Chapter 570 Stealing

Li Ye returned to the main world. He was on the Samsara Square just now. Those guys strongly disagreed with him going. The main reason was that there was a huge disparity in strength. Li Ye only had five apertures now. Even if he went to the location half a step, he might not be able to do it, let alone Li Ye. Ye just got enlightened

But Li Ye was stubborn and just exchanged the items and came out. He was not very afraid of death, but what surprised him was that Ke Bijun wanted to go with him, but he refused. After all, Ke Bijun himself was not strong enough and was not as good as Li Ye. Ye went by himself, and Li Ye knew that there would be a good opportunity for him this time

This time Meng Qi also told everyone about the method of condensing the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows. Li Ye also needed this thing very much, so he exchanged it. It can enhance the ability of illusion, which is somewhat important to Li Ye, so Meng Qi also had money and exchanged it for an article. A unique skill in fighting, sacrificing one's life. Once used, it can enhance one's own strength, but it will be very dangerous after the end.

Meng Qi also told the story about the Yi Jin Jing and Bone Forging in the Jiu Yin Manual. That thing was worth three hundred meritorious deeds, and its effect was much worse than Li Ye's Yi Jin Jing because they were all from the metal martial arts. , plus there was no money, so only Li Ye exchanged it,

This time, Li Ye also exchanged for a piece of clothing, a piece of clothing with illusion properties. It was made of fantasy sea silk. It can also enhance the illusion ability. It is very powerful. It belongs to the upper class of sharp weapons and is worth three hundred good deeds.

In addition, Li Ye also strengthened his slender sword to the peak level of a sharp weapon. This sword still has no attributes, but is sharp and tough. It cost him two hundred good deeds.

Then he bought another Thousand Miles Escape Talisman, which was worth two hundred good deeds and could teleport directly to thousands of miles away. It was a disposable item. There was also a Thousand Miles Escape Talisman on it, but Li Ye didn't think it was necessary, so he didn't exchange it. Even with such squandering, he still has more than a thousand good deeds left, and he plans to keep them for emergencies.

This time Li Ye also decided to go out and have a look, go to the Xuantian Sect to see if he could get the Jade Book of the Emperor of Heaven.

This time during the three months of Swordsman, Li Ye seemed to be playing around, but he had stabilized his state to a very solid level, and with the cheating device "unnamed technique" that accelerated his practice Yi Jin Jing, now that he has reached the peak of the five orifices, he can say that no one can defeat him in the five orifices.

It doesn't matter who comes. Of course, such a powerful five orifices are still five orifices. As for the reason that made him make up his mind, it was those two reincarnation talismans. Two reincarnation talismans. If used, they would give two lives!

Moreover, time is indeed mysterious. Li Ye's steady and steady action this time is also a bonus of time. Therefore, he decided that when time comes to a close, he will take the risk to obtain the Jade Book of the Emperor of Heaven.

The main reason is that his success rate is not low. Han Guang was able to get location shots back then, so there is no reason why he can't. Moreover, the most important thing is that now there is a God-given opportunity that allows him to make a perfect move. This is the real reason why he wants to take risks. reason

"This is an opportunity that is not in the original work!"

He looked around, still in the courtyard of the Ruan family. Now that he was the team leader, there was no need to stay here all the time. He could go out for a walk.

He stretched and meditated on the ground. The unnamed technique was running at full strength. In an instant, his sixth orifice opened, and it was a matter of course. Then the seventh orifice was opened, and it was still a matter of course. The speed of practicing this unnamed technique. It's just an exaggeration. The power he had suppressed for three months in Xiaoao has now returned all at once.

He had no intention of turning to the sky, and began to use the Great Shift of the Universe and the Yi Jin Jing to stabilize his condition.

In fact, he did not plan to go now, but waited until all his cultivation was perfect before going. Time waits for no one. As he said, Taoist Shoujing could not stay in the sect forever. He planned to go to Xuantian Sect. Watching from below, as long as Shoujing is not around, he will take action immediately

As for what he would do if he was caught, under this situation, even if Li Ye ran to the ends of the earth, he would be caught unless he joined the Nine Paths of Evil.

But at this time, Li Ye said that he could directly join the Xuantian Sect. After all, a person with five orifices could be among the top thirty people on the list. Who wouldn't want it? Moreover, he also had a reason why the Xuantian Sect would definitely accept him.

That’s because he knew that the magician Han Guang, the Dharmakaya he cultivated was about time and the Emperor of Heaven, so he wanted these Xuantian Sect people to think about where this time came from.

And he also knew that the current abbot of Shaolin was not the abbot of Shaolin, but the magician Han Guang! With these two big pieces of information out, it won't be a problem for me to survive.

Li Ye stood up slowly: "But I don't have to go now, at least I have to wait until my power is suppressed perfectly before I go. I now have the Yi Jin Jing and the Dugu Nine Swords. I can practice a little first and then go Go there!"

Time is worthless for martial arts practitioners, especially for Li Ye. Another half month has passed. Li Ye has completely completed the practice of the Yi Jin Jing, and the Dugu Nine Swords. He has already completed the first eight swords. Sword repair completed

Now he has all seven orifices opened, and the inner cycle of heaven and earth has been formed. He only needs to open the front yin, back yin, and the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows to try to connect the heaven and earth to form an internal and external cycle. When heaven and man are unified, there will be a mysterious entrance. No regrets, he reached the sky in one step. Then he looked at the courtyard where he now lived, called the servant, and said a few words to him casually.

"I want to go to a distant place in the near future to seek great opportunities. You will wait here. Everything here in the near future will be under your control!"

The little handyman was stunned for a moment: "Sir, do you need to report it to the old man?"

Li Ye shook his head: "No need! The eldest master is busy with work, but you should wait for a small matter to go to him. It really shouldn't be done. I just feel a little tired from practicing here. Now when I go out to have a look, no matter what the pawn is, I have a holiday but I don’t have a holiday. Should I do this?”

The little handyman also nodded: "Then please be careful all the way!"

Li Ye nodded: "Let's go!"

Then, he left, and he knew that the little boy wished that he would not come back. That guy was the boy who took him to the house and explained things to him, but Li Ye had forgotten his name. As long as Li Ye didn't Come back, this is his world

As for Li Ye, he had no intention of coming back again. If his departure was successful, it would be a great thing. He would just wander around the world and be an independent person. If he failed, he would throw out some powerful information. Join Xuantian Sect and become a member of Xuantian Sect

No matter what, he can't come back. He looked back at the Ruan family and felt a little reluctant in his heart, because as long as he lived in the Ruan family, he could be stable for a long time, without wind and rain, and he only had to complete the Six Paths on time. Just complete the task, but he knows that there will be no achievement in this way.

He seems to have a deeper understanding of the heart of the weak, but he is still the same as before. He wants to look for it, but he can't find it at all.

"Those who abandon me will not be able to keep yesterday's day; those who mess up my heart will be troubled today."

He stepped on the canoe and followed the rivers and seas, heading against the current toward the west. He was dressed in white and did not rock the oar, traveling both day and night.

The path he chose was to start from the sea, then cross the river and travel from the river to the west. This was the fastest way. He had to travel both by sun and moon! Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

That made him decide to steal this secret book!

(End of this chapter)

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