Chapter 795: The Mage is Like This
Iron Man used Jarvis to find out that SHIELD was actually conducting research on the Cosmic Cube. According to what Li Ye said on Twitter, this thing was the most dangerous thing and was the foundation of Hydra's survival.

He didn't want to believe Li Ye, but according to his investigation, that thing was indeed Hydra's biggest reliance in launching the war back then.

"According to Norse mythology, Red Skull obtained the Cosmic Cube from Norway, and then used it to make weapons and launched World War II, destroying all of Northern Europe. Is the ultimate goal of this thing to create this thing? To create this huge void and then summon a large number of monsters to invade?"

"And what Hydra failed to do back then was accomplished by SHIELD?"

Iron Man didn't understand, and at this time, a man came to his side with a huge shield in his hand. He easily knocked away a Chita who was close to Tony, and then smiled and said, "Ah, hello, Iron Man, Li Ye told me that you were deceived by Hydra. In fact, I can tell you that those guys are Hydra, including that Nick Fury!"

Iron Man looked at the dark-skinned guy with a look of confusion in his eyes, but he subconsciously turned off Nick Fury's eavesdropping device and then asked, "Who are you?"

The man holding the shield stood up and smiled slightly: "My name is Steve Rogers, you can call me Captain America!"

After hearing this, Iron Man laughed. Although he didn't laugh loudly because of the wrong occasion, he laughed teasingly. He casually blasted a Chita soldier away with a cannon, and then said, "Are you sure? When did Captain America become Ni? What's political correctness about you? Do old guys from hundreds of years ago also have political correctness?"

Captain America was speechless. He covered his head and killed the Chita soldiers on one side. He continued: "I became like this because of the Minister of Defense, Li Ye."

Then he took out the melatonin that Li Ye had given him and took a pill. The black color on his body actually faded a little, and his forehead turned white, but only his forehead turned white. This is Li Ye's melatonin, and it works immediately. But the effect... well, as always, is consistent with Li Ye's behavior.

Tony looked at Captain America and wanted to laugh, but when he saw the invasion of the Chita soldiers, he restrained his smile and used the mecha to deal with the current situation: "Hey, you guy! What do you know? What does Li Ye want you to tell me?"

Captain America looked at Tony Stark and said, "No! It's not the Secretary of Defense, but me. What I want to tell you is that S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually another base of Hydra!"

Tony Stark was stunned for a moment and was almost shot by the Chita soldiers. He looked at Captain America and said in disbelief: "That's not right. If that's the case, it's too terrible!"

Tony Stark didn't want to believe the so-called Captain America in front of him, but because of Li Ye's existence, Tony didn't have too many doubts about the existence of Captain America. Let alone Captain America, if Li Ye was summoned by Kennedy, Tony could only say "always smile" or "big imagination".

However, he was somewhat noncommittal about Captain America's so-called "Hydra base", but many things were connected.

Tony said, "But what is this in front of us? If it is Hydra, then why did Nick Fury organize a resistance against the invasion?"

Captain America rushed forward with his shield, saying, "Of course it's because Hydra wants to rule the world, not destroy it! The Cosmic Cube has been taken away! So these guys were not released by Hydra, but by the so-called Loki! That's why Nick Fury organized the resistance!"

Iron Man flew after him and said, "You old fogey! What evidence do you have?"

Captain America glanced at Tony, said nothing, and continued forward. Behind Tony, Li Ye's figure slowly emerged. He smiled and said, "Of course Nick Fury is fake! His real identity is an alien, and the identity of this alien was created by Hydra using the Cosmic Cube hundreds of years ago! They have reached a cooperation!"

Iron Man immediately turned around and faced Li Ye. He was quite afraid of Li Ye's appearance. He pointed his hands at Li Ye, as if he would open fire if Li Ye took another step forward. After all, he knew very well how Li Ye got his position as minister.

But Li Ye didn't care. He was still in the shadows, walking slowly forward as if he didn't see the hand cannon.

Li Ye was holding a Nick Fury in his hand and stood out from the shadows. He threw Nick Fury out, but the blood flowing from Nick Fury's body was not red, but blue!

Tony looked at the trembling Nick Fury and said in a daze: "What?"

Li Ye stretched out his hand and pointed it at Tony. Tony was immediately startled and wanted to step back. After all, the shadow Li Ye cast on him was too big. But the next second, something appeared in Tony's Jarvis.

That was a ton of Hydra information, including Nick Fury's immediate boss, Alexander Pierce's dealings with various places, and a ton of Hydra information including Crossbones.


Li Ye smiled and said, "Although I am a kind person, these guys have already endangered the stability of society, haven't they? As the Minister of Defense, no matter how kind I am, I can't just sit back and watch!"

Li Ye left, leaving Tony standing there in a daze: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is Hydra? Then, how many people are still in the dark, and how many are the real Hydra."

He thought of Nick Fury and the Avengers. He didn't believe that all of them were Hydra, but what could he do? Now he was confused.

"I've been funding Hydra?"

"Hey! Kid! If you don't know what to do, just follow me! Let's destroy Hydra together!"

Captain America extended his hand to Tony, and Tony was stunned for a moment, then extended his hand as well.

Li Ye stood in the distance, smiled and shook his head: "You really have good leadership and infectiousness, Captain America, don't you think so, Trainee Mage Strange!"

Beside Li Ye, a horse-faced wizard was trembling: "I'm eating, where did you send this to me?"

Li Ye laughed: "Don't get excited, my horse-faced Master Strange, I was called here by Master Ancient One to help you improve. You also know that Master Ancient One actually cares about you very much! You are the next Supreme Sorcerer!"

Strange looked at Li Ye and was stunned for a moment: "Me?"

Now Strange had just defeated Dormammu's men and was brought here by Li Ye, who forced him to learn "magic". Strange somewhat did not understand the current situation.

"Yes, Master Strange, do you know what this is?" Li Ye took out a green stone from his crotch. The Stranges were stunned: "Ah? The Eye of Agamotto?"

Li Ye nodded: "That's right! Master Gu Yi said that as long as you meet my requirements, it's not impossible for you to take this thing away."

Beside Li Ye, a portal opened, and the big bald head of Ancient One emerged. He looked at the Time Stone in Li Ye's hand and said helplessly: "Strange, for the next period of time, you will train with this wizard. As long as you train enough, you will be able to defeat those minions of Dormammu!"

Afterwards, Ancient One left. Strange looked at the surroundings in confusion, looked at the remaining red rotation of the portal, and understood the current situation.

He was entrusted to the wizard in front of him by Ancient One, and asked the wizard to train him specially. If successful, he would be able to obtain the Eye of Agamotto and go back to defeat Dormammu. Although he did not know what the Eye of Agamotto was, he knew that this thing was the inheritance of the Supreme Sorcerer.

"Could it be that I am going to be the Supreme Sorcerer?"

Strange quickly said, "So, Master, what should I do?"

Li Ye looked at the horse-faced wizard Strange in front of him and smiled slightly: "It's very simple. Look at me and learn from me!"

Strange looked at the Chita soldiers filling the sky over New York and thought it was some kind of evil invasion, but his home was not in New York, and his level of justice was not that exaggerated, so he did not get carried away and go up to help. He just waited quietly for Li Ye to take action.

At this time, a huge "whale" happened to come from the sky and fly towards them. Li Ye stood directly in front of the huge whale, with his back to Strange, laughing loudly and saying: "Look! Master Strange! A real wizard is like this!"

The horse-faced wizard Strange stared at Li Ye closely, wanting to see what the wizard was going to teach him. A wizard who could be entrusted by Ancient One must be an extremely powerful wizard! After all, although he didn't know what level Li Ye was at, he knew what level Ancient One was at. The Wizard King said that Ancient One had been arbitrary for four hundred years, preventing Dormammu from invading.

How strong must a man like Li Ye be who is recognized and trusted by Gu Yi?
The next second, he froze.

He saw Li Ye jump high and smash the "whale" with one punch, causing the whale to shatter directly to the ground.


Strange thought of many possible outcomes, such as the wizard using black magic to face the enemy, or using white magic that Strange had never seen before. Strange had thought of all kinds of scenarios, but had never expected this one. He knocked the opponent down with one punch. Is this a wizard?

Then he saw Li Ye punched another "whale" to pieces. Strange saw that the half-mechanical, half-living whale was directly shattered, and its head was sunken.


Strange was numb, and Li Ye fell from the air, tearing his shirt in the process: "Master Strange, this is the first spell I taught you, called the Fist Spell! This is the spell I am best at! You have to understand that a real wizard has all the points in strength and speed, and maximizes his physique. As for spells, just choose the Illumination Spell!"

Strange was confused. Although he had seen The Lord of the Rings, the melee mage in The Lord of the Rings was not popular at the moment, so he couldn't tell that Li Ye was playing a joke. He asked in a daze, "Is this a mage?"

Li Ye waved his fists, creating gusts of wind. He smashed a giant whale into pieces with one punch. He laughed loudly, "The first magic trick for mages! Practice! Have you learned it? Mage Strange!"

Strange looked at Li Ye, at the knotty muscles on Li Ye's body, the streamlined muscles with powerful explosiveness, he didn't know what to say. After Li Ye smashed a few "whales", he fell directly from the sky and landed next to Strange. He said: "This is the first spell, called boxing, do you understand?"

Strange nodded in a daze. He was afraid that Li Ye would get addicted to it and beat him again. He reacted at this time: "Master, you said this is the first method, are there any other methods?"

Li Ye nodded, looked up at the Chirita soldiers wreaking havoc in the air, and smiled slightly: "You see, boxing is not applicable to many situations. For example, if the opponent is in the sky, our boxing can't hit him, you understand!"

Strange nodded quickly! To be able to face the monster in the air, it must be magic! Finally, I am on the right track, the practice of the mage.

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Faced with large-scale monsters and monsters in the sky, we can't fight them, so we must use the second method!"

Strange looked at Li Ye in front of him expectantly, and then Li Ye clapped his hands. In an instant, countless mechas flew in from the sky. Without exception, they all possessed the armored features of Batman.

"Scythe! Clear them out!"

The sickle is a brand new artificial intelligence made by Hoe for Li Ye. The reason why it is called artificial intelligence is because there is really someone controlling it. All their terminals are connected to the center of the black shadow latitude, where Hoe closes his eyes and controls everything.

"Okay, I'll obey your command, my lord!"

In an instant, these armors flew straight forward, countless missiles flew into the sky, and then like fireworks, the Chita soldiers in the sky exploded one after another, and then fell down. The sound they made when they fell to the ground was like a heavy rain.

Strange was stunned: "No, not a wizard, this is not right."

Li Ye said: "What's wrong? Gunmanship is not law?"

Strange looked at the armor in the sky, and saw that one by one they were using wave swords, nuclear missiles, and energy rays to beat the Chita people into pieces. They ran away in panic, their faces even more frowning.

"There's also a method for calculating the gun!"

Li Ye nodded: "You are a teachable kid! These are the two methods I will teach you! As long as you learn these two methods, you can become the Supreme Master? Humph, it's easy!
(End of this chapter)

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