Chapter 129
Breaking through the limit and shaping the Yuan Mysterious Realm, the first step Xu Yu chose was to replay the prehistoric universe, and then expand the universe, and then use the heaven and earth as a model to create the Yuan Mysterious Realm.

Since ancient times, the soul of monks has been the weak point of modification.

This is even more so in today's era. There are many saintly masters with unfathomable aptitude in the world today.

Such as Chilong Laodao, who dominated the Eastern Wasteland more than 3000 years ago.

And 800 years ago, the Peacock King who fought against the Lord of Shaking Light, and the human power Nangong Zheng who was with the grass and trees.

These people can also be regarded as the best in an era.Although there is the suppression of Qingdi Dao.

On the other hand, forcing them to not be able to become kings is also because of their own spiritual defects.

Ever since Emperor Huangtian opened up the secret realm, the method of cultivation came, but the method of cultivating the primordial spirit, which was once famous in the ancient times, has come to an end.

Such as the supreme life-killing art in the ancient time of immortality--Peace chaos, and the god-forging method mentioned in the perfect world, this kind of supreme secret art of purifying the primordial spirit, has not been passed down.

And since the age of mythology up to now, there has never been heard of a Heavenly Venerable, Ancient Emperor or even the Great Emperor of the Desolate Ancient who was famous for his powerful soul.

With the loss of the orthodox practice method of the primordial spirit, coupled with the changes in the environment of the world, the law of the great way does not appear.

Most of the holy masters on the Big Dipper who make it difficult to become a king and succeed in life.

But now, Xu Yu has to rely on the bizarre fantasy novels he read in his previous life, and intends to create his own supreme element mystery technique.

Although this is only his initial attempt.But if it succeeds, it will be a difficult step in the history of practice.

The blazing sun transformed by his primordial spirit is shining and dazzling, like real gold, but it is only the size of a human head, but there are dots of stars inside, the sun and the moon are rotating, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, there are also black and yellow ups and downs, the ground, water, wind and fire are surging, Endless dao rhyme gushes thinly, rippling in the blazing sun world.

This blazing sun world is transformed by his primordial spirit, it is the spread of his spirit, all the changes are clear in his heart, he feels like he has experienced the era of opening the sky, splitting the universe in ignorance, touching the Tao The true rhyme.

It was very vague, but it was shocking. This prototype of the universe was formed by the extreme compression of the primordial spirit, and it was the ultimate evolution of force, which made him initially understand the beginning of the world, the origin of all life, and the beginning of good fortune.

His dharma and his way are also being re-conceived, being extremely squeezed by the concentration of the primordial spirit, they have also changed, showing more profound meanings.

This is an oppressive evolution. It is not that these Taos and laws have spirits, but that Xu Yu's potential has been stimulated.

In the unconscious Taoist realm, he went to an extreme, forcibly condensing his soul, driving his true spirit consciousness to a dead end, the wisdom and aura came forth, the way of law evolved, and the protection of the true spirit.

His state is very special, walking on the edge of the true spirit's tolerance, he has not reached the limit, but it is almost there.Consciousness fell into the realm of Dao, followed the trajectory of Dao to evolve the beginning of heaven and earth in a blur, felt the slightest threat, but did not wake up.

"Oops, this kid's condition is not good." The Bodhi Tree said anxiously. He was so restless that his heart almost jumped out, but he didn't dare to shout loudly for fear of disturbing Xu Yu.

He saw that Xu Yu's condition was very bad, somewhat similar to Huadao, when the true spirit in the primordial spirit couldn't bear this kind of oppression, it would be completely annihilated and turned into ashes.The primordial spirit will also disintegrate and merge into the avenue of heaven and earth. This is the way of transformation.

He was extremely nervous, afraid that Xu Yu would have an accident.After all, they had just reached an agreement, and the Bodhi Tree saw a glimmer of light in Xu Yu. This young man was expected to help him get rid of the body of the magic medicine and reach glory and peak. This is his hope.

After all, generally speaking, he was willing to go out with Xu Yu not because of the fairy scripture he promised, but because he was optimistic about his aptitude.

Xu Yu's mind is ethereal, co-existing with the Tao, and he has fallen into the deepest level of enlightenment. His consciousness has captured a ray of mystery before the opening of the sky, and he is deeply obsessed, and unconsciously evolves accordingly.

The human-head-sized primordial spirit was concentrated again, rumbling, as if a piece of sky was being squeezed, the divine energy was like a sea, the celestial light and chaos surged, and the Tao became more substantive. There was an orderly chain of gods, rattling, Dazzling and charming, shooting into the sun.

The true phoenix screams, dances high in the sky, the red clouds reflect thousands of miles, and is as beautiful as blood. The sun and the moon circulate, the yin and yang evolve, and the chaos overflows. Opening the universe, the breath of life is rippling, and there seem to be auspicious beasts and divine birds running around.

His primordial spirit, Chi Yang, became smaller. After being extremely concentrated and suppressed, it was only the size of a fist. The prototype of the universe in it also tended to be more real. The stars were arranged, surrounded by the sun and the moon, shrouded in misty and gorgeous stars, and exhaled in chaos. The world is scattered, everything is beginning to appear, with towering mountains, waterfalls and vast seas, everything appears to be full of vitality.

Under the Bodhi tree, this blazing sun, the size of a fist, was so radiant that others couldn't open their eyes.Although he is not big in shape, the scene inside is extremely magnificent, like a small world cut out from the fairyland, the precious brilliance is transpiring, and the auspicious energy is drooping, which is extremely astonishing.

The primordial spirit has absorbed too much divine energy, and the energy exuded by the blazing sun is as fierce and surging as the waterfall of the divine sea, which is breathtaking.

The Yuanshen has evolved to this stage, but it has actually reached its limit.Whether it is his true spirit or the law, they have all endured to the peak, and if they are further condensed and evolved, they may be about to self-destruct.

Just from the outside, this fist-sized blazing sun is filled with a majestic universe, a vast universe, and countless grotesque scenes appearing one after another.

The dao rhyme emanating from such mutations is extremely astonishing, mysterious and unparalleled, even the king of dao slashing is greatly inspired.

"Enough, enough, it's hard to come this far..." Bodhi Sacred Tree murmured.

It is indeed enough to come to this step, the world evolved by the primordial spirit has infinitely approached the reality, the wild universe is magical, and the good fortune is boundless.

Even if it was evolved by a saint and strong man, it would be nothing more than that.He may be able to surpass Xu Yu in the fields of divine power, aura, and Taoism, but it is absolutely impossible to surpass Xu Yu in the field of turning the fake into the real and the charm of the universe.

If Xu Yu stops now, the Yuanshen will definitely improve a lot, stronger than before, almost immortal, and able to pick up heavy treasures with bare hands.but
This is not enough, what he wants is to open up a real secret realm in the primordial spirit.And this is still fake!It can't reach the limit beyond what he imagined.

The true phoenix chirped and screamed, the sun and the sun mixed together, causing chaos, the world tree supported the sky and was crumbling, and even time and space became unstable.

Even if Xu Yu's consciousness fell into a deep level of enlightenment, he had to wake up temporarily.His thoughts crossed his mind, and before he had time to further evolve, there was already a Wanfa warning, which was already reminding him that he could not continue.

His consciousness was clear, and he smelled a breath of death, and an extremely oppressive haze enveloped his soul.Further evolution, he must be robbed, a kind of intuition, the warning of the soul, very real.

In fact, even if there were no such warning signs, he was very clear about his state, and he had indeed reached the edge of the minefield.But he couldn't stop, or rather, he didn't want to stop.

"Boy, your will is already clear, don't stop now." The Bodhi Tree said.Seeing Xu Yuyuan's spiritual light flickering, he already understood that his consciousness had awakened, and he quickly reminded him.

Xu Yu's state is too dangerous, he may transform into a Tao at any time, and he is floating beside him. If disaster happens, he will inevitably be affected by Chi Yu.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, and I know how to measure it." Xu Yu said perfunctorily.It's just that the Bodhi tree, an old antique, has lived for thousands of years, and its eyelashes are empty, so how could it be deceived by Xu Yu? He just wanted to stop it, but found that it was too late.

Xu Yu's true spirit re-entered the Dao realm, and continued to evolve. The fist-sized Yuanshen Zhiyang was concentrated again, and the brilliance was dazzling. The sound of rumbling explosions was endless, and the void shook, and large ravines appeared one after another. Yes, very scary.

Xu Yu's current state is very complicated, even he doesn't know whether he is still alive or not.

His primordial spirit has all been transformed into Dao, and to explain it in a more popular way in the practice world, it means that he has already disintegrated Dao Bengshen, which belongs to the gray kind.

But he didn't die, or he didn't completely die, there was still a bit of true spirit left, in that extreme.

That pole is very miraculous and special, it is shrinking continuously, it is even smaller than dust, it is almost invisible to the naked eye, and later, it is difficult to find it even with the sky.

But its internal space has not shrunk. On the contrary, it is still like the prototype of the universe he evolved, vast and chaotic.

There is nothing here, only the vast chaos, the waves are calm, like dead silence.

Divine Phoenix Immortality Art, Calamity Calm Art, Tai Chi Sacred Art, Meteor Immortal Seal, Jianmu World Tree, Heavenly Emperor Linchen and other supernatural powers, secret arts, visions, etc., all disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

The calmness here is a bit scary, there is no flow of time at all, time cannot be calculated, the moment is eternal, and the long time cannot be distinguished.

Until in the twilight, Xu Yu "woke up", his figure appeared in the chaos, sitting cross-legged, surging Daoguang, unparalleled splendor, his hands kept shaking, forming countless magic seals, very fast, in the Ripples in the chaos.

This chaos is his spirit, completely controlled by him, pulsating with his breath.In the palm of his hand, he made more and more seals, densely packed, cleansing the entire chaos, breathing in and out as if alive.

In the outside world, the vast essence of heaven and earth is swallowed into the pole like a funnel, and it flows continuously, seemingly without end.Substantializing the spirit and gathering divine energy, this is a scene that ordinary people can't imagine.

Seen from the outside, that extreme point, which is invisible to the naked eye, devours the dao essence of the great universe like a glutton.The brilliance is brilliant, one after another large waterfalls flow, converging to form a vortex, and the bottom is connected to the pole, like a sea eye.

There is only the brilliant light and spirit wandering here, a vast expanse, so dazzling that people can't open their eyes.

All the divine energy was swept away, like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, even the Bodhi tree was robbed of some of its essence, making him tremble with anger, and the rays of the sun shot in.

"It's that stinky boy again, what is he doing? Can't he be more peaceful?" The Bodhi Sacred Tree said angrily.

Ever since he met Xu Yu, he could no longer maintain his aloofness, and he jumped up and scolded his mother several times in anger.This kid simply has no limit to his death, but how to do it, he can't die, which makes people speechless and headache.

"Damn it! If it goes on like this, the spirit of this small world will have to be sucked dry by him." The Bodhi Sacred Tree said angrily.

"Looks like I'm the only one to do it."

This island with a radius of thousands of miles was originally a fairyland outside the sky full of birds and flowers, full of spirits and vitality, but now it looks like a mess.There are countless broken branches and fallen leaves, the high mountains and great mountains have lost their aura, many old trees have withered, and the spiritual springs of the earth veins have dried up. Looking at it, it looks like late autumn, depressed and withered into dead gray.

The land in the center of the island was originally the most divine and holy place where the clouds were steaming, the rosy clouds were shining, thousands of rainbows were shining, and the auspicious energy pierced the sky.

Now, this place has also been robbed, no matter what kind of celestial light or rainbow or auspicious energy, Xu Yu will not refuse anyone who comes, and will devour them all.

Even if it is the chaotic energy gathered from all things and soil, the original essence of heaven and earth, the immortal energy of good fortune and other mysterious spirits, he will not let go, just like the robbers and bandits who are three feet high in the sky and digging three feet in the ground, they are all included and swept away.

The original brilliance, crystal clear, and radiant earth of all things has become much dimmed, and the energy and spirit have been forcibly taken away. Seeing the Bodhi tree is heartbreaking for a while, and my heart is bleeding!

This soil of all things is his lifeblood, it is very important to him, it is the foundation of his existence, now that Xu Yu has kicked him so badly, he is so angry that he can't wait to fight with it immediately.

Even if this is the case with the soil of all things, let alone the soil of the gods, the brilliance is dim, and a lot of divinity has been lost. If he doesn't make a move, he may turn into a mortal soil.

"This time the loss is too great, and this kid must make up for me in the future." Bodhi Divine Tree gritted his teeth.

The branches of the sacred tree are dancing, crystal clear, glowing, and filled with the breath of life. The tips of the branches fly out drop after drop of crystal clear juice, which is very bright, like emeralds, and the breath of life is so strong that it is like a vast ocean.

This is a drop of magic medicine, which is countless times stronger than pure divinity, and it is the essence condensed by the Bodhi tree for thousands of years.

As soon as these sap appeared, it set off a green storm and swept away thousands of miles, making this small world revitalize again. Old trees sprouted branches, fairy flowers bloomed, the great mountain was majestic and majestic, dragon veins roared, purple air was faint, and auspicious colors were transpiring. The small world turned into a fairyland again.

The earth of all things is infiltrated by this, and it also returns to its original state, shining with brilliance, condensing the origin of the great universe.

The brilliant juices are crystal clear like jewels, fragrant and intoxicating, and they fall into the vortex at the same time and merge into the pole.

Finally, the chaos transformed by the spirit was "saturated", and Xu Yu's figure appeared in the chaos, looking extraordinarily tall.He is tall and heroic, with twinkling eyes, which contains the birth and death of yin and yang, and holds a black sword embryo, with sharp sword energy flying around, looking at the entire chaos.


Xu Yu uttered the Dao sound, the wind and thunder rolled, the vicissitudes of life surged around him, and the dao light was brilliant, making it even more gorgeous.

He held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and slashed down with all his strength, the light of the sword drew a beautiful and mysterious trajectory, full of the charm of the avenue, and only heard a bang, the chaos split, the yin and yang qi entangled, the earth, water, wind and fire erupted, and the mysterious energy rose, The yellow air descends, time and space are re-established, the sun, moon and stars enter, and the breath of the beginning of the year permeates.

This is opening up the world, recreating the universe and establishing another universe in the extreme chaos.

The heaven and the earth are just opened, visions are frequent, sacred and transcendent, endless auspicious light hangs down, thousands of auspicious colors, golden lotuses descend from the sky, sweet springs spring up from the earth, purple air travels three thousand miles east, the law of the great way turns into silk ribbons, steaming, and there are dragons and phoenixes Qilin, Xuanwu, White Tiger, Suzaku and other immortal beasts gallop and dance together.

One after another dao map lies across, floating in the void, and thousands of dao rhymes spread out, such as tai chi map, yin and yang map, space-time map, true phoenix map, chaotic map, celestial robbery map, etc., as long as he comprehends The secret arts and fairy arts that have been used all appear here.

What's more, his visions are turned into reality, dancing with this world, building a world tree supporting the sky, fairyland world, chaotic world overlapping with this world, and blending into the big world, the emperor of heaven sits on 33 heavens , the golden sea of ​​bitterness breeds vitality.

Ancient bells, divine cauldrons, heavenly pagodas, fairy swords, great seals and other thousands of magical artifacts also floated in this void, and together stabilized everything here.

At the same time, great changes have also taken place in the outside world. The pole suddenly erupted, like a big bang in the universe, with endless rays of light, like a vast ocean submerging everything, a vast expanse of whiteness, spreading with endless Tao, and the chain of order flying, Just like the Nirvana of a divine phoenix, thousands of feathers march forward, dazzling and unparalleled.

(End of this chapter)

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