Chapter 878 Leaving
The mountain goblins are a discriminated race, a race burdened with endless hatred, and also a shameful race. They are vassals of the giants and degraded giants.

They don't have red hair and their bodies are not as tall as giants. They are just a little taller than normal humans. There is no comparison between them and the huge giants.

They were mocked by the giants and used like slaves in ancient times until the beginning of the Golden War.

The Giant War broke out, and Radagon's huge golden hammer smashed the giants' vision. The mountain goblins found an opportunity, an opportunity for the rise of their race, so they turned against the Golden Army and launched a counterattack on the giant army.

The Golden Army inflicted heavy damage on the giants and wiped them out. The mountain monsters’ suffering from the giants ended, but what did they get in the end?
Despite having nothing, they were still treated as slaves, used to pull carts, build things, and even had their fire-breathing organs removed.

And Iggy is one of them, he is a wise man among them, and he has also found a place where he can truly respect himself.

So he didn't want the place to be destroyed.

He could see the utilitarianism in Li Ye's eyes.

"If it were you, you would have deeper thoughts. But if you have any evil thoughts towards Her Highness Lani, I will tear a piece of flesh from you even if it costs Iggy's life!"

Iggy looked at Li Ye, his body slowly straightened up. Li Ye also saw the power of this mountain monster. He was not only a think tank, his strength was also very strong, at least at the level of lv.8.

Li Ye looked into Iggy's eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Hey, old man, I really can't hide it from your eyes, but this is all I want!"

He picked up the hourglass from Iggy's hand. This was something he had to take away.

When Li Ye was about to take the hourglass away, Iggy's fingers held the hourglass. Li Ye frowned, he raised his head, glanced at Iggy, and said nothing.

And Iggy didn't say anything, just looked at Li Ye with his eyes. After a long time, he sighed and handed his other hand to Li Ye: "Mr. Li Ye, if it were you, you should know what this thing is. Iggy begs you to take it."

In Iggy's palm, a doll appeared, a very small doll, with a white hat, white robe, and blue skin. Isn't this the petite Lani?
Li Ye was also a little dazed. He didn't know what this meant. This thing was originally given to the later protagonist, the Fader, so that he could contact Lani, but why was it given to him now?
Iggy also saw Li Ye's doubts, and then said: "Her Royal Highness wants to learn about the outside world through you, but she thinks too simply. She wants to disguise this thing as a weapon that can launch a demigod attack and give it to you, but I think you can definitely tell what it is."

Li Ye nodded: "There will be a silhouette of this thing in the future."

Iggy was stunned for a moment, then said: "Will this kind of thing be used in the future? How terrible will the future be then?"

Li Ye thought about it and gave a stupid order with two fingers. The Faded Ones invaded and messed up the entire border area. By then, those guys would shake even the eggs on the road for Rune. It was indeed a terrible future.

Yiji looked at Li Ye's unspoken thoughts, shook his head, and then said: "Please pretend that you know nothing for so long. I can give you an address where something you want is buried."

He handed Li Ye a piece of paper, and Li Ye took it. On it was written the landmark of a place, and Li Ye could just tell where it was.

"Is this Kalia's study? Is there something else down there?"

Iggy nodded. He saw Li Ye's eyes and then said, "It seems that this thing will not appear in the future. That is, if you don't come, this thing will not be used. In other words, Her Highness Lani will not be in too much danger in the future."

Li Ye glanced at Iggy and had to admit that this guy was really smart. He was able to find so many things from the clues: "Grandpa Iggy, you are really scary."

Iggy shook his head. "If I make you uncomfortable, I won't say this again, but I feel like you should like me to say this."

Li Ye shook his head: "Okay, Mr. Iggy, I agree to your request."

Iggy nodded: "Then I wish you all the best."

Did Li Ye leave? No, he came to the last place to deal with, which was the house of magic professor Miriam.

Li Ye walked straight in. The room was still covered in dust as usual, and there was an eerie atmosphere all around. Li Ye knew that it was just because the woman was too lazy to take care of it.

He went straight to Miriam's bedroom. Miriam was sleeping at this time. She was woken up by Li Ye. Seeing Li Ye coming, Miriam yawned and said sleepily: "What's wrong? What do you want to see me for?"

Li Ye looked at this guy with a confused face and was helpless: "I'm leaving, do you want to come with me?"

Miriam glanced at Li Ye's arm, then said, "I'm not interested. You have too little information about magic to study. I would rather stay in Kalia's study, which is more suitable for me."

Li Ye looked at Miriam and nodded. This was the path she chose and Li Ye had no way to stop her. She preferred magic and pyroxene and was determined to follow this path.

Unlike her, Se Lian is not as determined as he will be later on in his career, and is still interested in researching everything, so Li Ye can coax her into working for him.

Miriam looked at Li Ye and then said, "You said before that you would help me solve the magic problem, but it didn't happen. Fortunately, your woman is not bad and helped me a lot. Unfortunately, she is an origin magician."

She didn't have much discrimination against the Origin Magician, but she still couldn't say she liked him, so she said it directly.

When Li Ye heard the suffix, he said, "Woman?"

Miriam nodded: "Isn't she your woman?"

Li Ye laughed and said, "Come on, she's not as stupid as you."

Miriam felt insulted, but she didn't know what to say: "You bastard"

Li Ye looked at Miriam, and suddenly remembered something, and raised his mouth slightly: "Remember, after you accept the Kalia Library, set traps on the top and bottom of the library, and then saw off the beams, and finally find two lobsters and bears to guard the gate, as well as the royal ghost, and then go to the snow mountain to find two returning tree guard dogs, they must be the snow mountain breed, and finally, if you meet someone you can't beat, just teleport away and go directly to the deepest part of the Kalia Library."

Miriam didn't know what Li Ye was talking about, but she nodded anyway: "Okay, I'll remember it."

Li Ye has already imagined that if a Faded One really opens the door of Kalia's study in the future and sees everyone inside, including the Fire King, the Bear Fire King, the Shrimp Fire King, Ip Man, and the Snow Mountain Return Tree, how happy he would be.

Of course, maybe after the Shattered War, there will be no more invasions by the Faded. Li Ye looked at his fingers, and the traces of the Mother of Fingers on them were extremely clear. This was what he relied on. "Then, let's go towards the weakest demigod."

Li Ye left, carrying a backpack full of materials. Se Lian followed him. Surprisingly, Se Lian was not wearing the women's pyroxene stone suit. Instead, she was wearing a linen dress and followed Li Ye.

Behind them, Iggy and Wolf Brother Blaze watched them walk away, not knowing what they were thinking. Perhaps they were lamenting that Li Ye was just a finger-pointer and was destined to be useless to them? Who knows.

At the same time, inside the small wizard tower, Lani also opened her eyes. She felt the position of her doll and then smiled slightly. But after realizing her smile, she immediately stopped this action.

"The Dark Moon Witch doesn't need companions!"

She stood up and looked at her tall mother beside her, feeling a little emotional. She thought it would be great if Li Ye was not the finger's person. Of course, if he was not the finger's person, she would not ask Li Ye about her own path.

Then she put a few more books on her chair.

Next, she would carefully investigate the power of those demigods. That man wanted to overthrow the entire demigod situation, and she also wanted to see how far this man could go.

Then he saw the man going into a cemetery.
Outside a cemetery.

Se Lian looked at Li Ye with a slightly questioning look on his face; "What are you doing?"

Li Ye waved a shovel and opened the grave mound, revealing the tomb passage inside: "It's getting dark, find a place to sleep."

Se Lian frowned and looked at Li Ye without saying anything. It was obvious that she wanted an explanation.

Li Ye smiled slightly: "It's summer now, and Lake Lienia is hot and stuffy. Look at this cemetery, it's clean and cool, isn't it beautiful?"

Se Lian didn't say anything. She just continued to look at Li Ye. It was obvious that this explanation was unreasonable. Li Ye looked at her and shook his head: "Okay, I'll test my ability. Maybe I will grow in it."

Se Lian spoke this time: "It is written in the Golden Records that creatures lacking love will be more inclined to die. So this is what it means. Do you prefer cemeteries?"

Li Ye was helpless: "I said, increase your strength! And most of the burial objects here are treasures, aren't they?"

Li Ye had always wanted to try whether his strength would continue to improve after robbing the tomb. At that time, he tested that as long as there was a small monster that was not killed, his attribute value would continue to increase.

He never had the chance to try it before, so he wanted to give it a try this time.

Then Li Ye saw Se Lian said nothing and walked in with her arms hugged. There were two arms. Her broken arm was made from the one that Li Ye had torn off. God knows how it was researched and made. Anyway, according to Se Lian, it can greatly reduce the consumption of magic power and can be regarded as a magic wand.

Li Ye looked at her and said, "So what are you doing?"

Se Lian looked at Li Ye as if he was a mentally retarded person: "Didn't you say you wanted to live in here? Would a creature lacking love forget its original thoughts?"

Li Ye was helpless: "Okay, okay, you guy"

After entering the tomb, Li Ye cleaned out those little demons like autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Now he is no longer the person who needed to cut their skin as defense. His skin is now a little tougher than those little demons.

“A perfect start.”

Li Ye tied up the little demons together and placed them in front, then he would make a copy of his own ability values ​​every once in a while. Sure enough, although the improvement was very slow, there would still be an improvement.

As long as the little devil is not dead, the cemetery will still be positioned as the "unbroken" level, and Li Ye will always be identified as a "grave digger". "Grave digging" is of course a bad behavior and is identified as a devil's act. Then Li Ye can continue to improve his ability value.


Se Lian sat on the chair and looked at Li Ye jumping up and down with joy. She didn't say anything and just continued reading the book. As for the little devil and the cemetery, she had no interest in studying them. These two things must be too far away from the origin, and she had studied this kind of thing before.

After learning that he could gain points through the cemetery, Li Ye decided to sleep directly in the cemetery in the future.

"Ah~ I feel refreshed. My ability points increased by thirteen points in one night."

Don’t underestimate Thirteen Points. Sword Princess Ai Si will only improve by a dozen points in the next dungeon. Li Ye can improve it in the time it takes him to sleep. Isn’t this an exaggeration?
The next day, Li Ye took Se Lian to the Kalia Great Study, which was located in the eastern part of the entire Lake Lienia and was also one of the routes that Li Ye would take to go to Nimgefu.

He planned to go directly up the cliff east of Nimgefu, and then pass through the natural barrier to go to the city of Stonewell in the Nimgefu Pass area.

Coincidentally, this large study was on this road, so Li Ye came directly here.

Se Lian looked at the big study with some curiosity. This was one of the few Kalia buildings that had not fallen. The main reason was that the door was closed and they could not open it. Moreover, it was connected to the Great Divine Tower of Lake Lienia, and the mages did not dare to touch those things.

After all, the Tower of Divine Bestowal is the territory of the Two Fingers, where they teach the Great Runes to the demigods, and the Two Fingers can control the entire Golden Church.

Li Ye can open this door because he has the key and because he knows the mothers of these two-fingered people.

Li Ye took out the hourglass called the Inverted Image and knocked it into it. The next second, the entire library opened up. Because Li Ye did not place it on a table, it did not appear upside down.

He now needs to go in first, instead of going directly to the Divine Tower.

Slowly, he took the elevator into the Kalia study, and countless books came into Li Ye's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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