Chapter 119 Kill Streak
He was old first, and became gray-haired, as if he had been deprived of all his lifespan in an instant.Immediately afterwards, a crack in space erupted, and his body exploded with a bang, tearing him into countless pieces.


Xu Yu stretched out his fists and broke out from the blood rain and broken bones. His whole body was clean and pure, detached and refined, not stained with a single drop of blood, which formed a stark contrast with the sky full of blood foam and broken bones.

Then, he turned around, and instead of putting away the space-time domain, he used it to defend against the other six powerhouses.

This attack was very successful, but he paid a high price. He suffered several consecutive attacks from five strong men, his body was stained with blood, and his bones were broken.

If it wasn't for the silver wolf and ferocious beast not daring to make progress at the beginning because of his aura, his injury might have been even worse.

That is to say, he can still sustain such an attack. If it were another person, even if he was extremely powerful, his physical body would have been killed.

Xu Yu's current physical body can be said to be difficult to find rivals in the same generation, and rule the world. Even the ancient holy body of the same realm may not be able to surpass him in the field of physical body, and even parity is a problem.

Everyone's faces were grim. They didn't expect him to be able to kill an opponent suddenly in such a siege, which really made his opponents tremble and vigilant.

Xu Yu rushed up and grabbed the magic staff and the armor. These should be two very good secret treasures, not high in level, but infinitely powerful, especially in this imprisoned area, they are even more precious.

In fact, Xu Yu valued the other party's body more, but Nai He had already been crushed by him.He silently devoured the mysterious method, absorbing the spirit of the golden-winged roc and other ferocious beasts.

Although this mysterious method is only a new one and seems very rough, its power is indeed strange and terrifying, similar to the Sky Swallowing Art, it is invisible.

"No, stop him!" Everyone changed their colors, Xu Yu was already very difficult to deal with, if there is another secret treasure to help, it would be even more powerful, everyone would stop him no matter what.

The sound of "Qiang Qiang" sounded continuously, just when everyone thought that his target was the two magic weapons.He suddenly became violent, and a nine-colored heavenly sword appeared in his hand, and with the head of the sword, he directly took the head of the silver wolf beast.

This sudden reversal caught the six powerhouses by surprise, especially the silver wolf, who was scared to death.

suddenly!It was so unexpected!No one expected such a turn of events.

The silver wolf roared angrily, trying to resist, but to no avail.The divine sword erupted with radiant divine light, carrying an incomparably fierce sword intent, and pointed directly at his head.

Before the sword light touched his skin, blood was already rolling on his forehead, severely wounded by the sword intent.

In an instant, he felt hopeless, and he had the desire to die, so that everyone would die together.

Just hearing a loud bang, the silver wolf beast exploded, and the shocking energy storm tore apart everything, distorting the sanctuary constructed by the sacred artifacts, almost splitting open.

It has to be said that this silver wolf is very powerful. The power of its self-explosion actually broke through Xu Yu's physical defense, leaving him bloody and bloody.

The injury that had just been repaired reappeared, and it was more serious than before. Although his life was not in danger, his vitality was also seriously injured.

The silver wolf beast died, and the two powerful men died instantly in a short period of time.The blond-haired and blue-eyed ancient strongman was nothing more than that. Although he was a hero of the younger generation, he was still at the peak of the Immortal One Realm. It was not a surprise that he died at the hands of Xu Yu.

Although he was killed with one blow, he was a bit aggrieved, but no one complained for him. Who said that the person who killed him was actually the Son of the Zifu!
But the silver wolf beast is different. It is a real strongman in Sendai, and it is not the kind of beginner. He is already the second heaven in Sendai, and the monk in the eighth small realm. the ones.

But he was still beheaded by Xu Yu, and he died so tragically that he blew himself up and died together.

Although Xu Yu was seriously injured, he was not incapable of fighting.The most important thing is that he is full of blood, and he can recover quickly even if he is seriously injured.

Seeing Xu Yu's ferocious side, everyone was frightened.This one is not only strong in combat, but also ruthless in tactics. Knowing that the silver wolf beast will explode, he resolutely went in, just to cut off the opponent's last ray of life.When encountering such an opponent, no one would feel palpitations.

In the distance, many great teachers from the outside world were shocked, their faces were shocked, their beautiful eyes twinkled, and they looked at that heroic young man.Although he had known for a long time that he was extraordinary, he did not expect that he would be so aloof, and he felt awe and emotion in his heart, with ups and downs and throbbing.

"Damn you! How dare you kill my friend!"

The lava giant cried out, tears in his eyes.

Killed, ran with both feet on the ground, rumbling, like a chariot from the ancient heavens, crushing the void.

The lava giant has a special physique. Few people dare to approach him because his body is burning all year round.

This also caused that he didn't have many friends, and the best friend in his life was the silver wolf.Xu Yu actually killed Yinlang, that would be utterly irreconcilable with him.

"Kill him, and absolutely don't let him run away, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" The cyan lion roared angrily.

He is more fearful than the strong ones in the world of gods, because they can still run, but he can't.

He is a casual cultivator from the monster race outside, and there is no powerful force behind him to back him up.

Once Xu Yu survives, he will definitely settle accounts with him in the future. With the power of the Purple Mansion Holy Land in the Eastern Wasteland, he is destined to never have a place to hide.

The faces of the people on the other battlefields also changed drastically.This sudden appearance of a dark horse was beyond everyone's expectations and disrupted some people's arrangements.

Even the hydra and black phoenix who did not participate in this battle were also frightened. When they rushed to the jade book, they looked back with ugly expressions.

They had a grudge with Xu Yu, even an undying feud, the more powerful Xu Yu was, the more frightened they were.

In just a split second, Xu Yu beheaded the two masters. Even if they were mighty beasts with such power, they would still have to look sideways at him.

This is a guy who can change the tide of battle.The strong people of the human race are naturally pleasantly surprised. At this moment, whether they are hostile or not, they are all from the same camp.The stronger Xu Yu is, the better their chances of winning.

The ferocious beasts and other strong men did not dare to slack off any longer, and they dispatched several strong men to surround and kill them again.

Golden Tree, Power Ant, God of Cookery Flower and other powerhouses approached step by step, their murderous intent erupted, and their blood was like a sea, making people horrified.Their opponents were taken over by other powerful alien races.

In addition, there are monster and ancient strongmen who also moved. They saw that there was an advantage to take advantage of, and they thought that Xu Yu was seriously injured and could kill him with one blow. They wanted to seize the good fortune from him.

They shot with all their strength and did not dare to be careless, all of them were the strongest secret techniques.For a time, the divine light was brilliant here, the Tao was densely covered, the void was shaken, and the endless destructive energy fluctuated!
This is an absolute must kill!In the face of such an attack, even the mighty and strong must avoid it, let alone Xu Yu who has already been seriously injured!
Nearly ten strong men attacked at the same time, the lowest one was at the peak of Xian Yi, and the strongest almost reached the late stage of Xian Er. With such an attack, even the mighty strong would have to avoid their edge.

Xu Yu's figure flickered, and he dodged among the lightning and flint like a fleeting image.Blessed by the Dao of Time and Space, his speed is unparalleled in the world, and he has the secret of Xingzi among the nine secrets, so he is naturally extremely fast.

The tyrannical attack blasted on the jade steps, shaking the sea of ​​clouds here to shatter, the sun was shining brightly, the clouds were steaming and the mist was clear, the dragons were leaping and the tigers were leaping, and the phoenix was flying.

Xu Yu's body was covered with scars, several cracks that penetrated into the blood and bones, almost tore his body apart, and the internal organs could be seen in the bloody mess.There were several bowl-sized blood holes on his body, which were translucent from front to back, and blood gushed out.

"Kill him, absolutely not let him live."

These strong men roared and launched a pursuit, which was bound to kill Xu Yu.Their speed may not be as fast as Xu Yu's, but relying on the number of people, they also squeezed his movement space step by step, forcing him to fight recklessly with dozens of people.

The lava giant was the first to kill, and the monstrous spirit of earth and fire swept across the sky. His tall and burly body was filled with a sense of oppression. With a step of tens of feet, he raised his fist and blasted like a meteorite falling from the sky. Xiao, the void is distorted.

Xu Yu sneered, among these strong men, the one he feared the most was the lava giant.Although this beast is mighty in combat, what it can rely on is its strong body and the spirit of earth fire, and these are precisely restrained by Xu Yu.

"Big man, don't think that you have well-developed limbs and a simple mind, so I'm afraid of you."

Xu Yu scolded softly, exhaled the innate essence, and transformed into Dao Gang, like a river of heaven falling down, dazzling golden light, dancing in the sky.

The clouds in the ten directions exploded, the hazy fairy mist was torn apart, sparks splashed everywhere, the golden light surged, and the vast divine energy undulated like the sea.

There was a rumbling sound, a tall and burly body was blown away, rocks flew, the flames dimmed, the lava giant spat out blood, and was hit by Xu Yu again.

He rushed forward, wanting to expand the results of the battle, and even kill the lava giant, but Zhu Qiang didn't give him this chance. They joined forces to kill him, forcing Xu Yu to turn around and give up this opportunity.

He was injured too badly, and he really didn't dare to fight head-on with many strong men again. This time, when he fought against the lava giant, his initially healed wound was split open again, and blood was scattered.If it weren't for his amazing physique, exuberant blood, and strong resilience, he might have already lost his combat power.

The lava giant, the blue-haired lion, the God of Cookery flower and other powerhouses have no fear precisely because they have seen this.As long as Xu Yu couldn't kill them with one blow, then the chariot battle could consume him alive.

A few strong men came again, with divine light shining brightly, the light of holy arts shone in the sky, and all kinds of secret methods appeared, all of them bombarded Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's complexion changed, a fierce light appeared in his eyes, he looked up to the sky and screamed, and tried his best to break through in one direction. With super speed, he avoided most of the killing methods, and at the same time opened several visions, guarding For himself, he swiped his hands, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he combined Tai Chi Holy Art, Time and Space Mystery, and Immortal Tribulation Sword Art.

At this moment, he was promoted to the forbidden realm of the gods again, detached from the world, clear in mind, and his speed of enlightenment increased by a hundred and ten times.

Under his control, several kinds of secret techniques were strangely harmonious, superimposed on each other, and resonated with each other, forming a beam of six colors, blasting forward.

Dao Bo is boundless, the magnificent breath overflows, filling the entire void, like an ancient universe opened up, chaotic and misty, filled with the breath of the beginning, imprinted with the innate Dao pattern, densely covered with symbols, this void has become colorful and dazzling, and the sky is spinning.

The moment is eternal, sometimes time fragments fly, the universe is reversed, the void changes, and there seems to be a great change in the world.

In a trance, you can see countless scenes such as the earth, water, wind and fire surging, the universe and the stars, reshaping, birth, old age, sickness and death, all things withering and flourishing, and the world of mortals.

In the end, all these illusory images converged into a dazzling beam of light, blasting towards it.

"not good!"

Everyone said in panic, they were psychic, they sensed the threat immediately, reacted quickly, and retreated quickly.

But after all, they were still a step too late. Their minds were taken away before, and they had already lost the opportunity.This light beam is very fast and has a wide range, covering more than a dozen strong men.

They screamed, and in a short while, some of the dozen strong men vomited blood, some exploded, some had gray hair, and some were full of lifelessness. Their injuries were different.

This light beam is a combination of six secret techniques, and the responses of those who have been recruited are naturally different.Some people were hit by the force of destruction and their bodies collapsed, while others were hit by time fragments and entered a state of aging with strange injuries.

But one thing is the same, they have been severely injured, and their combat power has been greatly reduced.On the contrary, Xu Yu took this opportunity to repair many injuries.

Jin Zhenzhen's forbidden field not only greatly increased his combat power, but also his enlightenment and recovery from injuries were dozens of times faster.

They fled like a flock of ducks.

Half of the green-haired lion's body was shattered, dripping with blood, his body was almost smashed into sieves, and all internal organs flowed out.The lava giant next to him was in even worse condition, full of lifelessness, the spirit of earth fire was almost extinguished, the wheel of life and death was cracked, and his steps were staggering.

Although Xu Yu's body was still covered with cracks, his aura was like a rainbow, his eyes were shining brightly, and his killing intent soared into the sky, like a killing god breaking out of hell.

He held the Nine Gods Sword in his hand, raised the sword and lowered it, the sword light was sharp, and there were two puffs, the head flew up, and he died without regret.

Seeing this, the others quickly formed a group to fight against.God of Cookery Flower is in the best condition. She not only has a high level of cultivation, but more importantly, she comes from the underworld and has a special race. She has natural immunity to this kind of secret technique that is close to reincarnation.

Although her petals were dim, they began to recover in a blink of an eye. The light and rain fell, and the color was crystal clear. In the flower buds, her starry eyes flowed, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her clear and beautiful eyes stared at Xu Yu.

Finally, she launched an attack, and the delicate and crystal-clear petals flew flying, shining with nine colors of brilliance, magnificent and dreamlike, accompanied by the light rain and fragrance, turning into a heavenly knife, sharp and peerless, beheading Xu Yu.

The trajectory of the Heavenly Knife is mysterious, and it merges with the pulsation of the void, arousing the harmony of the Dao.This Heavenly Petal Knife is very dangerous. Although it looked sacred and transcendent, Xu Yu could clearly see that the crystal petals were engraved with black runes, like curses and chrome patterns, which made him palpitate.

Xu Yu was surprised, this God of Cookery flower was too weird.

Under his Six Paths Divine Art, he was not affected much.

The Underworld is indeed weird, and the God of Cookery Flower is worthy of being the top three evil spirits in the Underworld. With its powerful combat power and strange methods, it can be called Xu Yu's formidable enemy.


Xu Yu's pupils shrank. He felt that something was wrong, and his own strength was steadily declining. This time, the time he stayed in the miracle field was actually shortened.

Could it be because the interval since the last time he entered the God Forbidden Domain was too short?
(End of this chapter)

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