Infinite Heavens: Getting Started with the Steve Panel

Chapter 53 Defense Minister Li Cremation

Chapter 53 Defense Minister Li Cremation

Let's go back in time to the afternoon of the third day, just before Rose's death

Congress Hall, the highest chamber of the United States
Li Ye just leaned lazily on the recliner
In front of him is the President of the United States, and on both sides are members of the US Congress.
Of course, there is no Ross among these guys, Ross is now under guard
The execution ability of this group of guys is not so high. It was Li Ye who invited them one by one with the Shadow Corps, and there were even pajamas passed on by someone. Who knows why they sleep in pajamas at noon
He showed his table-turning skills in front of the United States
His shadow army is simply a killing weapon in the face of this large-scale battle, you never know where they will come out, and you never know where they will attack

In the past three days, Li Ye has used his wisdom and means to bring the entire United States into a slump, and technology has directly retreated
Li Ye looked at the black shadow ninja, convinced that it was wisdom, and definitely not reckless

Back in the present, inside the Great Hall,

"Batman! What the hell are you trying to do!" said the US Secretary of Defense
Li Ye smiled slightly: "I never thought about what to do~ You guys are here to snatch my property, aren't they?"

"But! You are illegal..."

Before he finished speaking, he was pulled into the shadows

Everyone here was surprised, and then they didn't dare to speak, and everyone's heads started to sweat, like it was raining

Li Ye smiled slightly: "A group of soft bones"


At this time, a bullet was shot directly from one side, Li Ye just waved his hand, a huge black shadow flashed past,

It's that brawny ninja, this guy has eaten the most shadows these days, and now he already has the physique of a loathe
Of course, the strength may not be able to keep up with those two fat guys
But it’s not as good as them, and he didn’t cover it, he directly clamped the bullet with his chest muscles

The sound of clanging bullets falling to the ground,

The senior official who just shot was already at that moment, and the body was separated and hung outside
"Anything else to say?"

"I've contacted the outside world! You will definitely..."

The person who said that was instantly decapitated.

One after another, the heads of four or five people were picked off and hung in front of the door
Now everyone in the parliament pavilion is afraid to speak, and even some vegetarians have peed their pants

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I just want to talk to you in a straight-forward manner, so I won't be so scared."

For this sentence, those senior officials are like beeping the dog

"I don't want too much. I just want to protect my own rights and interests. Isn't this what you call fair?"

The senior officials around did not dare to speak, only dared to whisper

After discussing for a long time, only the president tremblingly spoke

"What fairness do you want!"

Li Ye nodded
"Well, your military research monsters ruined my new company, and I want you to pay for it, isn't that too much?"

The president looked around, how could those congressmen dare to speak, so the president had to make his own decisions
"not excessive"

Li Ye nodded and continued talking

"The public opinion you have caused has caused great harm to my reputation, so I have to pay compensation, which is not too much."

The president continued to look around, but still no one spoke, the president still had to make his own decisions
"no problem"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Then you guys just shot and scared me, so it's not too much to pay for it."

"You!!" At this time, another person suddenly jumped up.
Li Ye's eyes immediately turned red gold

"What do you have to say!"

The man didn't dare to continue talking, and sat down sweating profusely.
"I'm... all right!"

The moment Li Ye stared at him, he even smelled the smell of death, how dare he continue to say

"It's a coincidence, this guy also scared me, I have to pay for it"


There are no more voices around, and only the president is left to continue answering.

After everything was settled, Li Ye walked out proudly

At this time, Iron Man and Black Braised Dan arrived and lined up.
Natasha, Hawkeye, Tony in battle armor, Banner, only Captain America and Hammer God, no, Thor can form the original Avengers
"Li Ye! I think we need to have a good talk"

Black Braised Egg was standing in front of him, with only one eye staring at Li Ye
Li Ye waved his hand: "Come on, one-eyed black stewed egg, your eyes look like I killed your father."

Then Li Ye immediately covered his mouth: "Oh~ I forgot that you don't have a father, you are from the cotton field"

The black stewed egg clenched its fist,

Banner behind him was ready to tear his clothes and transform, Tony also flew into the sky, and Hawkeye put his hand on the bowstring

Li Ye smiled slightly,

A huge flame erupted behind them
They were startled and backed away immediately.
The plane they were flying exploded when they came.

A black shadow ninja as big as Hulk stood on it with his arms bare, his slightly smoldering mouth was not concealed at all,
There are more and more shadows around,
Hawkeye directly preemptively fired a bow and arrow at Li Ye who was not wearing armor.
Li Ye smiled slightly

"Boom!!!" A flame bomb was fired from one side, directly blasting the bow and arrow into the air.

On one side appeared a black shadow ninja that was slightly smaller than before but painted white skin, ah no, it was a white shadow ninja

"Don't worry, we're walking together now," Li Ye said to Hei Dandan as he walked, and white shadow ninjas gradually appeared around him, and there were even people wearing equipment.

Looking at the white shadow ninjas slowly emerging around him, the sweat on his head was about to flow down.
If only a guy would lick him clean at this time

He's not afraid, he's seen bigger scenes, he doesn't know how to deal with it,
Everyone didn't dare to act rashly anymore, not because they didn't dare to do it, but because they didn't understand why Li Ye came towards them
A very weak ordinary person without armor dared to step forward. Isn't this delivering food?

Li Ye walked up to the black stewed egg, took out a certificate
"Sorry, I am the Minister of Defense now, and I am a colleague, but the level is much higher than yours"

"Now, I order you to plant cotton in northern Siberia!"

The face of the black stewed egg is getting darker and darker

"Oh~ I think your variety should be to grow cotton in the southern United States"

The black stewed egg looks at the black shadow ninja around more and more

opens the mouth, then closes it again, and speaks after a while
"Your Excellency, Minister of Defense, you have no right to order me. My actions need to be carried out after the Congress confirms it. I have a certain degree of autonomy"

Li Ye laughed loudly, and his voice became softer when he smiled.
"I knew that I would ask them for a higher position. I really have no choice but to do it next time."

Just like that, Li Ye walked slowly towards the distance
"Hope you'll give me a chance to do it next time"

In this way, Li Ye achieved great success in three days

Countless shadow corps appeared on the streets

Facing those fake Batmen who burned, killed and looted is massacre, and then left bat marks one after another,

Save the people, don't leave a name, after all, no one can understand what they say, it's better to throw a dart

Of course, they still walk in a row

The military no longer sanctioned, Li Ye's name directly overshadowed all topics and became the highest

"The Shadow Corps that Saved Everyone"

"Defense Minister Li Ye"

(End of this chapter)

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