon as he got here, Fenrir's huge body was here

But it has been petrified and turned into a stone statue without any life.
Li Ye put his hand on this guy. This guy has no life. He uses the power of Tiamat to revive this guy.

But I don't know why, I just can't revive
He stood in this space and shouted: "Xia Mi!! Old witch!!!"

But there was no response for a long time, only my own voice echoed here.
"Looks like I guessed right."

There was a little indifference in Li Ye's eyes, but at this moment, a faint gasp came from a distance
"Lee.. skinning"

Li Ye reached several times the speed of sound in an instant, and came to the end of the sound. It was a bed, a big bed of Simmons, placed in this cave like this, it looked abrupt and ridiculous

Xia Mi was lying on it, very quiet and weak
Her limbs have turned into rocks, her eyes are also dull, she just looks at Li Ye in front of her by feeling

"Li... Papi, you're here."

Li Ye looked at this guy with complicated eyes: "I'm here, I want to ask, is that guy awake?"

There were no signs of fighting around. Li Ye could only think of one guy who could let Xia Mi and Fenrir die like this, that was the Black King.
Xia Mi's eyes obviously couldn't see Li Ye, and he just looked in Li Ye's general direction and said: "Yes, he has awakened, he has withdrawn...our power, I can't resist it...that's it. this"

Xia Mi already knew that she would not be able to live, she is the most transparent Dragon King
"But isn't the person of the earth and the mountain in me?"

"I... made a miscalculation. Everything about us was created by him. He wants to take it back... it's just a matter of words."

Li Ye shook his head: "It's really sad, you bastard, you can't bite me anymore, right?"

Xia Mi reluctantly lifted the corner of his mouth and smiled: "You still have a promise...with you still count?"

Li Ye said: "Of course, old witch, what do you want? Let's talk about it first. Your current petrification is very weird and I can't stop it."

The smile on Xia Mi's face didn't change a bit, but his eyes became more hollow
"Let me... bite you again..." Li Ye slowly stretched out his hand and put it in Xia Mi's mouth, but Xia Mi's mouth was already unable to close, she just used that tongue, licked Li Ye

Her voice came out under Li Ye's hands in a low voice: "Stupid...damn, I didn't say...this time, I use that promise"

"Tch, old hag, I don't care, I think it's fine if you use it"

"Lee.. Skinned..."

"Okay, I should go too, I'm afraid that the black king will run away if I go late."

"Stay with me for a little longer, I's so dark..."

Li Ye looked at the girl in front of him and sighed: "Okay, okay, as if you didn't use that promise, tell me what you want me to do. If you say I will resurrect you, then I can kill you." Try to help you after the death of the black king, otherwise I may not give you a whole life, you know I don't like it..."

Before Li Ye finished speaking, Xia Mi said, "Be me...boyfriend..."

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It's really lust."

Xia Mi also smiled: "I'm going to die...give me this... wish... this is a promise, isn't it?"

Li Ye stretched out his hand and stroked Xia Mi's head: "I don't know who I learned from. I like a married man like me. My charm is so great."

"That's great..."

Xia Mi closed her eyes and did not answer any more. Her whole body was petrified and no longer alive.
Li Ye looked at these two guys and said no more. He just quietly disintegrated the body and turned it into golden fragments. Pieces were flying among the Nibelungs, illuminating the entire Nibelungs. world,
And his real body came out of Odin's Nibelungen, and now Odin's Nibelungen has been completely swallowed by him, and his strength has been further strengthened

He couldn't prevent Xia Mi's death, because Xia Mi's death was not due to external factors, nor was it due to internal factors, it was just that the things that made up her power were being taken back

This is the power of the Black King. Even if he uses Tiamat himself, he cannot deny it. After all, the Black King created this speech spirit for him. If Li Ye wants to use this ability to fight against the Black King himself, it is really a dream

However, most of Li Ye's abilities are for combat, such as the functional ability to resurrect others and create all things. He thinks that only one Tiamat is enough, but he didn't expect to fail this time.
Li Ye laughed, dangerously, the surrounding black mist kept trembling,

Black mist wrapped around Li Ye's body and turned into a suit of armor. Li Ye tied the long knife to his waist. The light of the golden tree appeared behind him, and in his hand, he held the Marvel Kungunir

"If there is no way to solve the problem, then just solve the problem by creating it. Why am I afraid of you if you can poke a hole in the earth?"

After eliminating the Black King, he will naturally have a chance to revive these guys
"It's really a good plan. This agreement is much more cost-effective than letting me resurrect you. Xia Mi is really an old witch."

(End of this chapter)

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