Chapter 171 The Holy Prince Reappears

After many years, the monkey reappeared in the world without any serious disaster. He stood there holding a black gold stick, very powerful.

At this time, his eyes were blazing, and his hair shone with brilliance. He seemed to be made of gold, and his whole body was shining brightly, like a god descending from the earth.

The big black iron rod was bleeding, and a guardian of the emperor was beaten into a puddle of mud, with bones and blood splashing everywhere.

The appearance of the Holy Prince and the confrontation with the Heavenly Prince was undoubtedly a sensation, causing a great chaos, and then the news spread quickly, and many people came to inquire after hearing the news.

"What do you mean?" The emperor's black hair was scattered, and he was shrouded in a five-color divine ring. There were nine paths in total. Protecting him in the center had the meaning of nine or five supreme.

The monkey is quite domineering, with golden holy light surging all over his body, holding a big black gold stick and pointing, looking at the front, saying: "No other meaning, I just want to kill you!"

In all directions, the expressions of the people were greatly moved. The inheritor of the Dou Zhan Saint Ape lineage came. This was really an unexpected confrontation.

The Holy Prince confronts the Heavenly Prince, it can be said that the tip of the needle is against the wheat!

They are all prominent, and many ancient races have to worship them. They are the people with the strongest bloodlines today, and their backgrounds are scary.

Needless to say, the Immortal Emperor has countless legends and is an unrivaled existence, surpassing the gods and supreme.

The Holy Emperor of Dou Zhan is the last emperor in the ancient times. He is so powerful that he can be said to be against the sky. He is honored by fighting and he is called the Holy Emperor.

When their descendants met, it was a veritable comet hitting the earth. The light was dazzling, and everyone had to pay attention. This was a collision of the strongest descendants.

"Holy prince, you are unscrupulous and kill my subordinates in public. Do you think my temper is too mild?"

The emperor stepped forward, with a heroic appearance, flawless, very dazzling, as if the ancient emperor was resurrected.

"I said, I'm going to kill you! In the past, you encouraged a lot of people to shoot at me, and you still have the face to say such things. Today, I'm coming back from my injuries and I'm going to kill them all with one blow." The fighting holy spirit is nine days, just like a fighting god.

None of the ancient creatures present dared to speak, and they were in awe of both of them. This was a battle for the ancient princes, and ordinary people were not qualified to intervene.


The big black stick in the monkey's hand twirled, and it was dripping with blood, blood dripped down, and the pressed void was shaking like a rag.

An old slave behind the emperor changed his color and stepped forward to meet him, preventing his master from stepping forward. He sacrificed a copper lamp, and the wick burned down the sky and suppressed downward.


The big Wujin stick in the monkey's hand was heavier than the mountain. It smashed the Daoguang, extinguished the divine fire, and shattered the copper lamp with the force of Mount Tai.


There was still no suspense, the head of this very powerful old slave was beaten with thousands of peach blossoms, the soul did not escape, and was destroyed in the body.

"I've become a king." A servant behind the emperor exclaimed in surprise, and quickly rushed to the front, protecting the front, blocking the monkey's attack.


The old servant held a dragon horn mace, emitting a string of red light, a red dragon flew out to meet the big stick, and made waves of Dao sounds, all kinds of auspicious lights and auspicious colors were displayed.

This is a duel of kings!The people in the rear were terrified, and they all retreated quickly. This level of strong people is rare in the human race, which made many leaders gasp.

Quick battles, fierce impacts, the monkeys are like the resurrected emperor Dou Zhan, stomping on the world, sweeping with big sticks, crowning the world bravely, dancing the world!

Sparks shot out between the iron rod and the dragon's horn mace, strands of auspicious energy shattered, strips of auspicious light burst, and the traces of the avenue were shattered. The monkey pressed all directions, and the old servant spit blood out of his mouth and retreated.

"As expected of being the son of the Holy Emperor, he is famous for fighting and frightening the world. He injured me just at the beginning of the slash." The old slave's chest rose and fell violently, and the light was flowing all over his body, which was very shocking.

"Good!" Ye Fan was sincerely happy for the monkey.Not only did the monkey come back alive, but it also crossed a very difficult hurdle. You must know how many people were stopped by the Immortal Three Cutting the Dao, and the resistance of the talented people may be even greater.

The emperor finally changed his color, and he was also stuck in this pass, and he has not succeeded in cutting the way so far. If he had confronted the monkey just now, it would have been more or less ominous.

"Son of God, don't make a move. All you lack is time. One year of practice is worth a hundred years of others' merit, and no one can compete with you in the future." The old slave said.

Xu Yu, the people in the Holy Land of Zifu and other human masters were very willing to see the internal fighting among the ancient clans. Except for Ye Fan who was worried about the Holy Prince, everyone else hoped that the internal fighting between the ancient clans would become more serious.

"Holy Prince, you are a member of the ancient royal family, but you walk with the human saint, and you attack all races. Are you going to betray your ancestors?" the Heavenly Prince shouted.

"You really care a lot. Who do I walk with? Do you care? Also, don't give me too much credit. Who can tell how many races I have lived in? I have never heard that the Wanzu is one family, and they have each led the way for thousands of years. In addition, the human race is also a branch of the Wanzu. There is no difference between the inheritors of Mount Huang when they walk together."

The monkey is also very sharp, with a momentum like a rainbow, it moves forward with a stick, and wants to attack, trying to kill the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven sneered, and said: "It's not like in ancient times, when all the clans came back and wanted to dominate the world, but the original land was completely occupied by the human race. Isn't what you did against the big clans?"

"You don't understand what is symbiosis of all races, so don't give me any reason. Do you really think you are the son of God? I don't think about the immortal emperor at all!"

As soon as the monkey said this, many ancient creatures changed their colors. Immortal emperor is a taboo and cannot be profaned.

"Shut up, how dare you slander the Emperor Taikoo, this is a crime of disrespect, and the whole world will punish it!" The old servant who fought against him shouted with a dragon horn mace in his hand.

"You, a slave, dare to yell in front of me, get out!" The monkey yelled, and the iron rod wheel moved out, knocking it backwards, cracks appeared in its body, and blood flowed from the center of its brow.

"Holy Prince, you have passed!" The emperor's eyes were terrifying, his black hair was like a waterfall, and behind him appeared nine divine rings, divided into five colors, just like the emperor reincarnated.

The monkey sneered and said, "My father completely overturned your father's dojo when he was proving the Tao. There is a miracle of fart. He was blasted into scum by a holy emperor fist, but he was deified by later generations."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent. This is a taboo topic, but the monkey didn't care at all. Saying it like this made many ancient people's hearts beat.

Dou Zhan Shenghuang is an existence that is fearless and fearless. He doesn't believe in the so-called gods in the past at all. Otherwise, why would he dare to have such a name? There is only one thought in his heart, and that is-I am invincible!
No matter who it is, or the legendary gods, as long as they meet, he will only punch through and smash them into powder.

All the tribes in the ancient times had indeed heard those rumors, but no one dared to discuss them too much. At the end of the ancient times, it was a world of fighting with the lineage of the holy ape. Who would dare to rebel when the holy emperor ruled the land?
I never thought that today the monkey has nothing to fear, and said everything, making many ancient creatures silent.

"Even if you are of the blood of the ancient emperor, you cannot blaspheme the supreme emperor. Today we will kill you!"

The wounded old slave made another move with the dragon's horn mace, the sound of Dao Lun was like a sea, and the auspicious Dao Guang flew all over the sky, chopping at the monkey's head.

At the same time, an older ancient creature rushed over and rushed towards the monkey.


I saw that the monkey also smashed the dragon horn mace into dozens of pieces with one stick, causing the old servant's arms to split and fell off.

Surroundings, both the ancient creatures and the human race were all extremely shocked, but no one dared to step forward. They didn't want to get involved in the grievances between the ancient emperor's parents and children.

"Sacred Prince, so what if you cut the Dao, do you really think I can't do anything to you?" The Heavenly Prince Senhan, the nine divine rings on the back of his head quickly enlarged, sending out a wave of terror.

"Son of God, calm down, don't force your shots. Your talent is the best in all ages. When you succeed in cutting the Dao, no one in your generation can beat you. You will become an existence like the emperor. Please come to Yaochi, and we will deal with him." His guardian Those who speak.

"Big words!" Monkey said coldly,
"Back then, my father's biggest regret was that he was not born in the same era as the Immortal Emperor, and he couldn't be smashed into scum. Now you and I live in the same life, and it's just for me to deal with you, to taste my old father's wish!"

These words can be described as extremely rebellious, but none of the surrounding ancient creatures dared to say anything, and they all pretended not to hear them.

Monkey's father was the last holy emperor in the ancient times. Many ancient creatures have personally experienced the era when he ruled the world, and his reputation in battles can crush the heavens!
To this day, I still feel fear and awe when I talk about it. The most powerful people of all ethnic groups in those days had to go to pay homage. It was unattainable. After all, he was a living holy emperor, which was more real than the legendary immortal emperor.

It is precisely because of this that no matter how domineering the monkey is, or even disrespectful to the Emperor Taikoo, everyone will not find it strange that the lineage of the fighting holy ape is like a monkey.
So, fear nothing, fear nothing, kill all myths!At this time, Ye Fan, Hou Zi, and Duan De pressed forward together, forming a powerful blood storm, and the golden holy light flooded here.

"Who dares to make a big move here, ignoring the rules of this grand event?" There was a loud shout from the Yaochi, a big person appeared on the stage, and many figures rushed over.

A mountain lord from the Seventeenth Blood Phoenix Mountain and a cave lord from the Thirteenth Cave of Huolin all came. They were all representatives of the royal family. When they saw that it was a monkey shouting to kill, they all jumped in their hearts.

This is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Monkey's current identity is too sensitive. If he really wants to make a big fuss, everyone will be afraid.

"I haven't stepped into Yaochi yet, so it doesn't count as a violation of the rules of the meeting. I want to kill the heir of the Immortal Emperor here today!" The monkey held a big black stick in his hands, full of murderous aura and boundless domineering.

 Drinking with friends tonight, Chapter 2 will make up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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