Chapter 36 Sending You a Student
after the battle
Li Ye followed Tony to his residence in his battle armor
Of course, he confirmed the safety of Pepper and Happy before that
There are quite a lot of Tony's houses in this place, far more than the one just blown up

"Big dog"

Tony slumped on the chair, regardless of his own image, and directly ordered Jarvis to dismantle his armor. Maybe he finally remembered his trillions worth of money and the weapons in the room, so he had the confidence to speak
"My friend, let me take it easy. The blow you gave me just now was too hard. If it weren't for you, I would have taken him down long ago."

Li Ye smiled slightly, his mouth stinks, right?
"It doesn't matter, I won't die anyway, and you may not live long."

Tony's face turned black

"What do you mean by this guy, Uncle Tony, I'm fine, I don't look like you, the clown in Batman clothes"

Li Ye smiled slightly, the shadows on the ground gradually flowed, and tnt emerged one by one

"If I were a clown, shouldn't I bring something like this to suit the occasion?"

"Don't scare people with these paper shells, with so much tnt, you want to blow up New York?"

At this time, Jarvis' voice sounded

"Sir, after scanning, these are all trinitrotoluene, commonly known as tnt"

Tony's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"Get these dangerous things out of my house!"

Li Ye smiled slightly, but also had a bad mouth

"I don't need your share, but I need something else"

Hearing this, Tony raised his head: "Your Uncle Tony is not short of your money,"

"I want Zhenjin, at least 15 kilograms!"

Tony responded casually: "That's it? You can adjust it casually. Who do you look down on? Uncle will give you 20 kilograms."

Li Ye smiled, this thing is not easy to get
"You can look it up towards Wakanda"

Tony doesn't understand why he went to Chawakanda, a poor place

"Don't worry about it so much, how do you make this armor, it's so tough"

After Iron Man rested, he got up and touched Li Ye's breastplate.
"And that, what kind of space transmission technology?"

Tony's shadow gradually emerged as a shadow ninja, with a hand on him
"Listen, Tony Stark, you are too slow, you can study this armor if you want, but I want you to do one thing"

The more Tony looked at his eyes, the more he sank into the armor

The level of the master is not low. Although the mobility of this armor is poor, the defense power is directly full.

"Say it! Just mention it"

Li Ye directly broke away from the battle armor

He was not afraid to expose his identity, and Tony was taken aback by his youthful appearance.

"You are so young? Haha, sure enough I can be your Uncle Tony"

"Do you think everyone is as old as you?"

Li Ye also laughed: "Weak old people are useless, we can only let young people like me do it for us."

"What! Your uncle Tony can still have ten magazine cover girls in one night"

Li Ye smiled: "Then you are great,"

Tony is not stupid, the moment Li Ye appeared, Jarvis stripped all his information
"It doesn't matter who I am, I can be anyone,"

"I need you to teach a man who hasn't been to school"

"What? You use Uncle Tony's as a preschool?"

Li Ye smiled: "You can choose to refuse"

But Tony looked at the tnt on the ground and swallowed "I don't teach too stupid guys"

Li Ye nodded: "That's him, you can call him a hoe"

Li Ye gestured behind Tony, and the black shadow ninja who just grabbed Tony's shoulder nodded

"Huh? Are you kidding me?"

Two days later, the outside world broke the news

Stark CEO Obadiah's plane crashed while traveling, there are a hundred people who can prove it

And Wilson's younger brother was considered a nephew by Tony Stark, and he gave 0.8% of Stark's shares as a gift. Li Ye can eat and drink for several lifetimes with just the share every year.

Li Ye didn't want the shares at first. He said that the shares were just for fun, but Tony really gave it to him.

It must not be the problem that Li Ye hasn't cleared the bomb yet.

Li Ye didn't want too much, as long as 0.8%. If it was too much, the Snake and Shield Bureau would have to ask him to deal with it. After that, there is no way to plan. Money is enough, and the negative emotion value is the most important.
In addition, Li Ye left the battle armor to Tony. He has no plans to go out to carry out justice these days, so he will hand it over to the fbi for a few days.

Li Ye is so noisy, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. will have a problem if they don't notice Li Ye
So on this day, just as Li Ye woke up, he was knocked on the door.

"Hi, this is Mr. Li Ye."

Li Ye opened the door bored, it was a bald old man

"Hi, I'm Coulson from the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency, may I ask to chat with you?"

Li Ye shrugged: "Come in."

After entering this place, Coulson was sure that they did not make a mistake
In the lobby on the first floor, as soon as you enter the door, you can see a black shadow ninja cleaning, and there are flowers arranging

"Then what, lift your foot," Li Ye said

Only then did Coulson notice a broom protruding from his feet

He stepped aside quickly, and a black shadow ninja wearing sunglasses sprang out from the ground, and swept the leaf he just brought into the trash can

"Never mind, this guy is a bit dull"

How dare Coulson mind it? According to the evaluation, this thing can easily spit out high-temperature flames that can cremate people, fly, and even tear people apart.
they keep walking
On the way, Coulson even saw a black shadow ninja who was wearing a statue there. This guy was a size bigger than the rest, with muscular muscles
There is also a special room for reading. The title of the book is definitely not an ordinary book.

"Ah, you understand, I have the right to do things here, you can do whatever you want in your free time"

Through the corridor, they came to the reception room

Li Ye sat on the sofa casually. Just as Coulson was looking for a place to sit down, a chair came out from his shadow, making him a little at a loss

"Coulson, right?"

"Ah, it's Mr. Li Ye." Li Ye's behavior made Coulson a little overwhelmed, he never thought it would be like this
They presupposed that Li Ye would be resistant, manic, submissive, and deny, but what is this now

directly disrupted their plans
Then a voice came from his headset

"Continue, according to the original plan 3"

A dark shadow ninja came out from behind Li Ye to help him tickle

"What are you looking for from me?"

Coulson said slowly, "Are you Batman?"

Li Ye smiled: "Ah, if you say Batman, it must not be me, Batman is not Wayne, everyone knows that,"

Coulson continued: "But, Mr. Li, according to our investigation... this is indeed you, don't worry, we just want to talk to you"

He took out his mobile phone, and it was the video of Li Ye wearing the Batman armor and executing the Iron Overlord on it.

Li Ye nodded: "Ah, this is me"

Coulson nodded, and it seemed that the negotiation was very good: "Then, Mr. Batman..."

Li Ye directly interrupted at this time: "No, I'm not Batman, I said so"

Coulson froze for a moment: "Didn't you admit just now..."

Li Ye nodded and pointed to the phone screen: "I am this, but not Batman"

Coulson was blinded by this brain circuit
[Ding Kerson negative emotion +1]

Li Ye nodded, feeling comfortable

(End of this chapter)

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