Chapter 162 Six Emperor Weapons
A lotus plant in the eternal blue sky, leaving only a sigh in the void, it disappears forever, and it is no longer present in the human world.

Many people felt incomparably moved, even very disappointed, that such an ancient and brilliant emperor had just disappeared forever.

In Xiaoyao's time, he was full of heroism, his ancestors were like jade, and he was crazy when he was young, leaving his contemporaries far behind, astonishing the world.

Now, the hero's white head is gone forever, returning to the loess.

The brilliance that belongs to him floods the entire era, and no one can compete with it, not even the sun and the moon in the sky, but it can only dim.

The people at the same time had already passed away, and they were covered by him. After many years of passing away, he was the only one who lived alone in the world, but he also completely ended.

What would Qingdi look like when he was 20 years old, how heroic he was; what kind of scenery and heroism he would look like when he was 40 years old; how invincible he would be when he was a hundred years old

Everyone present is asking themselves, if they are of the same age, how far will they be from Emperor Qing, and if they are of the same generation, how far will they be left behind?
People at the level of living fossils are even more comparing themselves. If they were Emperor Qing, what kind of situation would they be in when they were more than three thousand years old?
Many young women have ripples in their hearts. If they are with the Qing Emperor, they will have no regrets in this life.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, Yingwei has come from chaos and returned to chaos all his life, with only one sigh.

The sword qi rose in a thousand illusions, and a piece of sword light shone on Tailing's infinite mountain. Not everyone felt sorry for it, and they had already taken the initiative to snatch the piece of green copper.

All kinds of magic weapons were raised together, all kinds of magic weapons were shot out together, golden tripods, stone bells, copper towers, silver furnaces, etc. flew out together, and the sky was densely packed and fell together.

Huaxian Pond is the birthplace of the Qing Emperor. He tied his face on the green copper block, and it is still the same now when he comes back. No one is not moved.

When the golden Tai Chi circle appeared, Ye Fan shouted loudly, and fought against all the strong men, and pieces of fairy light rushed up in the lake, providing him with mana from the sky.

As soon as this circle came out, ten thousand dharmas would not touch his body, he sent a half-step power flying away, Da Zhong coughed up blood and his body trembled.


On the other side, the Northern Emperor Wang Teng appeared, even more fiercely, Wu Daotian opened his eyes, and his pupils were flickering, evolving the mysteries of the universe and starry sky, and each ray of light was like a chaotic sword.


Wang Teng's eyes were as bright as the sea, and his martial arts eyes shot all over the place, cutting down like a heavenly sword, smashing a furnace sacrificed by that powerful man to pieces, and finally piercing through it.

His black hair flew up, his eyes sparkled with lightning, and he approached with one step with the Heavenly Emperor Sword in his hand, slashed across, a bloody light flashed, and a big head flew out.

A great power was beheaded by him in this way, the body was divided into two parts, each flew to one side, the blood rushed far away, staining the bank of Huaxian Pond.

Xu Yu is also doing it, because now is not the time to watch the excitement. Knowing the original work, he understands very clearly that if he can't collect the bronze block today, then he doesn't have to think about it in the future.


A demon lord stepped forward and was about to grab the green copper block. The golden light under Wang Teng's feet soared into the sky, and an ancient emperor appeared, surrounded by nine real dragons, nine divine phoenixes, nine white tigers, and nine basalts. Flooded heaven and earth.

As soon as the chariot rushed past, the demon lord was shaken back, and the green copper piece flew up, becoming an ownerless thing again. Wang Teng stretched out his big hand and grabbed it forward.


Ye Fan turned into a dragon-shaped dao mark in the form of a Tai Chi figure and bumped into it, knocking Wang Teng's chariot aside, with a loud bang, almost overturned.

"Looking for death!" Wang Teng was very indifferent, he raised his sword and slashed, a golden rainbow slashed out.

On the other side, several saints from Donghuang moved forward to grab the green copper, and all kinds of holy master weapons were released.


Suddenly, at the ancient cave of Longmai, the sky was filled with smoke, and the monkey swept across with a big stick, piercing through an ancestral root, and more than a dozen creatures flew away, some were ponies, some were like flying swallows

"Dream-level essence!"

Everyone exclaimed, there was a burst of fragrance, no matter how far apart they were, everyone could smell it, and it almost permeated into the bones and souls of people.


The monkey stretched out a large golden hand and grabbed a squirrel-like creature in his hand.

"Oh my God, dream-level essence!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu stepped on the secret line and made fists with his hands, like a bolt of lightning. Along the way, anyone who tried to intercept him was defeated by him. There was almost no single enemy. It hit him, but didn't even make a ripple.

Appeared next to the fantasy spirit in an instant, with a big wave of his hand, a small green unicorn, a purple-gold young dragon, a blue bird...all were collected by him in the fairy golden cauldron, and a total of five fantasy-level spirits were collected by him. Earn in the arms.

Seeing this scene, all the leaders could not be calm anymore. Many people gave up fighting for the green copper piece and ran directly to the Eternal Dragon Cave. For those whose lifespan is about to expire, that is the most precious immortal in the world. precious.

The monkey caught one, and everyone else was excited. There were more than a dozen fairy spirits. If they could catch all of them, what a treasure it would be.

Of course, green copper is the most precious treasure of Zhongzhou, and it is impossible for all the top figures to give up. Many people are still fighting for it, and they all fight hard.

Ye Fan and Wang Teng were almost on the same side. He evolved the golden Tai Chi circle with the holy method of fighting and fighting, and he used the light of the fairy pond to supplement his divine power to fight against Beidi.

The two collided fiercely, ordinary characters couldn't get close at all, only one Holy Master could confront it, and both sides had the heart of a deadly rival, which was extraordinarily tragic.


A golden Tai Chi descended from the sky, and collided with Nine Dragons, Nine Phoenixes, Nine Tigers, and Jiu Xuanwu, making a loud noise, the golden chariot roared and thundered, and it was dazzling with lightning.

On top of it, there is actually a phantom of an ancient emperor looming, almost real, revealing a terrifying fluctuation that makes one's scalp numb.

The sound continued, and there was a loud shock. Ye Fan's golden Tai Chi circle and the ancient chariot were shaking, almost breaking apart.

At this moment, Ye Fan was terrified. If it weren't for the celestial light flying like a sea, this ancient chariot would be really hard to resist, and the emperor's shadow on it was too terrifying.


There was another loud shock, and Ye Fan used all the six seals of the Immortal Forbidden, and turned the Immortal Lake for his own use. There were brand marks everywhere in the void, and inexplicable words everywhere, like little dragons swimming.

And the golden ancient chariot is also like Yuanhai, the golden divine light rushes out, and the four great creatures, each with nine pieces, are like guarding Ziwei ancient emperor star, making people tremble.


Finally, the ancient emperor opened his eyes and uttered a sound like the beginning of the universe, piercing through the world at once, Ye Fan felt cold all over, and retreated.


There was a scream, and there were more than a dozen powerful monks blood-stained in the loess behind, all fell down, and were penetrated by the power of the ancient emperor Xuying.

"Ye Fan, take your life!" Wang Teng yelled, and the Heavenly Emperor Sword in his hand slashed down, Wu Dao Tianyan also opened, and at the same time, there was a strange force coming.

Ye Fan's heart was shocked, he felt a familiar aura, and there was a power in the other party that made him familiar and close.

The other party used the Nine Secrets to attack him. It was obviously a terrible secret technique. At this moment, he used Xingzi Jue to dodge to one side, and then used various secret techniques to fight out.

With a roar, the source technique moved the fairy lake, making it boil like an ocean, fighting against Beidi.


Suddenly, there was a loud tremor in the distance, and the Great Xia Emperor grasped the Taihuang Sword again, and was rushing here from a distant mountain peak, with extremely powerful imperial power.

This is a very terrifying power. Although it is not as terrifying as in the hands of a holy spirit, it can kill meteorites outside the domain, but it can also wipe out all living beings here.

However, he didn't dare to attack everyone at the same time. After all, not only Daxia has the Emperor Soldiers of the Great Dao, but also other great forces. If he kills everyone at this time, someone will dare to destroy Daxia in the future.

On the other side, the Chilong Daoist and the Peacock King also re-held Chaos Qinglian, confronted with the Taihuangjian, and neutralized most of the emperor's prestige at once, otherwise it would be completely broken.


Duan De finally made a move, he stood with the old blind man, and the two mutilated emperor soldiers joined together to form the most terrifying ancient sky-swallowing magic jar.

At this moment, everyone trembled with fear, and a faint sigh came out, which made many living fossil figures terrified.

"The burden of God in this Jidao Emperor's Armament is always alive, and it can be easily revived." Everyone's hair stood on end. If there was a blow, the million Qinling Mountains would no longer exist.

Duan De and the old blind man didn't pay attention to the green bronze, but appeared in front of the Wangu Dragon's Den, competing for the magic essence of the dream level.

There is only one so-called dream-level essence, but it has grown terribly. Some small creatures were born from the mother plant. Although they are very flexible and have extreme speed, it is difficult for the emperor's soldiers to escape all of them.

As soon as the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar came out, the godless power surged, almost reaching the sky, and rushed into the ground at once, and forcibly detained two living beings, a golden puppy and a pink mouse .

"Haha!" Fatty Duan laughed wildly, but his eyes turned to the green copper in the distance.The old blind man also rolled the whites of his eyes, revealing his real third eye, extremely excited.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the others became even redder, and some of the top figures who competed for the green copper block rushed over and entered the ancient cave.


The emperor appeared, opened and closed, each punch stomped on an ancient acupuncture point, approaching the deepest part of the dragon's vein step by step.

At the same time, the Holy Masters of the Ji Family, the Holy Masters of Yaoguang, and the Holy Masters of the Jiang Family came almost blood-stained, killed several powerful enemies, and entered the dragon's lair.


The top figures roared and moved the mountains and rivers, fighting to the death.By the side of the Immortal Pond, the battle was almost at a fever pitch, and eight people at the Guangsheng master level died.

"Clang", "Clang"

Ye Fan fought with Wang Teng, and finally separated again. Wang Teng's golden ancient chariot is really weird, and it has endless secret techniques, showing a kind of unrivaled secret technique of the ancient emperor, killing the second powerful
It can be said that in this place, he drives the golden ancient chariot, is almost invincible, and is invincible.

"Ye Fan, take your life"


It was another fierce battle, and the golden Tai Chi circle was almost shattered, but the fairy lake here has endless fairy light to borrow, which made up for Ye Fan's lack of mana.

He fought against this formidable opponent with Origin Technique and Holy Law War.

Facing the golden ancient chariot, not only Ye Fan was afraid, but the other holy masters and demon masters were also very afraid and had to retreat.

Because, once the phantom of the ancient emperor on the golden chariot opens its eyes, it can almost wipe out a powerful enemy, and everyone has to dodge.

In the fierce fight, many people died unexpectedly, but the green copper block has not fallen into the hands of anyone, but anyone who rushed to the front will fall.


More than a dozen monks were thrown into the fairy lake. One of them screamed and stepped on an object the size of a fist, which pierced the sole of his foot and was dripping with blood.

"This is!"

When other people saw that object, they all ate it, a fragment of a handed down holy soldier

The cultivator was beaten into a blood mist on the spot, and a group of strong men rushed over to fight for the broken soldier.

On the shore, the heroes fought, and Wang Teng himself could fight against the Holy Lord. He was unparalleled in the world, and standing on the golden ancient chariot, the ancient emperor opened his eyes from time to time to obliterate all the strong, and he was invincible.Here, only Ye Fan can compete with him by using the source technique. It has to be said that the source book wins the mystery of the sky, and in such a peerless dragon fairy land, one can do anything.

Finally, Beidi took the absolute initiative, and was the first to rush to the green copper block on the ground, and grabbed it in his hand. He looked at Ye Fan not far away, revealing a ray of cold light.


However, suddenly the green copper block was shaken, flew up in Wang Teng's hand, and flew towards Xu Yu under his surprised eyes.

After forcefully killing several people who wanted to intercept the dream-level essence from him, Xu Yu saw that the battle between Wang Teng and Ye Fan had come to an end, so he rushed over quickly. At this critical moment, he Finally, he used the "soldier" formula, which is the first glimpse of the profound meaning, to win the holy soldier.

The green copper piece fell into Xu Yu's hands and immediately attracted the attention of others. Even Wang Teng, who was fighting Ye Fan just now, abandoned Ye Fan as his opponent.

Holding the rebuilt Heavenly Emperor Sword to kill Xu Yu, people from other great religions also chose to snatch the green copper block at this moment.

After all green copper block.It has something to do with the real fairy artifact, and no one in the room was indifferent. Even Ye Fan tried to rush over several times, but in the end Hua Yunfei and Li Xiaoman broke out into a scuffle.

No matter how much words are spoken at this moment, it is useless to actually do it, because the people present know that if they cannot beat the crowd, then it is not clear who will get this piece of green copper soon.

After all, there are still a few extreme emperor soldiers on the scene, watching from the sidelines!

Sure enough, the next moment the Taihuang Sword was drawn, and a big golden dragon rushed towards Xu Yu with its teeth and claws.

On the other side, the Peacock King and the Red Dragon Taoist also urged the Qing Emperor's soldiers to attack Xu Yu.Even Old Man Tian Blind and Duan De used the Heaven Swallowing Magic Pot to interfere with the other two imperial soldiers, hoping to seize the green copper piece.

As a last resort, Xu Yu also took out the Yuanshi Seal to protect himself. At the same time, everyone from the Holy Land of Zifu also came behind Xu Yu to send him divine power.

In an instant, the golden dragon exhibited by Taihuang Sword was scattered by the immeasurable clear light emitted by Yuan Shiyin.

Other people nearby couldn't stand under the coercion of the four extreme emperor soldiers and retreated one after another. Wang Teng, who was closest to Xu Yu, was shattered by the imperial power emitted by the four emperor soldiers.

If it is not a critical moment.His sendai glowed, and a series of complicated runes appeared.If it wraps his whole body and disappears here, then he will really go offline early.


A pair of extreme emperor soldiers, against three extreme emperor soldiers, can barely protect oneself, and cannot cause effective damage at all, unless the divine mansion inside the emperor soldier is fully recovered.

But in that case.There will be a battle of extremes, and there will be no end to death.

In the collision just now.Everyone in the Holy Land of the Zifu looked uncomfortable, although Duan De and the old man under the sky planned to fish in troubled waters.But the Great Xia Emperor and the Peacock King are the real main force.

Especially after Taihuangjian had just been revived, it would be handy to call it up again in the Great Xia Dynasty, because the divine mansion inside him had initially awakened and no longer fell asleep.

"Son of Zifu, the green copper block is my Zhongzhou treasure, if you can't take it away, you should hand it over!"

"That's right, even if you have a pair of extreme emperor soldiers, you are still no match for our two extreme emperor soldiers in Zhongzhou!"

According to the words of the Great Xia Emperor, the people who had just finished talking about the Jiuli God Dynasty came here with the Jiuli map and joined the Great Xia Emperor's camp.

Because both are immortal dynasties of Zhongzhou, they have always been closely related.If the green copper block falls into the hands of any one of them, it is equivalent to two ownership.So they will not let Xu Yu take away the green copper piece.

On the other side, Peacock King and Duan De also formed another camp with a clear distinction.

"Oh my god, there are actually five emperor soldiers. If there is a war, then Zhongzhou will be disabled."

"There may be a sixth extreme emperor soldier!"


Another divine power appeared, and I saw a golden-haired, unbelievably beautiful woman, with a golden dragon horn floating above her head, came to Xu Yu's side, and said in a cold voice:
"Now we also have two Jidao Emperor Soldiers on our side. Your advantage no longer exists. Even if the other two intend to join you, the entire Zhongzhou will be sunk. Are you sure you want to go to war?"

The person who came was Long Xin'er, the princess of the Dragon Clan who hadn't seen her for a long time. Xu Yu hadn't seen her for a long time since parting from the Heavenly God Realm. He never thought that he would meet her in Huaxian Pond today.

Because the two had a basis for cooperation before, after Xu Yu discovered its existence in the crowd, he secretly sent it to him, asking her to help, the price is that she can comprehend the green copper block together, and promised Other natural treasures.

Above the Immortal Transformation Pond, the Taihuang Sword turned into a giant golden dragon stretching out its teeth and claws, ready to pounce on Xu Yu and the others at any time.

Jiulitu turned into a real sky, in which the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and land, thousands of races are contained, it seems that it is about to evolve into a world, and smashes towards Xu Yu.

The golden dragon horn also turned into a giant golden dragon, filled with dragon aura, facing Taihuang sword tit for tat, Xu Yu urged Yuanshiyin to confront Jiulitu.

The Qingdi soldiers and the Tiantian Demon Jar are currently in a neutral state and dare not intervene at will.

(End of this chapter)

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