Chapter 635 Illusion
Li Ye held a long knife in his hand and faced himself across from him. To be honest, he was not sure. The accumulation of his "past" body was still too little, and his "present" body was too powerful. He had strengthened his "present" body too much. It was too exaggerated, leaving him no chance to make a move.
The better I understand “myself”, the more troublesome I feel

"Apart from the fact that my body is not strong enough, there is no other weakness at all. But my body is just a shortcoming, not a weakness. My body is just not as strong as other aspects of myself. If it is compared with the other nine orifices, It’s more than a little stronger.”

"Not to mention my 'past' body"

Yinjiao on the side spoke again: "Stop it, useless, recognize your own position!"

Li Ye shook his head: "Senior brother, you really mean what you say!"

Just listening to Ginkaku's words, you will feel that his position is constantly changing. In fact, his words are guiding him to defeat the opponent, but it is really strange to say that one sentence is good and the other is bad.

If he really let himself stay here, then it would be impossible to treat Li Ye all the time.

Li Ye didn't have much to say, he just walked forward slowly. His "now" body was there, waiting for his arrival.
Li Ye stretched out his long sword, and the next second, his men were ejected directly, like flying swords

"Cross the river with a reed!"

This was the first light skill he acquired and the easiest to learn. The main reason was that he really didn't have enough time. If he had waited a little longer, he could use the Four Directions Imperial Steps, but he didn't have that much time. If the time was longer, those Does the guy still have ashes left?

As expected, the opponent's "now" body suddenly shattered, and his figure appeared in an unknown location, and what Li Ye was waiting for was now.

"Large-scale AOE! Let's see how you hide!"

He inserted the long knife into the sleeping water. In an instant, a huge vortex was created in the surrounding sea. Infinite suction was generated from the vortex, sucking everything around towards Li Ye.
"The Black Emperor overwhelms all things!"

This sword is a first-level sword technique in the exterior scene. It is the same as the Qing Emperor's Destruction of Immortality. The damage is not terrible, so Li Ye has never learned it. However, because Li Ye has a good affinity for water, the effect of this move is also very strong. !
In an instant, everything around him attacked him, and Li Ye started his second move!
"The Qing Emperor destroys immortality!!"

The knife was swung out, and it was swung into the void on one side. In the void, a scene like a glass crack suddenly appeared. After that scene, the figure of Li Ye was revealed. No, it should be said that it was his "current body" appearance!
He had an indifferent look on his face, holding an ID card and a sword in his hand. The blade flowed like flowing water, twisting and twisting. He reached the limit with his unloading force. He perfectly guarded Li Ye's sword, and then started to chop directly with Li Ye.

Li Ye's long sword seems to be flowing, and each sword is stronger than the other, but the sword technique is quite messy, with a combination of sword techniques and sword techniques, and the main one is one that he doesn't know what to use!
The opponent's "current" body is using swordsmanship, like a swimming dragon, parrying Li Ye's long sword, and then releasing his strength without touching an inch, just like a swimming dragon, and like running water, not stained by a trace of dust.
Li Ye was forcing him to use the Tai Chi Swordsmanship instead of the Dugu Nine Swords. He still knew the difference between the two moves. The difference was quite big. If Li Ye hadn't done this, even though they were both defensive, the Dugu Nine Swords were defensive. Attack, Li Ye can't resist

"It's over!"

The long knife in Li Ye's hand fell. This knife brought up countless golden and red fragments. With this knife, the Golden Emperor shattered the world of mortals!

But he didn't expect that the "present body" on the opposite side also drew his long sword from behind and slashed at Li Ye.

"Golden Emperor! Shatter the world of mortals!!"

The two swords met together, and countless golden and red fragments emerged. As soon as Li Ye wanted to do something, the opponent's "present body" directly stretched out his long sword. The sword was like flowing water, and all the golden and red fragments were blown away. Being involved in Li Ye's body, Li Ye was instantly pulled into an illusion.
Li Ye's eyes were confused for a moment, and this was not over yet!
The "present body" put all its strength into the illusion, coupled with the center of Li Ye's brows, countless golden and red fragments burst out again in an instant. After all these were used up, his body flickered in and out, almost dissipating.

But even so, Li Ye was still struggling to stand up
Yinjiao also stood up at this moment and put his hand on Li Ye's head: "Go to sleep. I really don't understand why the master has to spend so much effort to do this for you. What a lucky guy!" After waving his hand, the "now" Li Ye's shadow turned into a small ball and condensed into Li Ye's brow.

Thirty-three days away, the old man in Taoist robes waved his hand, and the flames under the Bagua stove swelled in the wind, rising thousands of feet, and pulled down something from the sky.

Then, the old man cast his gaze towards the lower realm and murmured: "Go...go..."

At this moment, Li Ye opened his eyes again, and he unexpectedly found that he was back on earth, and everything was the same as before.

He immediately frowned, but then he sighed: "Illusion? It turns out that I know myself best!"

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the ground. His eyes were full of light, and a black vortex was created under his hand.


Suddenly, everything around him twisted towards him. After it was over, it had no effect. He was still him, he was still here.
He frowned and walked forward. The houses and roads didn't look like anything he had ever seen before.
"No, I remember that it's impossible to build a fantasy world that I haven't seen before!"

No matter what illusion it is, it is based on what a person has seen. No matter what illusion it is, it is nothing more than an extension of one's own or the other party's will.

As he walked, he was thinking about a way to break the situation. This illusion was obviously unusual. At least, it was not released by him. He would not have such an illusion. This was definitely with some help from Silver Horn!
At this time, a large vehicle came, and the sound of the large vehicle honking made his ears hurt.

Then, the big car hit him

He even felt a sharp impact, pain, and then. . . Feeling of emptiness
He was knocked flying!
The big car stopped immediately and stepped forward to look at him: "Little brother! Are you okay!!"

Li Ye shook his head, just casually said it was okay and left, leaving only the driver of the big truck standing there in a daze.

"What, this person?"

Li Ye, on the other hand, walked slowly, aimlessly, thinking about things.
"There is a feeling of pain. This sense should cause my mental shock, but there is no flaw in the illusion just now. Even if it is controlled by the five senses, the 'current body' would not be so perfect without my mental control. It cannot be a little bit There are no flaws, really, it’s Silver Horn!”

Li Ye frowned, and unknowingly he arrived in front of his house! To be precise, his parents' house

He opened the door in a daze, and saw his mother sitting in the living room, knitting something in her hands. Seeing Li Ye's arrival, she quickly put down her work, wiped her hands on her body, and came He came to Li Ye and said, "I'm back. Tell me, it's not easy to come back. You got up so early this morning and went out, and you didn't know how to spend time with your mother!"

Li Ye frowned

"Is...continuing the illusion created last time?"

(End of this chapter)

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