Chapter 805 My America
In the American Congress, everyone sat upright. This was the time when the most members of the Congress were present, because they did not dare not to come. They sat around the round table, one by one, like quails, not daring to speak.

"It's really scary~ What do you think, everyone? Hydra is right under our noses, inside S.H.I.E.L.D., they gathered their accomplices and almost killed me~"

This is why they didn’t dare to speak, because Li Ye was sitting on the main seat, and if he didn’t speak, who would dare to speak?

Li Ye now had a slight smile on his face as he looked at everyone present, but no one would think that there was kindness in his smile.

"I remember I was still the Minister of Defense, right!"

Li Ye's eyes turned slightly fierce, and he slapped the table, which scared everyone. No one could forget that this guy was the same when he purged Congress, and he was still the same now.

“Yes, you are the Minister of Defense.”

Li Ye fumbled for the Colt pistol in his hand and smiled slightly: "It's really interesting. Then, who gave the order to attack me?"


It was not the sound of Li Ye's gunshot, but a man standing up. He slammed the table and stared at Li Ye: "You, you may have great power! So what! America's spine cannot be broken! The Ansa bloodline cannot be eliminated!"


This time, it was Li Ye's gun that fired. He smiled and said, "It's really interesting. I wanted to try and see if I could break your bones. In fact, I can! It only takes one bullet!"

There was a hint of teasing in his eyes. Everyone present was like quails, not daring to speak. Even breathing became a luxury. In this quiet room where one could even hear a pin drop, even breathing made a clear sound.

They hope that someone will continue to come out and crack down on the thugs, even if it's just to support them, but this is impossible. This is the foundation of this country, and no one can take charge of the overall situation.

Everyone clearly remembers that night when Li Ye almost destroyed the area with a continuous bombing. Although the scope was not as exaggerated as they imagined, the energy detected and the depth of the explosion were numbers that they could not even imagine, and even directly affected the entire American crust.

Not to mention that terrifying whirlpool. I heard that the scepter that can summon aliens is also in his hands.

They didn't dare to think about what would happen if the explosion spread out to carry out wide-area annihilation. The "mushroom bomb", which they thought was the strongest weapon, was like a toy in front of this guy.

And most importantly, the golden tree above New York is still standing there. Even though that thing is full of warm power, the energy contained in it makes them feel scared and warns them of what is happening.

The quiet room is still quiet, and you can hear a pin drop.

"Tick-tock. Tick-tock."

The sound of the quartz watch was ringing, and they now wished very much to throw the priceless watch to the ground so that these things would stop ringing, as if the sound of the watch could also bring them endless pressure.

At this moment, a voice broke the silence.


This time, there was no shooting, nor was there anyone slamming the table. It was just that someone fainted from being too nervous. Most of these guys are capitalists, and they don't have such good bodies to withstand such an exaggerated scene. It's pretty good that they have held on until now.

The people around this guy hurriedly squeezed to the side, trying desperately to stay away from this guy, because Li Ye's sight had already come here.

"Don't attract the evil star's eyes!"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Then, how about I recommend myself as the Supreme Leader of Congress? As for power, I must have the veto power of Congress."

At this time, someone trembled and said, "No, it's not possible. According to the National Statute, we cannot make it."


This time, it was the sound of this guy's head hitting the ground. A huge figure emerged from the guy's shadow. Surprisingly, this burly and huge figure did not make any sound. The beheading just now was done by this figure.
This guy is a hammer, just like a hoe. This guy is not dead and cannot die. Naturally, he did not unleash his full strength in that battle. Now that he has regained his strength, he must at least have the strength of Sub-Father. Simply put, it is no problem for him to destroy a country.

At this moment in the Congress, blood dripped on the ground, making a sound. Li Ye slowly stood up, smiled and said, "I seem to have forgotten to say that this time, I am not here to ask for your opinions, but to make an announcement! I have used my veto power to cancel the objection of the person just now. Ladies and gentlemen, who is in favor and who is against?"

"I object!!"

"I object too!"

Li Ye's move directly triggered a backlash from some people. Some of them were from the military and were quite stubborn. However, there were only these two guys. Li Ye grinned and said, "You two's opposition was cancelled by my veto power!"

Li Ye is gone, and his rights will appear in the national code the next day, announcing that the Minister of Defense can veto with one vote. Li Ye did not change his position, but just added a few more rights to his position.

He was not worried about the impact of this move on the United States, because Li Ye would continue to sit in this seat, and even if Li Ye did not sit there, they would change the law back themselves.

Li Ye did not kill those two principled guys. If he killed more, only dregs would be left in this country. He needed some interesting guys to help him govern the country.

"It's really interesting~"

He walked out slowly. The guy in the room looked at Li Ye's back and breathed a sigh of relief: "Is that guy gone?"

"The country is changing. Shouldn't we go out? Go to another country?"

"But aren't you afraid that guy will hunt you down?"

Li Ye was sitting in the palace. He looked at the people in front of him and smiled slightly; "Now, the Hydra's visible forces have been eliminated." In front of him sat Captain America. This guy was covered in bandages and tied himself up tightly. He was rescued by Hoe. Shadow's mobility was not bad.

In addition, there was Chu, who was sitting in front of a table, drinking coffee; there was Hammer, who was sitting on the floor; and Marika, who was massaging Li Ye's legs. While Marika was massaging, she would always look complaining, but then she would immediately help Li Ye massage his legs with full enthusiasm as if she had thought of something.

"But Hydra hasn't been completely eliminated yet, right?" Captain America tied his shield to his hand and wanted to continue speaking, but he started coughing violently. It was obvious that his wounds had not healed yet.

On the afternoon of the day when Li Ye dealt with Congress, Li Ye did not say anything, but those guys in Congress spontaneously sent out troops to overthrow SHIELD. It was said that SHIELD's foundation was almost plowed flat. Those guys seemed to be venting their anger by repeatedly trampling on these guys' land.

Of course, this does not mean that Li Ye has completely mastered the country, but the power opposing him has shifted from the surface to the underground. Will the members of Congress really obey him? Maybe some will, but those who are powerful will definitely not. Li Ye knows the identities of those guys who want to resist, but Li Ye did not choose to eliminate them.

Just like Nick Fury, Li Ye didn't crush him to death, because
[Currently Marvel negative emotions obtained: 1008611]

Marvel is a place with many talented people and beautiful scenery. The points given by these guys are simply exaggerated. Even Black Braised Egg, who has no real strength, has given considerable points, not to mention the subordinates behind him.

Nick Fury wants to leave the earth, but he can forget about it. It is not so easy to leave the earth now. It is much worse than when Li Ye had not come yet. He can't make any waves, so how can he make gold coins?
Li Ye looked at Captain America and smiled slightly: "Captain, Hydra has not been completely eliminated. We still need your efforts next time!"

Captain America Steve Rogers looked at Li Ye and nodded quickly: "No problem! Leave it to me! Ahem."

The bandages on Captain America's body made his words almost unconvincing, and Li Ye's eyes were also a little teasing: "I will submit your identity to Congress. I will make you my deputy and give you the power to control the entire army. Go and get rid of those guys! If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, go find Hammer!"

Captain America nodded: "No problem!"

Li Ye supported his chin with his hand and said, "There is no time to lose. You should take up the post right now!"

Captain America looked at the bandages on his body and said to Li Ye: "Are you sure?"

Li Ye nodded: "I am sure, I believe in you. Even if you are bombed by me and turned into meat dregs, you can still turn into Captain America to fight against evil with your will!"

Captain America said, "I don't think so."

"I think it's okay!"

Captain America just left and took up his new post, leaving only Hammer, Hoe, and Marika here.

Li Ye smiled slightly. The automatic point counting machine here was ok. He glanced at Hammer, and Hammer also looked at him, nodded at him, and made an OK gesture. There was a bit of contrast.

Li Ye was conveying a message, and Hammer also understood the message - if something goes wrong, everything will be wiped out!
At this time, Li Ye remembered something and said to the charming woman sitting over there: "Oh~ By the way, Hoe, how is our Prince of Asgard?"

Thor was not dead. Someone had left some kind of protection on his body, and he actually survived that horrific bombing. Although Li Ye did not really use force, it was a bombing that was enough to destroy a sub-God-Father level being. Li Ye did not expect that this guy actually survived.

The hoe smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my lord, I am taking good care of the prince. I have taken good care of all the parts on his body~"

Li Ye's mouth twitched. The maintenance of the hoe was definitely not a dirty joke. The guy was definitely dismantled for parts. This guy was really holding a grudge and had a bad taste.

"Let him live, hoe, Asgard needs a prince over there!"

After all, he is still a friend of Asgard. Although Asgard is not in a good state now and Odin is already in a very bad state, he may still be of help since the queen is still alive.

In addition to Thor, the Hulk is also alive today. It might be because his old mistress "Natasha" died in front of him, and he was a little too angry, which resulted in excessive increase in strength and increased tolerance for beatings. He is now being studied by the big boss, and the current big boss said that as long as Li Ye allows, he can even create multiple Hulks.

It is worth mentioning that in order to bind Banner, Nick Fury ordered Natasha to approach Banner and the Hulk. Looking at the degree of strengthening of the Hulk, it is hard to imagine what Natasha looks like now.

"It can't be used as a blower now, what a pity, I still like Scarlett's face very much"

The hoe on the side smiled and said: "Master, if you want~"

Li Ye shook his head: "That's not necessary. Next, we should put aside these little fights on Earth and look elsewhere!"

He stretched out his hand, holding three gems: the Time Gem that he had tricked from Ancient One and Old Den, the Mind Gem that he had snatched from the three princesses and three princes of Asgard, and the Space Gem that he had taken apart from the Cosmic Cube of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now there are only the Reality Gem left in Europe, the Power Gem in some unknown corner, and the Soul Gem that requires the sacrifice of a loved one. Then all six gems have been collected.

"I also have to find time to help that old boss Ancient One fight in the Dark Latitude dungeon. Sigh~ For the sake of world peace, I really worry about it. It's not too much to reward myself with a Scarlett Johansson clone~ Don't you think so, hoe?"

The hoe smiled slightly: "Everything the master says is correct!"

Li Ye smiled slightly and walked out.

Hammer looked at Hoe in confusion, and Hoe just smiled and said to Hammer: "Do you think the master just wants an insignificant replica? The master is probably eyeing the super-copying ability of the Skrulls, and he is asking me to prepare the prerequisites for this kind of power."

Li Ye, who had not walked far, heard Chutou say this and sighed helplessly. The personalities of these shadow ninja leaders were really abstract.

But he didn't care about that. He just looked up at the starships in front of him. He smiled and said, "This is why the black-salted eggs can't leave the earth!"

The combination of Douluo's technology and modern technology, a spacecraft! Made with a hoe.

(End of this chapter)

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