Chapter 442 Want!fry!La!
Li Ye slowly sheathed the long sword, and the shadow behind him gradually disappeared.

The sword light just now shattered the ground in front of it and extended for more than ten meters. This kind of power is naturally nothing to Li Ye's body, but this is Li Ye's clone!
With such thin arms and thin legs, he can deal such strong damage, which shows how powerful this sword skill is.
But Li Ye himself was not very satisfied: "There is still room for improvement, well... It seems that I have to go to various worlds to collect sword skills, but there is no martial arts in these bird-feather worlds."

He said to himself, then slowly walked forward

When Riveria saw that Ace was fine, she hurriedly got up and walked forward with all her strength. She had released so many spells in a row and was injured. Her mental strength had bottomed out and she finally stood up. stand up

And Finn slowly walked towards the team members, looking at their injuries.

Aisi was lost in thought on the ground. Li Ye's sword flash just now was very accurate and did not hurt her at all. What she was thinking about was Li Ye's step forward just now.
She seemed to have gone back in time. At that time, fire burned her village and the dragon flew in the sky. It was the man who resisted and sent him away.
"Can you be my hero?"

"Oh~ my baby, I already have your mother, your hero will appear on his own!"

While she was in a daze, Li Ye had already walked over and walked to the side of the fallen fairy.

He looked at the upper body that was divided into two halves and sighed: "What a pity, such a beautiful woman!"

The fallen fairy is not completely dead yet, but it is almost there. She is not as crazy as before. She just looks at Li Ye in a quiet and peaceful manner: "Thank you...Thank you."

Li Ye shrugged: "I took away your life and your hatred! I'll help you bear it too!"

There was a slight smile on the face of the fallen fairy, and then he closed his eyes peacefully. Li Ye was still observing the body of this fairy: "What is the structure of this guy's body? The lower body is gone. How to reproduce? This This body design is totally unreasonable!”

Then, Li Ye clearly felt the fairy's body move, and then a emerald green light jumped into Li Ye's body, accompanied by the voice of the fairy, a voice that only he could hear: "Take it. Come on! My last...thank you..."

Li Ye was dumbfounded: "What the hell?"

He felt his body, and it seemed that nothing had changed. He probably had to go back and update the properties to find out. He picked up the huge round green magic stone, put it in his hand and played with it. This thing was his purpose this time.
And Riveria has also rushed over. She hugged Ace and put her head on her head: "You bad girl... I will punish you when you go back..."

This kind of behavior is quite incredible for an elf who doesn't like to get close to others, but it happened at this moment.
Ais raised her head blankly, looked at Riveria, and lowered her head: "Rivelia...I'm sorry..."

Riveria just hugged her: "Don't do this again... You have grown up... You need to pay for your mistakes... You need to solve the trouble by yourself... We... After all I can’t keep up with you anymore.”

After hearing this, Aisi raised her head, looked at Li Ye not far away, then lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Finn also checked the injuries of Burt and Grace. Burt was the worst. Not to mention becoming an orphaned werewolf, even Grace was almost exploded into a mountain of wood.
"What a terrible battle... Fortunately it's over... Well... is it really over?"

The next second, his fingers suddenly started to hurt. He immediately turned his head, looked at the fallen fairy, and shouted: "No! Run!!!!"

Aisi and Riveria were stunned for a moment, but Li Ye was now chewing the big magic stone with his teeth. After hearing this guy's words, he reacted and immediately looked at the fairy's body.
I saw that the corpse expanded rapidly and then turned red.

"I'm super!!! The gas tank exploded!!!" "Boom!!!"

A red beam of light rose from the place where the corpse was, and then expanded rapidly. Li Ye was numb.
"Didn't you always wish me well? How could it still explode!!!"

Now the center of the explosion is this corpse, and the first ones affected are Riveria, Li Ye, and Ais. Riveria discovered this, and her mental strength was no longer enough to get up and escape. She struggled He pushed Ais out, while he stayed in the same place.
"Ais!! Run!!"

Everyone in Aisi was dumbfounded. She looked at Riveria who pushed her away in the air, and Li Ye who was running but was entangled in vine corpses. She howled loudly: "No!!!!"

This was the second time she had shouted like this since she was a child. The first time was when the black dragon attacked. She tried hard to move forward to rescue Riveria and Li Ye, but she had already been Finn held on tightly.
"No!! Ace!!! You will die!!"

That kind of explosion is definitely not acceptable to normal people!

Ais stretched out her hand and kept reaching out to the two people, but it was no longer useful. She watched the two people disappear in the pillar of light: "No!!!!"

At the same time, in a dark and hidden corner of Orario, a man looked at the screen in front of him and sighed: "Are you dead... It's really ridiculous!! He actually reversed the direction of the explosion and just directed it towards There was an explosion. If one fallen fairy died, only the Nine Demon Queen and the First King were killed..."

But then he said: "But that's okay! The First King is that guy's child. Judging from that guy's character, he probably won't let it go with the Loki Familia this time. He has another good kid under his command. ..."

Just as he was speaking, a woman in cool clothes walked out from behind him. No, she should be said to be a goddess. Those eyebrows and eyes full of sexual desire were none other than Ista, the God of Sexual Desire. As soon as she came here He lay on the man in front of him: "That child is mine~"

The man sighed: "Are you sure you can eat it?"

Ishtar laughed: "I don't think my charm will lose to anyone!"

On the other side, Li Ye, who was fighting with Xia Mi, suddenly froze. Xia Mi frowned: "Why did you stop?"

Li Ye shook his head: "It's not a big problem, it's just that the clone almost tricked people."

Xia Mi frowned: "What happened over there? Is it serious?"

Li Ye smiled slightly and shook his head: "It's not a big problem, but this time it also reminded me that I have to recover the clone quickly, otherwise it will be a big loss if the skills cannot be integrated this time."

Xia Mi nodded: "So the question is over?"

Li Ye nodded in confusion, and saw Xia Mi directly push him down and sit on him: "Then! Continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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