Chapter 651 Different
This man is different from Benbo Ba. Benbo Ba is a monster. It is difficult for monsters to practice Kung Fu. They usually rely on themselves to breathe the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. There are also a few who practice Kung Fu, such as the Monkey King, the Monkey King, but they are not Datong.
Similar to Ben Bo Ba, there are no suitable skills or abilities, only some natal supernatural powers.

The man in front of me is different. He has a complete range of skills, including internal skills, external skills, light skills, sword skills, sword skills, auxiliary skills, and even an auxiliary half-step exterior.

Li Ye couldn't resist anymore, and his nose was bleeding, but the flower phantom didn't stop. She raised her hand high and pressed it into the water. Another kind of toxin entered the blood, followed the blood, and reached Li Ye. The entire eastern part of Yecheng
Li Ye was holding a long sword and kneeling on one knee, looking a little embarrassed. Now he was bare-chested, with the flag on his waist and a long sword on his back. The fire on his body was still there, but it was not as radiant as before. He said: "Ahem... It's really... scary... this time! What is it again!"

The man in the outdoor scene smiled: "It's hearing! This time! It's your hearing that's been deprived of you! Now! You have nothing left except your vision. Oh~ I'm sorry, I forgot that you are blind!"

Li Ye's ears gradually stopped hearing any sound. He seemed to be in a desperate situation, with all five senses lost. There was an exterior scene in front of him, a half-step away.

The exterior scene looked at Li Ye in front of him and laughed: "It's really ridiculous! This is the disciple of Dharmakaya! You blame it on your master for being too strong now! Blame your talent! Now your master has stabilized his realm, and in There is absolutely no way I can protect you in seclusion, so now is the best time to kill you!"

The phantom user didn't wear any clothes and walked over in a water snake shape: "Master Li Ye~ I'm sorry, you deserve to die! You obviously had the chance to run, but you didn't cherish it at all~ Now I can only kill you~ Here it is!”

The outside scene fumbled around the transfiguration user's waist a few times, then pinched her crotch and smiled: "Little beauty! Go back this time! But you must take good care of me!"

The phantom user also smiled: "Lord Blood Crow, hurry up and deal with this guy in front of you~ Otherwise, Lord Da Xuannv will blame you!"

The outdoor scene laughed loudly: "Okay! Okay, okay! Kill him! But now he! Isn't he just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered? He has no five senses! No vision! Hahahahaha"

He raised the long knife and pressed it down on Li Ye, but Li Ye strengthened his body again, raised the long knife and pushed it forward.

The big man smiled: "Okay! Let me see how many more punches you can take! Can you catch this move... What about this move? Hahahaha! What a good blind man."

He is teasing Li Ye! The sword technique was very slow and quickened little by little. Li Ye also retreated step by step. The difficulty of blocking was not as perfect as before. Some of it was ignored by him. His body was full of wounds. But at this moment, the exterior scene suddenly felt a little... No, I feel a great fear.
He raised the long knife high and pressed it down again. This time, there was another huge wave of blood. As his big knife slashed out, he was not going to play around anymore.
At this time, Li Ye also opened his eyes, and his white eyes were now filled with a little glimmer of light, like a sea of ​​stars. At this moment, Li Ye also lost his embarrassed look, and instead had a cruel smile on his face: " It looks like you had a premonition of something!"

He took out his other hand from behind his back, it was a sword! When he was blocking, he was still concentrating his sword intent. When he was injured, he was concentrating his sword intent. When he knew he could not avoid the poison covering Dongcheng, he was still concentrating his sword intent.
But now, the sword intent is accumulated! "Not good!!! Hurry..."

The exterior scene shouted and tried to run away, but it was no use. Li Ye swung his long sword. In an instant, the world was darkened, and everything fell into darkness. Only Li Ye stood here.
"Remember this sword, remember it for the next life, don't be so arrogant!"

In an instant, a ray of dawn appeared in the darkness of heaven and earth, and the horizon rose, slowly extending to infinity.
"Why me? Why you? Who are you? Who are you?"

In an instant, everything was cut off, the exterior scene was cut off, the flower illusion was cut off, the huge waves were cut off, everything was destroyed.
The big man's head fell to the ground, eyes wide open. His lips kept moving, but he didn't make a sound because he had no vocal cords. Of course, even if he made a sound, Li Ye couldn't hear it, but Li Ye could see that he The sound the lips make: "Why... why do you..."

Li Ye stepped forward, covered his eyes accurately, and then spoke, transmitting the voice into the secret: "When did you have the illusion that I am blind?"

The exterior scene closed its eyes at this moment. They had planned this interception for a long time, because they knew that Li Ye's master, the Taoist Shoujing, happened to break through the Dharmakaya at this moment, and was now at a stable level. Unable to take action, they came to intercept and kill Li Ye.
Because Li Ye's threat is too great, he is only nine-aware and has only practiced for a few days. According to common sense, it should be impossible for a person with a weak foundation like him to achieve what he has achieved now, but Li Ye is such an exception. , the middle path flourishes, like a practitioner of destiny, second in the list of people who have made a breakthrough in one fell swoop
In addition, Li Ye killed them in one of the few outdoor scenes of Su Nu Dao, Thor, and they even had a grudge.
They must intercept and kill Li Ye!

Therefore, they planned this interception. They used a wide range of poisons. They even did not hesitate to offend the Wang family of Yecheng. They used a treasure weapon and one of their few outdoor scenes. They even calculated that Li Ye's Poison resistance does not use the kind of poison that kills people, but uses more toxic and specialized destructive poisons.

Coupled with the assistance of Bu Renlou, they tried to intercept and kill Li Ye, but they failed. Instead, they were killed by Li Ye in one fell swoop.
Li Ye shook his body, stood up slowly, and looked to one side. There, the woman he rescued had a knife in her mouth. She was covered in blood, and one of her arms was twisted. But she survived, and her There is no one standing around anymore
She saw Li Ye, and then tore the mask off her face with her good hand. What was revealed was the face of Ke Bijun. She came here in disguise to seek protection from Li Ye.

And Li Ye just smiled and closed his eyes again. He needed to continue to be a blind man.

The two righteous men also rushed forward at this time. Ke Bijun immediately fell in front of Li Ye, holding a short knife in his mouth and a dagger in his hand, facing the two people in front of him.
"You guys! The one who enters!! Die!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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