Chapter 92 Planning again
With beautiful mountains and clear waters, pavilions, terraces and pavilions,
This is Dugu Bo's lair, of course, not Binghuo Liangyiyan, this is his real lair
After Li Ye cordially greeted his work results, he was so grateful that he personally sent a gift to Li Ye.
However, there are very few people in the mansion, there are only about twenty people in total, and they are all gardeners.
Because Dugu Bo was sick every day at that time, he had to go to the Binghuo Yangyi Eye to suppress him, and he didn't stay here much. Naturally, there weren't many people here.
However, Li Ye has already notified Xiao Yan in his own way, asking him to move his family.
Xiao Yan is also true, the city lord did not do it, so he moved his house and walked this way

Soon, the place will be full of people, and people you can trust

To be honest, Li Ye feels that it is really not a big problem for him to solo God Realm

Twenty times the speed of sound and shooting with the Terra Prism Flying Sword, this is really a dimensionality reduction blow for Douluo
Those gods, if hit in the middle, which one can survive?
And he developed his own Steve panel a few days ago, and it really came out
This made his strength a lot, and it's not a big deal to face these gods
But he doesn't just want to stop here. After all, he has accelerated the Douluo World a hundred times, so it can't be wasted. This kind of time flow speed, developing technology, and developing farms are all quite good.
He closed his eyes slightly, and the most important thing about these is talent cultivation and a trustworthy leadership
He has already found the leadership, that is Xiao Yan, this guy is absolutely trustworthy, and he is one of the few people Li Ye can trust after persecuting others for so long
As for talent?

"Everyone! Gather!"

"I'll send you something, and you can learn from me!"

Li Ye gathered all the servants and distributed some textbooks to them

Looking at the title of the book, all the servants present doubted
"Five years of college entrance examination, three years of simulation?"

"Nine-year textbook?"

"advanced mathematics?"

Li Ye pulled back the advanced mathematics book: "This book is wrong, you should learn what you have first."

If the group of high math guys can learn it, he will directly perform a biting of a lighter
As for these things, he had already thought about them before.

Douluo Continent has such things as soul-guided technology, energy-driven weapons, Li Ye said that he was quite envious, but the development of soul-guided technology was 1 years later
Li Ye doesn't want to wait that long, even if there is a hundred-fold acceleration, it will take 100 years
The current soul guides only store items, and the usage is very rough
So Li Ye directly provided technology and culture to speed up the process

Of course, he didn't expect that these gardeners would be able to learn these things, make some kind of firearms, and directly lead the development of soul-guided technology.
His thoughts on these people are only to provide literature, but he has other methods for soul-guided technology
The main birthplace of soul-guided technology is the Sun-Moon Continent, which is the second plate different from the continent under his feet.
He has asked the Silver Dragon King to send soul beasts to look for it, so there is no need to worry about it.
And there is also a place on the Douluo Continent called the Capital of Steel, which specializes in blacksmithing, and among these blacksmiths, there are three who are the most powerful, and they are called master craftsmen.

One is a subsidiary of Haotianzong, the Titan of the Power Clan, the other is the boss of the Iron City, Lou Gao, and the last one is Tang Hao who was sent offline by Li Ye.

To be honest, Li Ye has doubts about whether Tang Hao will be able to strike iron.

In the original book, Tang Hao didn’t do anything other than beat Tang San with an iron brick at the beginning of the game. How could he become a master craftsman?

"It's a pity, whether he is or not, it is impossible to appear again"

Li Ye didn't care much about the experts among these few blacksmiths.
How many pieces of equipment can a master craftsman produce by himself, and for whom will he use it?Li Ye?he has better

He cares more about things that can be produced on an assembly line, which cannot be achieved by the master craftsmen on the Douluo Continent

Li Ye smiled evilly, what he wants is the entire steel city
It's not easy
The blacksmiths in the Iron Capital are basically self-employed, they just live together, and there is not much direct connection, unlike the Eight Snake Qi Family, Li Ye was taken by their leader, and naturally he took it down
But in this way, Li Ye still has many methods
Fifth Floor, Shenjiang Building

This is the highest point of the steel capital, and it is the place that all blacksmiths yearn for

One of the three master craftsmen of Douluo lives here, no, one of the two great master craftsmen
Building height
Li Ye was sitting on the furnace on one side, stroking the hot thing, looking at the tall building on the other side.
This old boy has been studying things for a long time, and has been addicted to it, and he didn't even know he was here.

Lou Gao is short and fat, with small eyes and protruding ears. If he takes care of his messy hair that hasn't been washed for a long time, he doesn't need makeup to act in a movie.

"Hey, I can see that you have studied for half a point, what have you studied?"

Li Ye couldn't hold back anymore, he just wanted to pretend to be an ass, and when Lou Gao saw him, he would say something flirty and take the lead in the conversation

I didn't expect that sitting on the high side of the building would not raise your head at all.
When Li Ye interrupted his thoughts, Lou Gao immediately became furious, stood up and looked around: "Who! Who is it!"

Li Ye is really speechless, this guy's strength is really not good

He jumped directly and landed beside Lou Gao,
"Who are you! Come on! Come on!"

When he saw Li Ye, he yelled straight away. He knew what level he was, and someone who could sneak into the highest level without a sound was definitely not something he could handle.
Li Ye smiled evilly: "You scream, you scream, even if you scream your throat... Cough, this smell is too strong, what, Master Lou Gao, I'm here to discuss business"

He applied Tiamat to the room as soon as he arrived, negating the fact that the voices in the room would be heard by others

Lou Gao didn’t know, he still shouted, backed away, and pulled out a big wrench to defend himself

Li Ye sighed, and pulled out a roll of blueprints from the void

"I said, I'm here to discuss business, haven't I?"

Then he showed the drawing, and the densely packed words and pictures directly attracted all of Lou Gao's eyes.

Lou Gao threw away the wrench the second he saw the drawing, and walked step by step as if hypnotized by Li Ye.
"This... this is..."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "This thing is commonly known as Barrett, and its scientific name is Barrett m82a1. It belongs to the anti-material sniper rifle. It is semi-automatic and has an initial shooting speed of Mach [-]. Normally speaking, the lethality of this thing has reached the title Douluo. level"

This blueprint was obtained by Li Ye when he searched for technology from various places. At that time, he wanted to give it to the hoe, but when it was time to give it to the hoe, the hoe could make a chainsaw sword
But in this way, it is an exaggerated weapon in the Douluo Continent.

Moreover, Li Ye is not like the God King of Tang Dynasty, he left behind, he let it go without changing at all

Lou Gao has never seen such a battle before, his eyes almost got into it, and he didn't react until Li Ye put away the scroll
"Who the hell are you! What business do you want to do with me?

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I want you, and the entire Steel City, and what I can give you is a hundred times more than what is shown in this blueprint!"

Following his words, he pulled out another stack of drawings from the void and threw them on the table at will

 Pushing the plot, the flower work may be less,

(End of this chapter)

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