Chapter 821 Beheading Operation
Thanos' expression didn't seem to be very sad. He was stating Li Ye's victory as if he was stating his own victory.

"you win."

Li Ye looked at Thanos and shook his head: "You understand too little about the world. You have no chance of winning at all."

Thanos nodded: "So I'm just stalling for time."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "You are still thinking about destroying half of the population."

Thanos said: "There is no other way. This is too important to me. I have no other way to deal with you. You are too strong. Therefore, I can only delay time and wait for their victory. But it seems that the ending is really good."

Li Ye looked at Thanos, shook his head, smiled slightly and said: "There is no way, your massacre was successful, but your massacre was not completely successful. Just like I said, it only takes a few years for those people to appreciate to a certain extent."

Thanos was stunned for a moment, then said, "I have no other options left. This is the best way!"

Li Ye nodded: "Indeed, this is the best way, but if you can help me accomplish one thing, I can promise you that their number will not increase in a short period of time. Of course, it is a 'short period' between you and me."

Thanos frowned slightly, his eyebrowless forehead was tangled together: "Don't you need the existence of population? Just like farmers and land, and slaves."

Li Ye smiled and said, "Of course, population is important to me, but if I can dig up an excavator, then it will reduce a lot of demand for ordinary people. After all, no matter how capable the excavator is, it can't do what an excavator can do, right? If there is a harvester, it will be even better! And there are many guys I don't like among the people you killed. If those guys don't die, even if there are enough resources, they will be controlled by them."

Thanos was stunned and said: "So. What do you want to do?"

Li Ye nodded: "I want to kill that woman!"

Thanos was stunned, but then he laughed: "Hahahaha! My friend! I don't feel like a failure just because I lost to you, because people like you can never fail! I am proud that I can be your opponent. Ahahahaha."

Thanos smiled, his eyes gradually turned cold, he looked at Li Ye in front of him and said: "My friend, is it really possible for you to kill them?"

Li Ye shook his head: "I didn't say I wanted to kill them~"

Thanos' eyes gradually turned indifferent, but at this time, Li Ye continued to speak: "Catch them and use them as harvesters, let them lose themselves directly, and be used as tools by me directly. This should not be considered killing them~"

Thanos was stunned for a moment, then he also laughed: "It's really scary my friends, I am afraid for them!"

Li Ye stretched out his hand, and his hand drew some silk threads in the air, and then tapped into the air to generate a dot. Then this dot carried the silk threads downwards and generated another point. This point dispersed again, and this time five points were generated.

"The highest point is OOA, the Supreme Will, below that is the Life Tribunal, and then those guys~"

He didn't say much, but Thanos understood what Li Ye meant: "It's really scary, a time traveler! I didn't understand the meaning of this title before, but now I understand. I am a little curious, which parallel world did you come from."

Li Ye shook his head: "That world. Theoretically speaking, it is not your parallel world. That world is very plain. There is nothing. There are no superheroes or supervillains. There are no aliens in the universe. Before I traveled through time, I stayed on Earth. Oh, Earth is the place where I originally existed."

Thanos looked at Li Ye, somewhat unconvinced: "This kind of world can also give birth to someone like you, I kind of want to go and see it for myself!"

Li Ye laughed: "We have quite a few good brothers in that world. As long as they leave that world, each of them is a genius. For example, there is a guy who can rule the world for eternity, and there is another guy who has become the ruler of a large world. For example, there is a guy who has become the God of the Sea and the Asura. Let's remove the Asura God first, it's a bit low and not presentable. But they didn't return to the original place, unlike me, I want to go back."

Thanos looked at Li Ye talking and smiled. He slowly sat up and said to Li Ye: "You know a lot."

He didn't understand how Li Ye knew about those guys. Li Ye said that he was an ordinary person, but he didn't believe it. How could an ordinary person know such things so easily?

Li Ye smiled and said, "I can't help it. I know a lot of things."

Thanos shook his head: "I recognize you, my friend, but now, I still can't give you that thing. I must witness the passing of life with my own eyes!"

Li Ye shook his head: "Forget it, go ahead. I will try my best to stop you anyway. I have reached my limit. I can't save more people. Those dead guys won't blame me, right?"

Thanos did not speak. Through his perception of the earth, he knew that this guy had almost no jurisdiction over important officials and those top officials. On the contrary, he prevented his men from invading ordinary people's territories. This was a little confusing to him. Normally speaking, shouldn't the senior class be retained?
"You don't understand, Thanos. If those people don't die, there will never be enough resources. Of course, the 'those people' I'm talking about are not all high-level people. Many of them are very good."

"And they won't blame me~ I just don't have enough power, it's not that I don't want to save them~ Don't you think so, Thanos~"

Thanos didn't say anything, he didn't know what he should say.

On the other side, on Earth, in the core area of ​​New York, the United States, cries of grief were heard everywhere. Those guys who claimed to be superior were constantly riding various mobile devices to run towards Li Ye's territory; "Help! Quick! Please ask Li Ye to come out!"

But before they reach Li Ye's territory, they are destroyed by the flying Thanos soldiers: "Ahahaha! How ridiculous! Over there~ that's hell! Our general is over there! How stupid!!"

"No, where is Li Ye! Why doesn't he come to save me! Ah!! Why!!"

"Master Li Ye, we won't dare to do that again! My wealth! All my wealth is given to you!!!"

At this moment, Spider-Man was constantly resisting in Queens and protecting the civilians in Queens. He didn't understand why Li Ye did not show up!

"What on earth is that adult thinking?!"

Before he could do anything, he was hit by an energy bullet, but surprisingly, it didn't hurt. He turned around and saw Iron Man Tony Stark. Tony looked at Spider-Man and said, "Boy! Be careful!"

Spider-Man looked at the place where he was standing just now. He was hit by an energy wave and a large area of ​​the land withered: "What?"

He raised his head and looked at the horizon. There was another large group of Thanos' soldiers. These guys were still wreaking havoc, appearing one after another.

Iron Man shook his head: "Don't worry, my child! Everything will be fine! That guy must be very busy too! Otherwise he wouldn't ignore this place."

"Ding, Mr. Stark, the Defense Minister Li Ye, whom you asked me to follow, has posted a new tweet." Tony was stunned for a moment, then clicked on it and saw that Li Ye was in a vast universe, eating fried chicken with a big guy in front of him. The caption on the tweet was "Fighting with the big bully in the universe! Don't worry, I won't lose, I'm betting on the life of the universe!"

Tony didn't say anything. He couldn't tell from looking at this guy that he was fighting.
"Damn you! Where's your black magic? Where's your vortex of fire? Why are you always like this? I've been fighting for thirty-six hours, and you're eating fried chicken! Hurry up and take my place!"

At this time, Spider-Man came back after leading the small group of Thanos soldiers away. He said to Tony, "Mr. Stark, what should we do? Wait for Mr. Li Ye to arrive?"

Tony looked at the tweet posted by Li Ye and smiled awkwardly: "Kid, we must rely on ourselves! Relying on ourselves is independence! Li Ye is very busy, we can't always rely on him! Of course, you can also try to rely on me! In fact, I am also very strong!"

Tony looked at Spider-Man and his vanity rose again. He wanted this child to like him more instead of that guy Li Ye.

"Believe me, kid! I can do better than Li Ye!"

The next second, an energy bomb hit Tony and hit the wall on one side, raising a large cloud of dust.

Spider-Man immediately went to see: "Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark!"

But before he arrived, he was blocked by a large group of black shadow soldiers that emerged from the ground. They seemed to be holding maps in their hands. They looked at where was ahead, then nodded to each other, waved, and then dispersed to clean up Thanos's men here.

Spider-Man was a little confused, but thinking of Tony, he hurried forward: "Mr. Stark! Are you okay?"

Tony was a little confused now. After seeing Spider-Man, he said, "I was attacked by surprise?"

Spider-Man nodded: "It's okay, Mr. Stark, Mr. Li Ye's soldiers are here, we can rely on him!"

Stark quickly stood up: "No! Child! We still have to rely on ourselves! Child! I can still continue to fight! Don't underestimate me! I am the man you can rely on!"

Then Stark was hit by an energy bomb again as soon as he went out.

"Yes! Trust me! Kid!"

Then Tony was knocked down for the third time.

Serbia, the research institute, was destroyed by Thanos' men, and at the same time, two children were thrown out from here. Of course, although they are called children, they are not young anymore. Now they are about the same age as Spider-Man.

However, the girl didn't look like a girl of her age. She was quite big and her body looked very turbulent when she ran.

"Run! Pietro!!"

"Wanda! Protect yourself!! I'm your brother!"

The girl called Wanda hid behind a wall, and the boy called Pietro ran here like a gust of wind. He brought some clothes and food for Wanda: "Hurry! Hide!"

The war lasted for more than three days, so they had to hide. They were originally in the research institute, but with the collapse of the research institute, they came out here.

Pietro looked outside and saw those Thanos soldiers were still searching for something. He said angrily, "Why are those guys chasing us so relentlessly?"

Little Wanda said to Pietro: "Why don't we go back? Pietro, those guys should be able to save us!"

Pietro shook his head: "I'm afraid they won't be very nice to us either."

Little Wanda said: "But. They can help us kill Iron Man."

Pietro shook his head: "Wanda! You must survive!"

His words seemed irrelevant, but Wanda could understand what Pietro meant. Wanda had seen how those guys in the institute brainwashed people, so they were quite resistant to that place and had no intention of going back this time.

But the battle between Thanos' army and Hydra here lasted for quite a long time, and both Hydra and Thanos were chasing them.

This resulted in them not having food to eat for a long time. Fortunately, Pietro had awakened his super speed, so he could go search for something. However, the energy he could replenish from the things he found each time was not as much as what he consumed. So this time they came out together to find more food.

But it looks like they are out of luck.

The leader of Thanos's men said, "According to the energy reaction! There's the most energy over there! Quick! Go do it for us!"

Thanos has many subordinates, but they are not so luxurious that they can take care of the entire universe, so they determine the location of the masters and attack accurately based on the energy content. It happens that one of the two has a very high energy content.
"Quick! Catch them!"

Little Wanda looked outside, not knowing what to do. The Thanos army outside was still searching for them: "Oh no! What should we do now? Pietro!"

Pietro looked at Wanda and seemed to have made a decision: "There's no other way. I'll have to lead them away! Wanda, you're stronger than me! You're more likely to kill Iron Man! You must survive!"

Little Wanda looked at Pietro and tried to stop him, but before she could, Pietro had already run out.


"Wanda, protect yourself and don't let my sacrifice be in vain!"

At this moment, Li Ye, who was standing high above, was watching this scene and shook his head: "This is really ridiculous~ I hope you won't let me down, I came here specially with my spiritual power~"

(End of this chapter)

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