Chapter 798 Tulle
Li Ye's Zhulong made the Chirita soldiers homeless and also made all the guys in the US Congress sweat.

This thing is only for Chirita soldiers, what if it is used against them? Which dangerous guy released this? This dangerous ability must be controlled by us! Otherwise, we must find his weakness and break it, or find the caster of this spell and make him die completely!

The power that does not belong to us is not a good power!

But if this kind of power is in hand, then that guy named Li Ye can also be killed! Those people in the United States will never forget the day when Li Ye studied parliament. That day was a shame for the entire parliament and the entire United States!

"This kind of power! As long as you master it, then..."

As long as the U.S. Congress exists, they will find ways to kill this guy Li Ye!
"What? This vortex was released by Li Ye? That's fine. The Minister of Defense is very concerned about national defense security! This is very serious and responsible! Colleagues, you should learn more from him!"

Although these guys wanted to kill Li Ye, they still knew about Li Ye's strength. Now that they knew more, a few of them opened the Twitter and checked Li Ye's account. This guy has been in trouble these days.
Day 1: "I came back from another world. You don't know, there are gods there who can annihilate the entire universe with one strike. It's really exaggerated! Fortunately, I have a strong personality charm. Three gods rushed to give me good things, so I was able to come back."

The next day: "I have a brother named Ni, and I call him Sunglasses. What? You think I hate Brother Ni the most? Yes, but according to the current zzzq, and the so-called "Brother Ni" cannot be said unless you are Brother Ni, I decided to raise a Brother Ni to speak for me."

Day 3: "What a bullshit, it's not convenient at all. I will issue a decree tomorrow, and anyone can say 'Brother Ni'."

Day 3 afternoon: “I haven’t even gone to Parliament yet, but the decree has already come out.”

Today: "Most of the problems in New York are caused by SHIELD under the leadership of Hydra, because they are researching something called the 'Cosmic Cube'. You should all be familiar with this thing, which was held by the Red Skull during World War II. It is only now showing its true power, attracting alien creatures to help you take over the world, but it is not a big problem. I used a secret method that can only be used once a year to fight it back, so don't worry!"

There is also a picture attached below, which shows Li Ye with his arms outstretched, and those fire dragons are circling around him like dogs. The picture is very well taken and very beautiful, but these congressmen just can't appreciate it.

"Also, I found Captain America. He is still alive, but he has a minor health problem now. He needs some time to recover before he can be exhibited. But according to the plan, it won't be long. By then, I will exhibit at the 'Minister of Defense Plaza' in New York. What? There is no 'Minister of Defense Plaza' in New York? Don't worry, there will be one soon. I plan to build 108 plazas in New York, all called 'Minister of Defense Plaza'. Those congressmen are so happy that they gave me all their houses, villas and other lands."

"Also, don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend!"

The congressmen looked at the speech on Twitter and their faces turned green. What the hell! Did they set their eyes on their land? Great! This is simply too much!

"Doesn't he know that homeland is inviolable? Doesn't the promulgation of the Homeland Law serve as a warning to him? The American homeland is not so easy to touch!"

Since their houses have been oppressed, they have no choice but to hand over their houses and then ask for more money.
"The company opened by Li Ye's subordinate must be very rich! When the time comes, I will definitely charge him 1.2 times the market price!"

"But didn't he ask us to deliver it?"

"Are you really sending it?"

"Aren't you going to send it off?"

"never mind."

It’s not that they are cowardly, but they really can’t win. According to the images taken by satellites, the huge spell is like a dome covering the entire New York. If Li Ye wants to, he can even destroy New York.

"This is actually not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is the climate problem caused by this thing, which will have an impact on the entire continent and even the entire world. After our research, this thing can absorb the heat from most areas. In the center of New York, the place closest to the vortex of fire should be very hot, possibly even as hot as the sun, but..."

"But the temperature there is terribly low! There are even places that are frozen. The temperature in the entire United States has dropped by more than 0.5 degrees Celsius. This thing is simply the scythe of the god of death!"

This is because they are unaware of the existence of the so-called fire element among the alchemical elements, and can only evaluate and calculate it based on temperature.

Don't underestimate 0.5 degrees Celsius, this number is the entire United States! That's not a small number, this is just the beginning, if this happens once a day, the temperature of the entire world will be absorbed. The most important thing is that this thing conforms to the law of conservation of energy, and the absorbed temperature will not disappear, but be stored inside.

"This is before the thing explodes! Once it explodes, all the heat absorbed from all over the world will explode in New York. Within one second, the temperature in New York will reach that of the surface of the sun! That will cause an irreversible change in the climate."

Climate weapons are weapons that are underestimated by everyone. With powerful and precise climate weapons, it is easy to destroy a country, not to mention that the direct damage of this thing is also terribly high.

A congressman nearby said, "But didn't he say that this thing can only be used once a year?"

Another congressman replied: "Who can guarantee that? Can you guarantee that? Are you kidding me? When has that guy ever told the truth?"

Everyone was silent, just like they said they had no money and couldn't fight, but what was the reality? They just quietly held back their big fight and passed the day.

They didn't dare to gamble, betting whether what Li Ye said was true or false. In fact, they were not fools. What Li Ye said publicly, could it be true? Are you kidding? Others don't know Li Ye, but don't they know it when they are under Li Ye's veil?

"He took the initiative to say it just to trick us, and then have a reason to release this thing openly!"

But this time, they did not expect that what Li Ye said was true. He really could not release Zhulong again in a short time, because this time, Li Ye did not intend to explode this thing and release the fire element in it, but planned to use these fire elements to make some alchemical items. The price is that New York may have to spend a winter this year, and the fire elements in the entire New York have been almost absorbed this time, so naturally this thing cannot be released.

Even if the fire element is fully utilized, it cannot reach the absolute leader, it can only reach a certain low temperature. If you want a lower temperature, you must continue to provide other elements.

Of course, those who have never been to the Dragon Clan don’t know these things. The scientific side and the metaphysical side are different, although the ends of the two things may be connected.

"So what? We're just going to watch? Watch him wreak havoc on America?"

"You can do it? If you can, go ahead. If not, don't complain."

At this time, in Congress, a man's eyes flickered a little: "If we release a nuclear bomb now after he ends the vortex of fire, can we kill him? I think this sacrifice is worth it." The voices in the parliament were noisy, and this sentence was like a bomb dropped between them, sparking a topic. They argued and thought, it seemed that it might really be possible. The most powerful treasure of mankind in terms of lethal weapons, the nuclear bomb, could use a large equivalent on Li Ye and directly destroy New York. They could make this sacrifice, but who would do it?

No matter who does it, he will be a sinner! After all, New York is not ordinary. There are many people living there, industries, and companies. But on the other hand, it seems that there are not many people in New York now because of the Chirita invasion!
Finally, they came to a conclusion: "What if he released this vortex again before he died?"

The man smiled slightly: "Same old saying! This sacrifice is worth it!"

At this time, another congressman stood up and said with a slight smile: "But, he has teleportation, doesn't he?"

Yes, this guy’s profile card contains an ability called teleportation, which allows him to disappear into the shadows for a short period of time. This sentence made the originally heated council stop.

"So how do we do this?"

The man smiled slightly: "Of course we will send out our most elite team to fight together!"

He put a video on the big screen, which shocked everyone. In that lineup, there was the Hulk, who smashed a huge "whale battleship" with one punch; there was Ant-Man, who used his huge body to throw the "whale battleship" to the Hulk; there was Spider-Man, who used strong spider silk to pull the "whale battleship" in front of the Hulk; and there was Hawkeye, who used movement to lead the "whale battleship" in front of the Hulk.

"That green guy is so strong!"

"Indeed! But he looks very violent. Can this guy be trusted?"

The man smiled slightly, and the screen changed to show Natasha: "Don't worry, we already have the means to control this big guy!"

"This woman?"

"You know what, this woman is really big and white. Can you send her to my villa so I can try it first?"

"No. Do you really want to try? That big guy has played with it, so it must be broken. You are too young to do this, so you are asking for trouble, right?"

The guy who said he would send Natasha to his villa stopped talking.

The man smiled slightly: "And we have a secret weapon, don't worry, as long as that person takes action... Just Li Ye, humph!"

On the other hand, Black Braised Egg, who was sitting in Alexander Pierce's room, was not at ease. The huge whirlpool was enough to make him reassess the degree of danger Li Ye was in.

"I thought it was thanks to the mecha, but now there's this kind of magic?"

"So, are our previous tactics effective?"

His brows furrowed. If there is this kind of spell, there must be other spells. This is his understanding of the wizard. He thought of the woman on the other side of his pager. Can that woman defeat him?
Black Sauce Egg shook his head. He looked at the message from the parliament and Li Ye's personal account, frowning more and more. Then, he laughed: "Interesting. But this ability can't be used?"

He thought of something else, something completely different from the parliament members. Why did Li Ye advertise that this spell was unusable? Then perhaps, his other spells were also unusable, so he used this spell to cover up his weakness! This weakness would make it difficult for him to cast spells!

"If Li Ye is on the fourth level and the parliament members are on the third level, then he thinks he is on the fifth level."

"Hawkeye, use the instrument to detect the energy contained in Li Ye! It's that strange energy, the same energy as that of the black shadow ninja!"

They had never caught a black shadow ninja? This was impossible. Not only did they catch one, they also studied it. It was a black shadow ninja wearing sunglasses. However, before they could study it much, the guy exploded and turned into a pool of black mist.

But they also discovered something, that is, there is a strange energy contained in the Black Shadow Ninja, an energy that has never been recorded. They cannot use it, but they have recorded the wave frequency of that energy. As long as this energy appears, they can detect and record it.

He used this instrument to test Li Ye a few days after he came back, and the result showed that Li Ye had an extremely abundant amount of energy.

At this moment, Hawkeye on the phone replied to Nick Fury. His voice seemed very calm, but it contained some surprise that was hard to hide: "He has that kind of energy wrapped around him, but it is quite small, and the frequency amplitude is extremely inactive! It is about 95% less than in the previous test!"

Hawkeye continued, "It seems that there is something wrong with his physical condition. He directly summoned a mecha and took him inside."

Nick Fury smiled slightly and said, "It seems that move really tired our Minister of Defense!"

Hei Lu Dan frowned, because at that moment, he smelled something wrong. He had some reserved doubts about everyone, including himself, but he still chose to believe his pager, because the feeling that woman gave him was too strong, much stronger than the feeling Li Ye gave him!

"Then the plan will be deployed soon!"

At this time, Alexander Pierce stood up and said to Nick Fury: "Fury, have you seen the words on the Internet now?"

He also saw the message that the so-called SHIELD was Hydra, but he didn't believe it because that was what Li Ye said. What a joke! How could I be Hydra?

"Don't worry, my dear friend, I will get rid of Li Ye as soon as possible and prevent him from interfering with our plan!"

There was a hint of smile in Alexander Pierce's eyes: "My friend, I believe in you!"

But looking into Alexander's eyes, Nick Fury also felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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