Chapter 779 Fox Fox
"So, you told me that you are here to join the Xuantian Sect?"

Qingyu looked at the little fox in front of him with a confused expression.

The little fox nodded: "Yes! It's like this! I have a mark given to me by a big brother named Li Ye!"

Just after Su Yue was sent away, this little guy came and insisted on joining the Xuantian Sect, and even wanted to join through the sect entrance competition. If it weren't for the fact that Ruan Da, the head of the Ruan family, had good eyesight and saw this fox while out for a stroll, things would have been serious.

If she were really allowed to enter the sect competition, the Xuantian Sect would no longer have to stay in the righteous path. You have to know that the battle between the demon race and the human race is in full swing right now.

Some time ago, the righteous alliance and the evil cult Nine Ranks went from fighting privately to a head-on confrontation, and the demon clan chose to help the evil cult Nine Ranks. Now they are at the forefront of the battle with humans. Everyone is strictly investigating the demon clan among people, and they are determined to wipe out the demon clan from Da Qi.

But under the same circumstances, his senior brother actually arranged for a demon to enter Xuantian Sect?

"What are you thinking about, brother?"

The little demon had obviously just entered the world and had not seen much of the world. He looked left and right, and no one knew what he was looking at.

"Hey, hey, big brother, what is this?"

"Hello, hello, uncle, your beard is so long! No one in our area has such a long beard. Even males have bald chins."

Qingyu had a helpless look on his face. He waved his hand and asked the guards to go back. He looked at the fox and tried to guess what Li Ye meant. If someone said that the mark was not from Li Ye, Qingyu would not believe it. The mark in his hand was filled with the five elements, five images, yin and yang true energy, and even had a sense of time and space. If it was not for Li Ye, then only someone who had gathered the inheritance of all the five emperors of the five directions and the lineage of the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of Morality could make such a mark.

Not to mention that the descendants of the Fire Emperor among the Five Emperors of the Five Directions are only found in the demon clan, and have not appeared for thousands of years. As for the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, Qing Yu dares to say that after Han Guang's death, only the Xuantian Sect has such a pure one, not to mention the inheritance of the Lord of Morality, which is something that has never been heard of.

"This must be what Senior Brother meant, but what exactly does Senior Brother mean?"

He couldn't figure it out, but looking at the little fox in front of him and the mark, he had no choice but to speak; "You should join Xuantian Sect first, but you must not be a demon. You can't tell anyone that you are a demon!"

The little fox looked at Qing Yu in front of him and nodded with clear eyes: "Okay!"

Qing Yu covered his head and arranged for her to conceal her identity. Then he called the guards in and said to them in a serious tone: "This is absolutely not allowed."

The guards said firmly: "Don't worry! Sect Master, no one else will know that she is a demon!"

These guys are extremely loyal to Xuantian Sect, no, it should be said that they are loyal to Li Ye and Qingyu. Qingyu is absolutely confident that they will not say anything nonsense, but...
"No, I mean, we must not let the wife of the Great Elder know that this guy was brought in by the Great Elder!"

The guards looked at each other, then said: "But, this man was brought by the Xuanshui Hall Master. He is the father of the Grand Elder's wife."

Qing Yu shook his head: "Go and bring me those jars of wine that my uncle hid. I will take care of it."

The guards looked at Qingyu's face and didn't know what to say.

Qing Yu looked up at the sky with a helpless look on his face: "I have to do this for my senior brother. My senior brother will definitely be pleased to know that I am helping him so much. No. This is what I should do! To repay my senior brother's kindness!" Li Ye sneezed inexplicably. He frowned and then looked around. You know, when you reach the Dharma body, let alone sneezing, there will be no filth. Even sweat is just the debris in the body being discharged along with the body.

"What the hell."

He was sure that this was his body's warning to him, and was related to some sudden impulse. It was a little help given by the world after the body interacted with the world. Since his destiny was connected to the way of heaven, he knew more about this kind of thing.

"I can't figure it out. I shouldn't have any problems. After all, I'm a big winner today."

Li Ye shook his head and said, "It can't be that Qi State's thing, can't it? It's strange. Qing Yu shouldn't be that stupid. Hmm. He is quite intelligent. Although he is a little pedantic, he is like Xu Xian, a guy with a pedantic mind but not a pedant heart. Wait? Why do you think of Xu Xian? Is this a sign?"

"Forget it, I'm overthinking. I guess the Golden Emperor was looking at me again so I sneezed."

He looked in front of him. Now, he was already at the highest level of the Ninth Heaven. What he had here were all the highest palaces in Heaven. Normally speaking, ordinary people were not allowed to enter here.

Li Ye walked slowly and came to this place. He looked in front of him and saw an extremely magnificent hall in the center. Li Ye wanted to use his most powerful words to describe this hall, but he still could not describe it perfectly.

The tall pillars of the hall reach up to the sky and down to the ground, and there are dragons and phoenixes entwined around them. Just looking at them makes it difficult for people to stand up straight.

"I didn't expect Lingxiao Palace to come here first."

Li Ye didn't want to go here, but to find the location of Jianmu that Meng Qi had found at that time. However, it was obvious that he had found the wrong place. He was clearly following the guidance of the Heavenly Dao, but why did he go to the wrong place?

"Could it be that there is something in there that Heaven wants to give me?"

He opened the Eye of Heaven and wanted to explore Lingxiao Palace, but the next second, he immediately closed it. Just because of that glance, he almost died here.

He looked at the Lingxiao Palace with his naked eyes and looked at the plaque in disbelief. He had just seen all the gods of the entire heaven in it. No matter how big or small the gods were, there was actually some power retained in it. Li Ye couldn't imagine how exaggerated this power was.

"Why didn't the Emperor of Heaven use this power at that time?"

Li Ye didn't understand, but he also realized that some things cannot be looked at randomly, as something might happen. He carried his luggage and kept moving forward, and finally came to the Lingxiao Palace. The lofty Lingxiao throne stood at the highest point, surrounded by clouds and mist. For tens of thousands of years, there was not the slightest damage.

Above the surrounding divine thrones, streams of light seemed to have restored the original divine realm, but in fact, nothing had changed; they were all projections from tens of thousands of years ago.

Li Ye walked forward slowly, wanting to see what guidance the Heaven had given him, but he was stunned the next second, because there was something placed in front of the table, something that could not possibly appear in the world.

"Heavenly Seal!!?"

(End of this chapter)

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