Chapter 372 Book of Wisdom
Li Ye settled in the Roswaal Mansion. Beatrice and everyone were dumbfounded. After living here for so long, he finally had to follow someone else. After all, this "other person" also lived here. He still had to stay here. stay still
Li Ye lives here, and his working location is easily accessible to the small city at the foot of the mountain. He is usually in the small shop, sitting on a chair swaying and waiting for customers.
Now that his reputation has spread, many dignitaries and dignitaries have come. Of course, there are also small businessmen and hawkers who don't know him and want him to find kittens and puppies. Li Ye will also help, but more people may I came here to see the female companion in the shop.

There are currently three people in Li Ye's small shop. One is Li Ye, who is lying on the rocking chair and swinging around every day. There is also Beatrice, who is chattering away every day.

In addition, there is Alyssa, who for some reason sits in Li Ye's shop every day, doing nothing or saying anything. She just sits here. Li Ye doesn't even understand what this woman is doing. What

Many people come here to see Alyssa. After all, she looks really good, and she looks very gentle. In addition, she wears a very revealing evening dress every day, which makes her quite a man-killer.
Quite a few guys come here for her, and of course some guys come here for Beatrice to listen to this little person scolding her. Once Li Ye finds such a person, he will thoughtfully call Reinhardt's number to send him off. Go to jail
Of course, most of them are looking at Alyssa, but because Li Ye is beside them, they don't dare to do anything. Of course, there are also guys who can recognize Alyssa, and they will admire that guys like Li Ye can tame them.
Li Ye also asked Alyssa why she was here. She just smiled and said that she wanted to sit here and wait for Li Ye to give her a commission. Li Ye didn't know what kind of plane she was doing.

Only occasionally, Alyssa's eyes would be deep, as if she was struggling with something, and had something unsaid.
certainly!This guy Li Ye won't just stay here, he has his own things to do.

Li Ye seems to be swaying every day, but in fact he is practicing the unnamed exercise. He uses the tiger charm to convert his own power into the power of the exercise, which is more conducive to his subsequent practice.

As he practiced this technique, his power gradually became systematic, transforming all the messy things into systematic power.

In Li Ye's opinion, this set of exercises is a bit like the long steps to ascend to the gods. There is nothingness in front, and behind, there are steps step by step. Each step requires Li Ye to use countless books to cast.

Each subsequent step is countless times more difficult than the previous step, and this book now has five steps, and Li Ye's strength at the moment is only enough to reach the fifth step. At this step, he has There is no energy left to support him going on.

This is somewhat unbelievable. As powerful as Li Ye, he can only take five steps. This makes Li Ye feel a little bit of a challenge. He expects what the steps behind him will mean. Now he is ranked on the fifth step because he is a star. Is there something going on later? What is the OOA level?

Coupled with Steve's panel, he develops in both directions, and he can't really become something indescribable in the end.

But now, he needs to cast the steps at the back first,
He slowly opened his eyes, looked at the bustling people outside the store, and gradually closed his eyes again.

"I've also started to take the fantasy side!"

The next second, his body appeared in the sanctuary, and a clone was left in the place of the original body. He slowly walked into the ruins and came to the spiritual world of the lust witch.

The lust witch Echidna was still sitting there as before, drinking tea. She was somewhat surprised to see Li Ye's arrival, because this time, Li Ye came by herself, not by her.

Echidna was only surprised for a moment, and then she became curious: "You have become more powerful, Li... your name is Li Ye, right?"

Li Ye smiled: "It's just a small breakthrough these days."

Echidna smiled: "It's really hard to figure out how a guy of your level can improve at will."

Li Ye smiled: "If you figure it out, I'll be embarrassed."

Echidna closed her eyes slightly: "Let me guess, you want to take away the Book of Wisdom this time, right?"

Li Ye smiled: "Yes, I need that thing. What do you want to exchange for it?"

Echidna shook her head: "You have something on your body that represents the rules of the world, right? I can smell that smell." Li Ye smiled: "You want that thing?"

Echidna shook her head: "I just need to take a look."

Li Ye didn't understand: "Just take a look?"

Echidna covered her mouth slightly: "What do you think that is? As long as you can see it, it is already outrageous."

Li Ye really doesn't know. You have to know that a world like Douluo Continent doesn't often exist. The rules of that world are not the ones that are born, but the ones that have been modified.
After the Dragon God attacked the God Realm, those guys in the God Realm made changes to the rules of the world, especially those related to soul beasts. This is why Li Ye was able to saw off the part that was sacrificed to the soul beasts.

Of course, that piece of stuff can only be used as materials now. If I go to other worlds, the rules of Douluo World will no longer apply. Of course, I still have my powers according to the rules of the world above.
He sighed: "Seriously? I think you're a little bit shortchanged."

He took out a book made of folded paper: "You probably haven't seen any of these things. This thing is called Gaoshu. And this, have you heard of atoms? And uranium, this is a production diagram. Don't make it blindly." Something big happened,"

Echidna took it and looked at it, her eyes getting brighter and brighter, as if she had opened the door to a new world.

With the Book of Wisdom in hand, Li Ye directly stuffed it into the unnamed technique. Half of the progress of the sixth step was completed. Li Ye smiled: "Well, it seems that in this world, we only need to add more Once you get Death Return, you can travel through time.”

He slowly stretched out his hand, and his hand was stained with some strange power. It was the power of his technique, just like his own power, with all-encompassing attributes.

"It's not that difficult to help her become king!"

His figure appeared outside the sanctuary. It was a small shop in his royal city. Now there was a man wearing a steel helmet sitting here.

He saw Li Ye's arrival and smiled: "Ara, you're back, Li...Brother Ye, that's what you're called, right?"

Li Ye smiled: "How long have you been here?"

The guy smiled: "Well, it's just a few days, it's nothing to me,"

Li Ye nodded: "Albadia, are you going to take action against me?"

The guy opposite is Albadia, the servant of Priscilla the Scarlet Bride. She has the powerful ability to create a duel field. In the duel field, as long as he is not satisfied with the result of the duel, he can have the duel start over.

Combined with the power of Priscilla, the Scarlet Bride, it is quite powerful. You must know that Priscilla is not an ordinary person. She is not a vase that only adds buffs. Her power is also very powerful.
And Li Ye also knew that this guy had been here for a long time. When he was in the meeting, he said that he asked Priscilla to leave because he observed this guy.

Albadia smiled: "My eldest daughter is actually quite kind...she is just a little proud."

(End of this chapter)

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