Chapter 902: Cousin Yug
Deep in the heart of Galid, this is the most central area of ​​the entire Galid, but not many people come here because this place is built at the foot of a high cliff.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a pleasant environment and tall trees all around. People and nature are perfectly combined together. The buildings here are luxurious and full of the Rhea Lucaria style.

And today, the people here welcomed a guest, or rather, an uninvited guy.

The village guard looked at the man in front of him and said, "Hey, brother, where are you from?"

The man didn't have a stone mask on his head, but he was wearing magician's clothes, which were very distinctive. They were the clothes of a battlefield wizard.

The man laughed and said, "Hey, what are you talking about? I just rushed back from Lake Lienia. My cousin said that my help was needed here, so I hurried here."

The village wizard looked at the man and said, "Oh, brother, what's your name? And who is your cousin?"

The man laughed and said, "Hey, my name is Youbimei, good brother, my cousin is Yug, you know Yug, he asked me to come, please tell him that he can't come."

The village wizard said, "I know Yug, but wait, are you really Yug's subordinate?"

The man laughed and waved his hand, and a trailless stream of pyroxene magic gravel was shot out. This was the most classic move of the Selia mages.

The village guard laughed and said, "Hey, Dark Night Comet, you've trained well, brother."

The man nodded. "Of course not. I really like this trick. The sneak attack is simply invincible. My cousin asked me to come here to help you. Although he is in Rhea Lukalia, he still misses you very much."

The village guard laughed, and the man took out a letter and handed it to the village guard: "Here, this is a letter from my cousin to you."

After the village guard took it, he also smiled and led the man into a room.

So the man settled down here.

The man was naturally Li Ye. As for Yug, he was probably still recovering from his injuries. It would be a miracle if he could come. As for whether Yug would send someone over, Li Ye was not worried at all. There were not enough people in Rhea Lukalia now, and they wanted to send people out? Isn't this just a foolish dream?
So Li Ye naturally took up this position. As for the move of Night Comet, he learned it from Se Lian. Se Lian had a wide range of knowledge about this kind of move. In the original book, one could find the Night Magic Surprise Attack Gravel next to her real body, which belonged to the same category as Night Comet. It was impossible for her not to know these Night Magics.

So he settled down here.

He waited for a while in the room, climbed up quietly, and prepared his equipment.

He only brought a staff and a holy mark. The staff was not a powerful staff, but a battlefield mage's staff. As for the full moon staff, he left it with Selian.

"Oh, the storm is coming."

He looked at the world outside the window. The grass was still green, but they didn't know that a big mess was about to happen here.

Just like that, he waited quietly for two days. It was not that he did nothing during these two days, but he was concentrating on training his magic. Although his magic practice would not produce any special effects, and he could not use it to enhance the power of magic, it could allow others to see his magical attainments.

"A powerful magician. Or rather, a powerful battlefield magician."

Finally, two days later, a man walked into his house and asked Li Ye about his well-being: "Little brother, are you from Lienia of the Lake?"

Li Ye nodded: "Of course, I was sent by cousin Yug."

The man nodded: "Is Yug okay now?"

Li Ye sighed and shook his head: "My cousin is not doing well, because there is a new evil star in Lake Lienia recently, which is quite a headache for him. This is also the main reason why he did not come here in person."

The man shook his head and sighed: "It seems that everyone has their own problems."

Then the man asked a few more questions, and Li Ye still answered them fluently. The main reason was that these questions were not difficult for him. He and Yuge were "life-long" friends, so it was very easy for him to know these things.

The man also nodded: "Okay, okay, brother, I believe you this time. You can call me Eugene. Do you know that your cousin asked you to come here to help us with something?"

Li Ye looked at the man and smiled slightly: "Sorry, I don't know. I just need to know that I am here to help you. This is my cousin's request."

The man nodded, and then said: "We are here for a great goal, this great goal is to kill Latan and retake the entire Gelid region!"

After he finished speaking, he looked carefully at Li Ye's expression, and Li Ye did not show any surprise, but just said: "Oh, so?"

The man was embarrassed, but then he spoke: "You don't know how powerful that man is. He is known as the most powerful demigod. You also don't know how important this place is to us night magicians. As long as we take this place, we can develop magic with all our strength. By then, the glory of the Full Moon Queen may be repeated!"

Li Ye sighed: "Is that so? Then I want to know, what can my elder brother and I gain then?"

The man laughed: "Then you can come to us, and together we can turn Gaileed into a magic empire!"

Li Ye nodded: "It is indeed very tempting, but you said too much. Even if you didn't say so much, I would still help you."

The man nodded: "As expected of you, you are Yug's cousin. But brother, I do trust you, but my brothers do not. We need you to help us do something now, otherwise it will be difficult to convince them."

Li Ye smiled slightly. Sure enough, there was such a stage. He then said, "Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

The man said, "I need you to kill a Knight of the Red Lion and bring back his armband!"

Li Ye; "."

The man said, "It's not that difficult, is it? Let's see your strength. I can tell you some information. Every day, there will be a fixed knight going to the dragon tomb to clean up the flying dragons. You can go there and give it a try."

Li Ye: "No problem, my friend, just wait here for my good news."

Li Ye was somewhat helpless and asked him to get an armband.
He mounted his horse, rode out of the city and headed for the Dragon's Tomb.

After he left, the man stood with the village guard. The village guard looked at the man and asked, "Do you really believe him?"

The man shook his head: "I don't believe it, but it doesn't matter. When the time comes, we can put him together with the corrupt followers. Whether he is one of us or not, he can make a contribution, right?"

The village guard gave a thumbs up and said, "Great! The mayor is really resourceful."

The mayor was naturally this man. He smiled and said, "Of course. Otherwise, how could we take over the entire Gaileid?" The village guard said, "But what if he is really the cousin of that guy Yug?"

The mayor shook his head. "It has nothing to do with us. His cousin was quite brave. He broke into the enemy camp alone and died afterwards. It has nothing to do with us."

On the other hand, Li Ye naturally came to the Dragon Tomb, but there was really no one here.

He killed 70% of the flying dragons here, and the remaining 30% ran away or flew away. It was impossible for them to stay here. After all, the nature of animals is to seek benefits and avoid harm.

"Hey~ I came to the Dragon Tomb to look for a knight, but I can't believe I'll find one~"

Li Ye walked slowly. He had an armband in his hand, so he was not in a hurry at all. He just needed to turn around a few times and then go back to report.

But as he was riding his horse, he saw a funny man looking at him in an open space in front of him.

Li Ye laughed out loud; "It's really interesting, there is nothing here, but I can still meet an unexpected person, Lord Jie Lian."

The funny man opposite was naturally Jie Lian, the think tank of the Red Lion, but Li Ye did not expect to meet this guy here.

Jie Lian looked at Li Ye, riding his horse slowly and swaying forward: "You are the man who slaughtered the flying dragon here."

Li Ye smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, it's me. Why, Lord Jie Lian wants to punish me? General Latan, the Broken Star, didn't punish me."

Jie Lian approached slowly, and after seeing Li Ye, he shook his head: "I just want to confirm whether you are harmful to the Red Lion Holy City."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I don't think so, what do you think?"

Jie Lian shook his head: "I don't think it's credible for someone who wants to kill the general to say such a thing."

Li Ye said: "It seems that you already know everything I said that day, so what's the point of you asking these questions?"

Jie Lian still shook his head; "I just want to know what you mean by the general asking you to kill him."

This time, it was Li Ye who shook his head: "Everything will be accomplished with the passage of time. Why do you need to know so early?"

Jie Lian bowed slightly and said respectfully to Li Ye: "I'm sorry, I said too much, but Mr. Li Ye, I want to ask you, if there really comes such a moment, please really kill my master."

Li Ye never told his name to the guys in Red Lion, but Jie Lian knew it, which also shows that Jie Lian’s ability to collect information is not bad.

But Li Ye was not panicked at all. He only knew a name. Now Li Ye had eaten so many dragon hearts that his strength had reached that of a true demigod. He was not very afraid of Jie Lian.

Li Ye glanced at him, his eyes full of teasing: "Oh, do you believe me now?"

Jie Lian said: "Yes, I am willing to believe it."

He stood up and threw a badge to Li Ye, then continued: "Knight Li Ye, or Mage Li Ye, you committed a heinous crime. You killed a knight of our Red Lion Regiment and took his badge. You had a fight with us and finally escaped. But it was because of this that we became suspicious of this place and stopped the dragon-slaying movement that had lasted for decades."

Li Ye looked at Jie Lian and smiled slightly: "I have to say, your information is really fast."

Jie Lian shook his head: "It's just that too many things have happened. Combined with the clothes you are wearing, I roughly know what you want to do."

Li Ye didn't say anything, just took the badge and walked back.

The mayor saw Li Ye's badge and laughed out loud. Combined with Jie Lian's arrangement, Li Ye's identity was completely confirmed, and he was in a dominant position.

What Jie Lian meant by his words at that time was that he understood that Li Ye was now going to disguise himself as a magician in order to create momentum for Li Ye and make Li Ye a leader among magicians.

The method is very simple, which is to publicize what he said today. It is that simple, but it is also very useful.

The mayor said, "Ahahaha, my friend, you did a great job. I heard that you had a fight with Jie Lian. How was it? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Li Ye replied: "Sorry, no, but it didn't cause any harm to him either. Jie Lian is just too strong."

The mayor continued: "Wahahaha, don't worry, my friend. You are just a rookie and you have such a strong fighting ability, comparable to the wings of the red lion. I believe in you, you can definitely become the strongest wizard."

Li Ye just smiled awkwardly and remained silent.

"My friend, that day is coming and we will need your strength. So, I will tell you our plan first, and then you can choose when to take action!"

Li Ye's eyes brightened a little, and then he said, "You can talk about it."

Night, late
The entire Gailed was ready to move, because a legion was gathering in front of them.

No one cares whether this legion is strong or not. Every one of them is ready to fight. The orders were given yesterday, the swords were sharpened last night, and the battlefield will be entered today.

From Latan to the common people, without exception, they all picked up their swords and prepared for battle.

“Hahahahaha! Today is my day to become the king!”

Li Ye, who was in the distance, climbed a high mountain and looked at the current Galid, who was full of torches: "What a terrifying mobility."

The mayor appeared beside Li Ye, looking at everything in the distance, and said, "Yes, this is why we haven't taken down Gaileed for so long, but this time, we have a great chance of winning."

Li Ye looked at the torches on the mountain in the distance, shook his head, and then said, "Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

The mayor pointed to the front and said, "We will bring the battlefield here. You will then be needed to lead the mages and corrupt followers to support us and try to hold back Ratan. We can hold back a powerful spell that will be enough to destroy Ratan."

Li Ye smiled slightly. It was obvious that he was going to be used as cannon fodder, but Li Ye knew who would be the cannon fodder by then.

(End of this chapter)

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